Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:31 AM

Chapter 1482

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Hengdian film and Television City, Xiao Yunhai to Meng Xuewei after the phone call, is also very angry.

He really didn't expect that Meng Xuewei would step on two boats and not only take her own "Zhuxian", but also other plays. It's really unreasonable.

Since he entered the performing arts circle, there has never been an actor so indifferent to his play.

Seeing that her husband's face was not good-looking, Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, is she really filming?"

Xiao Yunhai's film, let alone Meng Xuewei, is a first-line actor. Even Jin Zun and the Oscar winning film queen have to compete for it.

But this Meng Xuewei simply does not know the good fortune in the body, too does not cherish this rare opportunity.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't care about her. If you can't, change people. My expectations for this play are very high. I can't have any problems with one actor. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded, went to Xiao Yunhai, stretched out her hand to smooth his frown, then took his arm and said, "don't be angry. It's almost time. Let's get there. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "good."

In the lobby of the hotel, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Wang Tianming and Chen Xia, as well as young actors such as Huang Bo and Bai binglu, have already sat in the hotel to chat.

Seeing the two men coming in, Wang Guoan laughed and said, "Yunhai, we have been waiting here for half an hour. How can you get down?"

Sun Yanjun echoed: "yes. You're still entertainers. There's no reason to keep guests waiting for such a long time. I think we'll have three drinks later. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Sun, you are not interesting. We haven't seen each other for more than half a month. Anyway, we have to make love and talk quietly

"Wow No, third brother, you're too fast. " Huang Bo puns.

When they heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Wanqing's face was red, looking at Huang Bo and gnashing her teeth, she said, "neck, you wait, I can't spare you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "some people should spank."

The crowd laughed, and the food and wine were served.

Wang Tianming looked around and asked, "Xiao Dao, why don't you see Xiangyang and Meng Xuewei?"

The smile on Xiao Yunhai's face was stagnant, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiangyang can only arrive the day after tomorrow. He has asked for leave with me. As for Miss Meng, she is shooting a fashion show in Shanghai. I'm not even sure when I'll come. "

Huang Bo said, "shit, what does Meng Xuewei mean? I don't think we should pay attention to Zhu Xian. Third brother, I tell you, Meng Xuewei's film is called "women of the times", which was launched only a month ago. She is the heroine in the play. She has to shoot for two or three months. Can we afford to wait? "

Bai binglu nodded and said, "I've heard about this play. The leading actor is Cui Yanfeng, an artist who is now famous."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't care what she does, as long as she doesn't delay our play. I've given her an ultimatum. If she doesn't come before June 10, she will change people. "

Huang Bo raised his thumb and said, "third brother, domineering."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand, stood up and said, "let's not talk about these unhappy things. Come on, let's have a toast. I wish the shooting of Zhuxian go well

"Cheers." Everyone got up and the glasses collided.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xiao Yunhai asked: "Mr. Wang, our new director fund has been nearly three months from now, how about it? Has anyone contributed? "

Wang Tianming said with a smile: "of course, the quality is generally not high. Only one script named "the son of football" has passed. The director is a photographer. He is 32 years old and has been in the business for 10 years. It is very good. Now it's time to form a crew. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good. I hope his "son of football" can be a great success and set a good example for other directors. In this way, more people will participate. "

Wang Tianming said, "yes. We're looking for a model. "

Wang Guoan said, "the rice should be eaten one mouthful at a time, and the road should be taken step by step. Some things can't be done in a hurry."

Everyone nodded.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai took Zhao Wanqing's hand and strolled around outside.

Hengdian movie city is full of stars and journalists.

Many reporters saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing pressing down the road and took out their cameras and photographed them.

They didn't care, as long as they didn't bother, that would be fine.

Back to the hotel, Xiao Yunhai naturally won't let Zhao Wanqing go. It's hard to get rid of it. The war situation is very fierce.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai gathered the actors together and asked Luo Tianxiong and Luo Jiaban to teach them all kinds of movements. In addition to the Qingyun sword technique, which requires dozens of people to practice, it is basically one-to-one guidance.

After a period of time, the magic special effects company's large forces stationed in Hengdian, a total of more than 60 people, to help Xiao Yunhai shoot.Chen Xiangyang reported in the afternoon of June 3. Seeing that everyone was practicing so hot, he immediately joined in.

On June 10, Meng Xuewei finally brought her team to the crew. Good guy, there were more than 20 people at once. When they got out of the car, they held their heads high and held their heads high.

Shu Junming, who had been waiting in the hotel, frowned when he saw so many people.

"Miss Meng, I'm Shu Junming, deputy director of Zhuxian. Mr. Xiao asked me to arrange your accommodation. "

Meng Xuewei took off her sunglasses and put a smile on her pure face. She said, "that's the trouble. We are twenty-one people."

Shu Junming said, "I'm sorry, Miss Meng. We only have three rooms left in our hotel now."

Meng Xuewei's eyes congealed and said, "Shu Dao, what do you mean by this? My people enjoy the treatment of five-star hotels in any crew. "

Shu Junming said: "that's another crew, not our" Zhuxian. ". According to Mr. Xiao, first-line stars can only arrange three rooms at most, and even the movie queen has only four rooms. As for other people's accommodation, it is up to the stars themselves to solve the problem. "

Meng Xuewei smelled her words and her face was a little ugly.

Zhuang Yuan, the agent next to him, said angrily, "Shu Dao, you are too much? We're late, but we're not going to treat us like that

Shu Junming said: "everyone is like this, we are not specifically aimed at you, please understand."

At this time, Zhao Wanqing, Huang Bo, Bai binglu, Chen Xiangyang, Li Xin and other young artists came down from the upstairs, ready to eat out together.

Meng Xuewei saw that it was Zhao Wanqing. She went up quickly, stretched out her hand, and said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Zhao. We've met again."

Although Zhao Wanqing didn't like Meng Xuewei in her heart, she did not move her face. She shook hands with her and said with a smile, "Miss Meng, you are finally here. My husband and I are looking forward to seeing through the eyes."

Meng Xuewei naturally understood the meaning of Zhao Wanqing's words and said, "I'm going to apologize to Mr. Xiao. I can't help it. I can't get the play arranged by the company. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's good to come. It seems that you have brought a lot of people here. Has the accommodation problem been solved? "

Meng Xuewei said: "we are communicating with Shu Dao. He said that there were only three rooms left in the hotel, which was not enough for us to live in. "

Zhao Wanqing, with a slight frown, said, "Miss Meng, the crew stipulates that the first-line actors can only arrange three rooms at most, and the others can only take charge of themselves."

Meng Xuewei pursed her lips and asked, "can't you accommodate me?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "we have more than ten film masters and more than 20 front-line actors. If we can give you accommodation, how can other teachers tell us. Just like Miss Chen Xia, she is the film queen in our circle. She brought six people here, and finally only two people were arranged to other hotels. If I have arranged all of your more than 20 people, the crew will not be able to explain it to Mr. Chen Xia. The other teachers can't explain it

Meng Xuewei thought for a while and said, "since even Chen Xia is treated like this, I have nothing to say. Where is Mr. Xiao, please? I'll tell him. "

Zhao Wanqing was busy, and he was expected to come back late. Tomorrow morning, all the actors and actresses will get together to talk about the script, and it's not too late for you to find him

Meng Xuewei nodded and said, "OK."

After a few more words, Zhao Wanqing left with the others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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