Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:28 AM

Chapter 1484

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Shu Junming is both greedy and lustful. How can he stand such a big beauty's embrace? This is a common hidden rule play in the entertainment industry.

But what Shu Junming didn't expect was that Xiao Yunhai would be so strict with the actors. Even a small role, he personally checked, which completely cut off Cen Ruolan's opportunity.

CEN Ruolan in order to get the role, accompanied him for a whole week, how could he give up.

Seeing that the actors and actresses of Zhuxian are all in place, I'm a little worried.

Shu Junming took her arm and said, "Ruolan, don't worry. Don't we have the right opportunity? Even if I can't make it this time, I'll give you a heroine when I'm filming? "

CEN Ruolan snorted coldly and said, "Shudao, you won't make fun of me. Can you compare Mr. Xiao's movies? Anyway, I don't care. I want a character in Zhuxian

Shu Junming was also angry and said, "what can I do now. Almost all the characters have already had people. How can I get them? "

CEN Ruolan turned his face, raised his eyebrows, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Shu Junming, you don't want to admit that you are full. I tell you, I'll only give you half a month. If there's no progress at that time, I'll go to Mr. Xiao directly and let's shoot two pieces. Well, with Mr. Xiao's character, I don't believe he will let you continue to be the deputy director. "

Shu Junming's mouth cocked up for a while and said scornfully, "you sue me? Hehe, is there any evidence? We love each other. It's normal to go to bed. "

CEN Ruolan sneered and said: "do you think my mother will not take preventive measures when she comes out to mix? Do you remember, that night I accompanied you to finish the strong Jian's play, you had a good time. But you don't know. I recorded them for you. If you don't find a way to get a role I'm satisfied with, I'll really ruin your reputation. "

Shu Junming was startled and trembled with anger. He pointed to Cen Ruolan and scolded: "you are such a bitch. You dare to harm me."

CEN Ruolan said: "this is called preparing for a rainy day. What you are defending against is that you don't count."

Shu Junming angrily said: "even if you have a video, you may not be able to sue me. And it won't do you any good. "

CEN Ruolan complacently said: "even if you can't be sued, how about it? "Zhuxian" deputy director of the hidden rules female artists, such a good theme enough to let me stay on the headlines for a week. In today's society, laugh at the poor but not the prostitutes. As long as I have fame, do you think I will still be short of drama? "

"You..." Shu Junming grinned at Cen Ruolan, but could not say a word.

CEN Ruolan can be shameless, but he shujunming still has to mix in the circle. Hidden rules can be done, but can't be said. Once things break out, his life is over.

CEN Ruolan hum a, way: "I wait for your good news."

With that, CEN Ruolan stepped on high-heeled shoes, like a proud peacock, and left the set.

Shu Junming looked at her back and slapped him in the face.

How can I not see that this is a poisonous cobra? This is a big trouble.

Time flies, blink of an eye, to June 15, Xiao Yunhai new film "Zhuxian" start day.

As the world's No. 1 Director, Xiao Yunhai can't hide the fact that he wants to make a new film. Not only more than 300 media came to China, but also more than 200 came from abroad.

Compared with the golden cup award ceremony, it has received more attention.

This also shows Xiao Yunhai's powerful influence from the side.

Originally, the crew arranged the launch conference to the conference room of the hotel. As a result, they couldn't squeeze in so many people. They had no choice but to find a hotel with a large conference room.

After learning about this, Wang Guoan sighed: "a new film has attracted more than 600 well-known media from home and abroad. The director who can make such a big stir is just a sea of clouds all over the world

Sun Yanjun nodded his head and said, "when Yunhai was in its infancy, through his teacher, he found our" Three Kingdoms performing arts "crew and auditioned for the role of Lv Bu. At that time, I thought that this child was a good child, and he would definitely be promising in the future. Unexpectedly, this is just a few years, he actually sat on the throne of the world's first director. When you think about the past, you can see clearly. "

Wang Tianming said with a smile, "you two don't feel sorry here. It is the pride of the whole Chinese entertainment circle and the blessing of Chinese artists that China can come out with Xiao Yunhai. "

Wang Guoan said: "it's the blessing of entertainment companies. But I heard that a month ago, brilliant pictures opened in Hollywood, and none of the entertainment companies joined hands. There is no way, Chu general manager will ask for the sea of clouds. Yunhai didn't give up and asked for help. Good guy, on the opening day, dozens of Hollywood movie stars went to the scene, and the bosses of major companies also came to the scene to express their congratulations to President Chu. "Sun Yanjun sighed: "Yunhai is the person who stands at the top of the Hollywood pyramid. Who dares not give his face. Hehe, the husband should be like that. "

At ten o'clock in the morning, the launch conference of Zhuxian officially began. Xiao Yunhai appeared in the conference room with the actors in Zhuxian.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The camera shutter in the hands of reporters crackled and flashed like a sea of thunder.

"Good guy, this time" Zhu Xian "has almost wiped out all the stars above the first tier in China."

"Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Wang Tianming, Huang Bo... How much money do you have to spend for so many movie queens?"

"Will emperor Yun be short of money? Don't make international jokes. "

After everyone sat down in their respective positions, Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for coming here to participate in the launch conference of Zhuxian. I wanted to shoot this film four years ago, but because of the conditions at that time, I had to give it up. Now the time is ripe, and the special effects have reached the standard in my heart, so I picked it up again. If you have any questions, you can ask them now. "

"Mr. Xiao, we all know that Zhuxian is a Xianxia film. If you want to create a perfect world of Xianxia, it will cost a lot of money. I want to ask a very vulgar question, how much is the investment of Zhu Xian

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not a vulgar question. I always think that if you want to make a good film, you can't be short of money. If you have no money, you can only make do with it. Once you make up for it, there will be problems with the quality of the film. "Killing the immortal" occupies a very important position in my heart. What I want to do is to create an amazing world of immortal swordsmen. It is estimated that more than 90% of the scenes will use special effects, and the cost will be very high. If you really want to ask me how much investment? I can only say that I will not set a ceiling for Zhuxian. Even if it's 10 billion, I think it's worth it. "

"Mr. Xiao, speaking of special effects, will you use the latest 3dimax camera? There are so many special effects scenes, when can you kill them? When will it be shown? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have already said that I must shoot with 3dimax camera. To give you a sense of being in Wonderland, you have to use the 3dimax screen. As for the special effects scene, we rented more than 20 large-scale studios in Hengdian two months ago, and built the Qingyun hall, blood sucking cave, ghost King sect and other fairyland grottoes. The rest is expected to be completed within a month. The most troublesome part is post production. In order to make the film as soon as possible and meet the fans, I'm going to Hollywood to hire a special effects team of 5000 people to produce in groups. I believe I can meet you before the year

"Damn it, a 5000 strong special effects team. It's a deadly rhythm."

"Big pen. This kind of thing, also cloud emperor can do out

"I feel a little hot now. This kind of movie, the visual effect will be absolutely wonderful. "

The reporters were whispering, and some actors who didn't know about it were shocked.

It's true that the 5000 strong special effects team is a bit scary.

"Mr. Xiao, the name of the film is Zhuxian, which literally means killing immortals. I want to ask, is there really going to be killing immortals in the movie? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "no comment. I won't reveal anything about the film. You want to know, go to the cinema in half a year. "

"Mr. Xiao, we have had a lot of Xianxia movies in China. For example, director Jiao fangtao's "Xiaocui" has achieved good results at home and abroad. What's the difference between this movie and other Xianxia movies

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said: "the story of Zhuxian takes place in the world of China, and the background will be far greater than that of other Xianxia films. From this film, you can see the rare birds and animals in ancient times, all kinds of magic weapons of the immortal family, the incomparable sword fighting method and so on. The visual effect will be far better than any previous Xianxia movie. There is only one sentence that runs through the whole. The way of heaven is not benevolent and takes all things as cud dogs. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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