Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:22 AM

Chapter 1488

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Just as Xiao Yunhai continues to shoot the film, CEN Ruolan, who leaves the cast of "Zhuxian" angrily, is being asked by outside reporters.

"Miss Cen, what's wrong with you? Why are there footprints? Did anyone kick you? What's going on in "the immortals"

CEN Ruolan took off his sunglasses and showed a pitiful look. He couldn't stop tears from the corner of his eyes, and his acting skills were almost exploded.

She cried and said, "I didn't expect that in Mr. Xiao's crew, such a thing would happen. Yes, I was beaten. It was Shu Mingjun, the deputy director of the crew

As soon as the reporters heard this, they were all excited.

"Miss Cen, why did he hit you?"

CEN Ruolan wiped his tears and said, "Shu Junming promised to find me a supporting role in Mr. Xiao's crew, but the shooting of Zhuxian has been going on for more than half a month without any movement. I called him and he didn't answer. I can't help it. I have to go to the crew to find him. I didn't expect that he would hit me. "

The reporters are all eight exquisite people. In their minds, it immediately occurred to them that this charming woman must have a story with Shu Junming. Otherwise, why should Shu Junming arrange a role for her.

"Miss Cen, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Shu Junming? Why did he put you in a role? "

CEN Ruolan, in order to become famous, has long been out of his way and said: "what you think is not wrong. In order to be able to play a role in Mr. Xiao's film, I paid a lot, including my body. I didn't expect that in the end, he did nothing. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

CEN Ruolan's words, the cameras in the hands of reporters crackled.

It's amazing.

There are such things as hidden rules in the crew of emperor Yun. It's really eye shattering.

No one in the entertainment industry knows that Xiao Yunhai's crew is the cleanest. From his debut to the present, after shooting so many plays, there has never been any explosive scandal. This is simply a miracle in the circle.

Now it is completely destroyed by this woman and Shu Junming.

A reporter sighed: "cloud emperor is really a thousand years of road, once the funeral ah. If such a thing happens to the cast of Zhuxian, it will be popular all over the world. Now, it's a big problem. "

"Look at this situation, the cloud emperor obviously did not do any public relations, otherwise it is not a simple thing to settle a Cen Ruolan.

"Emperor Yun is a man who takes great care of his feathers. How could he bow to such a thing?"

People were talking in private.

A reporter asked again, "Miss Cen, what is Mr. Xiao's attitude towards this matter?"

CEN Ruolan said: "Mr. Xiao didn't have a clear attitude. He just said that all the characters with lines in Zhu Xian had already had actors, so they couldn't give them to me. As for the matter of Shu Mingjun and I, Mr. Xiao did not ask. "

At this time, CEN Ruolan accidentally saw a familiar figure and came out of the studio.

"Look, he's the son of a bitch, Shu Mingjun."

When the reporters heard this, they quickly caught up with Shu Mingjun, who lowered his head and planned to slip out.

"Mr. Shu, is it true that Miss Cen said that you had hidden rules on her but didn't give her a role?"

"Mr. Shu, you come out now. Did Mr. Xiao dismiss you from the crew?"

"Mr. Shu, have a word with you."

Shu Mingjun was surrounded by these reporters, but he just lowered his head and didn't say a word.

CEN Ruolan passed through the group of reporters and said, "Shu Mingjun, if you have the seed, tell the truth of the matter. Yes? Dare you? Where is the courage to sleep with me? What's more, fooling Mr. Xiao is like fooling a child. Ha ha, it's ridiculous. Compared with Mr. Xiao, you are nothing. "

Shu Mingjun raised his head and showed a long bloodstain on his face. He said angrily, "Cen Ruolan, don't you fart here. When did I say Mr. Xiao?"

CEN Ruolan shook his head and said, "you forgot, I didn't forget. At that time, you were drunk and said that you and one of the leaders of the drama team enriched your own money by arranging the materials for the scene, not to mention the cost of air tickets and accommodation. Ha ha, you dare say, you didn't do such a thing? "

Shu Mingjun was furious, pointing to Cen Ruolan and swearing: "you bitch, don't talk nonsense here. If I want to be greedy for one cent of the material cost, I am not a human being. "

CEN Ruolan snorted and said, "forget it. Do you think Mr. Xiao knows what you do? I've heard that Mr. Xiao just took the opportunity to beat you and asked you to take the invoice from the finance department to change it again. I think you have made up for it with your own money. You deserve it. "

Shu Mingjun's face flushed, and immediately became angry. No matter what occasion, he slapped Cen Ruolan fiercely and roared: "bitch, I'll kill you."

CEN Ruolan, like a shrew, went up and wrestled with him.

The two people's ugliness was clearly photographed by reporters. After shooting, they were separated.CEN Ruolan angry way: "Shu Mingjun, you wait, I will never let you go."

Shu Mingjun said, "you cunt. In order to be famous, take the initiative to seduce me. What's more disgusting is that you ask me for 10 million sealing fee in front of Mr. Xiao. You dare to open your mouth. "

Two people, you and I, quarreled in front of the reporters, which made the reporters happy.

Such a scene is simply a thousand years ago, the entertainment industry for decades, there has never been such a public tear.

After about ten minutes of cursing, the two left in a huff.

"Ha ha, I'm so happy. These two people are really a pair of wonderful flowers. I think they are a good match now

"Women are shameless, not to mention men. Now, the entertainment industry is on fire again. "

"I have to go back and send the photos to the editor in chief, and then come back immediately before noon, hoping to interview Mr. Xiao."

"The most pitiful one is the emperor Yun. It's hard luck to find such an assistant director. "

"Who said it was not. Watch it. This news is absolutely a huge shock to the entertainment industry around the world. "

The reporters guessed well that their photos were published on the Internet, and netizens immediately rioted.

"Shit, the rules."

"There are hidden rules in the crew of emperor Yun. What does that mean?"

"It shows that hidden rules are everywhere in the entertainment industry."

"If something like this happened, the emperor's reputation would be destroyed."

"Shu Mingjun and Cen Ruolan knew that they were not good things."

"Zhu Xian" set, Sima Qian holding a laptop, ran over.

See Xiao Yunhai in filming, although a face of anxiety, but still did not dare to disturb.

The world is big, and filming is the biggest. No matter how big a thing is, you can't disturb the people who are filming. This is the iron rule of the set.

"Brother Qian, what's the matter?"

There is no part of Zhao Wanqing in this play. Seeing Sima Qian's face, he can't help asking.

Sima Qian said in a low voice: "Shu Junming and Cen Ruolan have all been exposed. In front of the media, they not only scold each other, but also fight each other. It's crazy on the Internet. More than 100 entertainment media have gathered outside the studio, waiting to interview the sea of clouds. "

Zhao Wanqing frowned and looked serious. He said, "brother Qian, let me have a look first. How far have they two been making trouble?"

Sima Qian promised to put his laptop on a table.

Zhao Wanqing looks worse and worse. After reading, she scolds directly.

"These are two bitches."

Zhao Wanqing has always been gentle and elegant outside, noble and generous, this is the first time to say dirty words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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