Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:33 AM

Chapter 1480

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When Shu Junming saw that Xiao Yunhai's mind was determined, his smile on his face was somewhat reluctant. His eyes turned around and said:

"Mr. Xiao, I almost forgot that their invoice has not been issued yet? Just told me that price. "

Such a reason is really too far fetched, next to Lei Hongshen, where do not know what is going on.

A deep look at Shu Junming, Lei Hongshen did not speak, quietly looking at Xiao Yunhai how to deal with it.

"You can't see a coffin without tears." Xiao Yunhai sneered in his heart and said, "so it is. It doesn't matter. I'll go to the finance department and ask for some old invoices. I have to ask them to double the amount of food they eat from me. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai is about to leave and go to the financial department of the crew.

Shu Junming could not help but change his face and said, "Mr. Xiao, how can such a thing bother you. I've been dealing with them all the time. Now let me deal with them. "

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai did not really intend to go to other people's trouble. If he did, Shu Junming would be completely ruined.

So Xiao Yunhai pushed his boat along the river, nodded and said, "it's OK. You go to the finance department, take all the invoices and ask them to give me a refund. The price is based on the market price. If you tell them that one cent less, I will go to their boss for trouble. Well, it's so bold that even I dare to pit. It's unreasonable. "

Shu Junming only felt that Xiao Yunhai's words seemed to be talking about himself. His face was hot, but he did not dare to show any flaws. He said, "what Mr. Xiao said is, I will go to find them."

After Shu Junming left, Xiao Yunhai shook his head gently.

After listening to the conversation, Lei Hongshen looked at Xiao Yunhai with admiration on his face and said, "Mr. Xiao handled it very well.


Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "this man is still very talented. His mind is a little lively, and the bottom line is a little low.

This is a lesson to him. If I don't change it, I can only do business. "

Lei Hong nodded deeply and said, "if he is really smart, I believe he will understand your good intentions."

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I hope so. Come on, Mr. Lei, let's discuss the construction of the dripping blood cave. I think... "

When Xiao Yunhai and Lei Hongshen are talking about the blood dripping cave, Shu Junming finds Wang Zhantao, the leader of the drama group, with a black face.

They were classmates. When Shu Junming was filming outside, he always asked Wang Zhantao to help him.

Xiao Yunhai has a lot of power to the deputy director when he makes a film. Therefore, Shu Junming pulls Wang Zhantao in without thinking about it.

Wang Zhantao's idea of how to make money was almost all Wang Zhantao's idea, and they both took away the big head.

Shu Junming told Wang Zhantao about the matter, and said with hatred, "I'm the one to blame for this. I have to say what 100000 people do. Now Mr. Xiao is very angry, and he has to find trouble with other people's Hengdian. If he did go, we would not be dead. What do you say, Wang? "

Wang Zhantao frowned and thought for a long time. Finally, he bit his lips and said, "Lao Shu, there is no way. We can only return the money honestly and get a new invoice

Shu Junming's face flashed a trace of reluctance and said, "what a pity. But that's the only way to do it. It's just that the deputy director of the materials department of Hengdian film and television city does not agree with it, so it's hard to say. "

Wang Zhantao said, "every step counts. It's really not possible. We'll put them on the mat. We'll talk after this. It's a big deal. I'll try to make money later. "

Shu Junming nodded and said, "that's the only way."

When they found Li Wenkang, Shu Junming said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Xiao asked me to ask you to take the invoice for the material cost issued by Hengdian film and television city to us. He thinks the price is too expensive. Let me communicate with him. "

Li Wenkang heard the speech, but he didn't know that Xiao Yunhai was beating Shu Junming on purpose. While admiring him, he handed all the invoices to Shu Junming without saying a word.

Shu Junming said thanks and left with Wang Zhantao.

Looking at their backs, Li Wenkang said to himself, "this is the opportunity Mr. Xiao has given you. I hope you won't do this again. Otherwise, you're really finished. "

Shu Junming is not sure what Li Wenkang thinks.

He and Wang Zhantao came to the office of Zhou Chao, deputy director of Materials Department of Hengdian film and television city.

Zhou Chao stood up with a big belly, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, and said, "director Li, Mr. Wang, do you have any good things to look for me?"

Shu Junming put more than 20 lists on the table and said, "Minister Zhou, the matter is very big. Mr. Xiao thinks that the materials sold in Hengdian are too expensive and ask you to refund the money. "

"What? That won't work. " With a smile on his face, Zhou Chao said, "Shu Dao, if you want money, you want life. If you can't, let Mr. Xiao come. "

Shu Junming watched the fat man play a rogue this week. He hated him in his heart and said: "we didn't intend to let you make up the difference. As long as you invoice us again according to the market price, and then call the financial account of our production team through your account. As for the money, I'll take care of it. "Zhou Chao narrowed his eyes, nodded and said with a smile, "that's OK."

Anything can be said as long as it is not for him to pay.

In the end, Shu Junming and Wang Zhantao made up the difference between the materials according to the proportion of money they took, which was enough to make up for 3605000 yuan, which almost killed them.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the invoice Shu Junming handed to him, and with a smile on his face, patted him on the shoulder and praised, "Lao Shu, you have done a good job. I'll tell you, the material cost is not so expensive. It's unreasonable for these guys to force me to pay 360000 yuan. By the way, how did you get here? Have they ever been difficult for you? "

Shu Junming felt bitter in his heart, but his face was full of smile. He said, "I went straight to their minister. At first, he was hard spoken. Later, it may be because I said that you are looking for the general manager of Hengdian film and television city. He was a little scared, which made people return the money. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "does he think it's over if he comes back? How can there be such a good thing in the world

Shu Junming even said, "Mr. Xiao, I told him that as long as the money is returned, our crew will not trouble him. And he also promised that he would provide us with materials at the lowest price in the future. I think that's enough for this matter. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and handed the invoice to Lei Hongshen and said, "Mr. Lei, you are an expert in this field. How about the price of these materials? They won't pit me again, will they? "

Lei Hongshen smiles in his heart, but he looks at the invoice quietly, nods and says, "this time the price is really very cheap. It seems to be lower than Xiangshan film and television city."

Hearing Lei Hongshen's words, Shu Junming secretly breathed deeply.

Xiao Yunhai felt that the beating was almost over. He nodded and said, "forget it. Since we are so sincere, we can't go to the chicken. Lao Shu, you go and tell him that I don't want to have another time. If it happens again, I guarantee that his career will be over

Shu Junming had a cold sweat on his back. He nodded and said, "OK. Director Xiao, if there's nothing else, I'll be busy. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "go."

After Shu Junming left the studio, Xiao Yunhai asked softly, "Mr. Lei, do you think he will change?"

A ray of wisdom flashed through Lei Hong's deep eyes. He shook his head and said, "it's hard to say. It's easy to change a country, but hard to change one's nature. "

He frowned in time, and hoped that he could , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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