Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:29 AM

Chapter 1483

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On the way, Huang Bo said: "this big Miss Meng Xuewei is really a cow. She deserves to be the famous Queen in the circle. She has brought more than 20 people all at once. She has to let the crew arrange for her to enter a five-star hotel. It's a good oxfork."

Chen Xiangyang shook his head and said, "he doesn't see whose crew this is or where she can show off. In terms of popularity and status, not to mention Mr. Wang, the film queen, even we are no worse than her. Look, who are we taking so many people? That's not true. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "well, how many people they take is someone else's business, it has nothing to do with us. Just don't break the rules of the crew. Neck, where's the store you're talking about? Why haven't you arrived yet? "

Huang Bo said, "it's fast. It's five minutes at most. It's a pity that this time, the third brother has no luck. "

On the other side, Meng Xuewei comes to her room under the guidance of Shu Junming.

After Shu Junming left, Meng Xuewei's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Zhuangyuan's face is not good-looking, said: "this is a big shop bully, the" Zhuxian "crew is simply too much."

In other groups, not to mention more than 20 people, even if it is more than 40 people, the crew will also arrange for Meng Xuewei.

Can arrive Xiao Yunhai here, unexpectedly only gave three rooms, for Meng Xuewei, or the first time.

Meng Xuewei glanced at Zhuangyuan and said, "don't say that outside. If you let the crew hear it, it's not good. No matter how famous I am, I can't be more than those movie queens, not to mention Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, two international stars. Even they are treated like this. If we say three or four more, it will make people feel that we are not in the right position. "

I have to say, Meng Xuewei is not only able to speak, but also has a good sense of propriety in her work. She can't be the first bird when she sees those movie queens in the crew.

Zhuangyuan quickly nodded and said, "don't worry, Xuewei, I know it in my mind."


"no problem."

After the meeting, Xiao Yunhai left Meng Xuewei alone.

"Miss Meng, have you ever read the script of Zhu Xian? Why can't you read it well? "

Meng Xuewei said: "I didn't know it would be like this."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I asked Sima Qian to inform you, and the title page of the script also says to remember the lines before June 1. Everybody else knows, why don't you know? "

Meng Xuewei turns to the last page of the script. Sure enough, there are some key points to pay attention to, including this one.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you haven't studied the script seriously at all. While there is still time, I hope you can memorize the lines and learn the movements again. Don't drag everyone down in the shooting. It will be very ugly. The movie Zhu Xian is very important to me. I don't want anyone to have problems. Miss Meng, your acting skills are very good. I hope you can use snacks. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left.

Meng Xuewei has never been said in this way since she entered the industry. Her face is hard to see. She has not scolded her on the spot. It is good.

How did she know that Xiao Yunhai was able to hold back and not scold her, which had already given her face. If it had been Huang Bo, Xiao Yunhai would have been kicking and punching.

In a corner of the Hengdian crew, Shu Junming is arguing with a young woman with a hot figure and a charming face.

"Shu Dao, you promised to give me a role with a lot of lines. Is it done now? Why I haven't been informed yet. " The young woman looked at Shu Junming impatiently with some questioning tone.

Shu Junming said impatiently, "what are you in a hurry? The movie hasn't started yet. After the official shooting, I will recommend you to Mr. Xiao. "

"Recommended?" A pair of Danfeng eyes shot a strong dissatisfaction, and said: "Shu Dao, we have to make it clear. When you let me go to bed with you, what you said is 100% sure. Why is it recommended now

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiao would pay so much attention to this film," said Shu Junming. Don't mention the important supporting role, even if there are a few lines of the role, he personally selected

When the woman heard this, she was in a hurry: "do you mean that the things about the role before me have nothing to do with Cen Ruolan, do you?"

Half a month ago, when Shu Junming was looking for location, CEN Ruolan got to know each other in a bar through the introduction of friends.

CEN Ruolan is 26 years old and has been in the circle for three years. Unfortunately, he only wanders in the third line, so he puts his mind on Xiao Yunhai's "killing the immortals".

As we all know, the quickest way to become famous is to make Xiao Yunhai's films. No matter the leading role or the supporting role, they can be red through half the sky.

Originally this kind of thing, had better look for Xiao Yunhai directly.

But Xiao Yunhai has always been upright. In addition to Zhao Wanqing, there is no other woman at all.

Although Cen Ruolan has confidence in her figure and appearance, she is not a little bit worse than Zhao Wanqing.What's more, Xiao Yunhai is busy like a grandson all day, and she has no chance to seduce him.

So, retreat and beg next, she caught Shu Junming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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