Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:21 AM

Chapter 1489

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Xiao Yunhai finished filming, just heard her words, said: "wife, what's the matter?"

Zhao Wanqing looked angry and said, "husband, look at the good things that Shu Junming and Cen Ruolan have done. It's the name of the play, but we're famous. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Yunhai looks at the computer, and Wang Guoan, Wang Tianming and others also get together.

Five minutes later, Xiao Yunhai breathed deeply and did not speak.

Wang Tianming couldn't stand it any more and scolded, "this Shu Mingjun is a bastard."

Huang Bo hate said: "Cen Ruolan is not a good thing. A woman who hasn't got married even said these things in front of the reporter with dignity. She is not afraid that she can't get married in her life

Wang Guoan snorted, "in order to be famous, they can't do anything. Yunhai, how are you going to deal with this matter? "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says: "he is strong by him. The wind blows the hills. He is horizontal. The moon shines on the river. I don't have so much energy to take charge of the right and wrong outside the crew. Let's try our best to shoot the game well. Don't worry, no matter how they jump, it won't have much influence on the cast of Zhuxian. By the way, who is the leader of the drama group that Cen Ruolan said? Neck, you find him out. I want to see him

Huang Bo nodded and said, "OK."

After a while, Huang Bo came with a middle-aged man in his thirties with a smart face. It was Wang Zhantao, an old classmate of Shu Mingjun.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and said, "say it, how do you and Shu Mingjun divide accounts?"

Wang Zhantao knows Shu Mingjun's problem, but he doesn't know that Cen Ruolan has disclosed the two people's affairs to the outside world. Although he is shocked in his heart, he doesn't have any expression of panic on his face. He asks in a soft voice: "director Xiao, what do you mean by this?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "the quality in my heart is good. At the beginning of the studio material cost, I deliberately beat Shu Mingjun, who ever thought there was you. Then, you should be responsible for the transportation, accommodation and other things before the material cost. Say it out, you leave, I don't want the money back. If the finance department takes the bill and cashes it out, you will have a big problem. Maybe I'll go to jail for a few years

Seeing that he seemed to be fighting for ideas there, Huang Bo rebuked: "what are you thinking? My third brother always talks according to his word. If he doesn't investigate you, he won't investigate you. What good ink is there? "

Wang Zhantao bit his teeth and bowed deeply to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry. Lao Shu and I have made a lot of money by using various names. He's 70% and I'm 30%. It's just that last time, after the two of us made up for the material cost, there was not much left. Because the deputy director of the materials department of Hengdian accounts for 20% of the material cost, we need to pay him in advance. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "I see. OK, since Shu Mingjun is gone, you should also leave. My studio temple is too small to accommodate you two Buddhas. "

Wang Zhantao, with a sad face, said, "director Xiao, I beg you not to pass on this matter. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't find a job in my life."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "if we had known today, why should we have done it in the first place. Don't worry, I won't reveal your name. "

"Thank you. Thank you, director Xiao."

As he bowed, Wang Zhantao could not help thanking him.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his watch and said to Huang Bo, "let's have dinner."

Huang Bo nodded and agreed.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "I'll go and talk to the reporters. It's not a problem to be stuck in the door. "

Zhao Wanqing took his arm and said, "I'll go with you."

Xiao Yunhai gently patted her hand and said with a smile, "this little thing, I used to be enough."

Give Zhao Wanqing a reassuring look, Xiao Yunhai with a few guest bodyguard staff to go outside.

Out of the set, saw hundreds of reporters standing there, Xiao Yunhai helplessly said: "the scandal of our" Zhuxian "crew is so attractive to you

"Yes." The reporters answered, while holding the camera to take pictures, the shutter sound crackled.

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I'm convinced. Ask. If you have any questions, ask them. I'll finish my answer, and you can go back. "

A reporter said: "Mr. Xiao, when did you know about Shu Mingjun and Cen Ruolan? How are you feeling now? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "I know ten minutes earlier than you. As for the mood, it was terrible. Since I became a director, during the shooting, I never deliberately do any publicity to keep the popularity of the film. But now, my "Zhu Xian" is quite famous. You don't have to guess. I know that the three words "hidden rules" must be rotten

"Mr. Xiao, how do you handle this matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can only drive Shu Junming out. What else can I do. At that time, you and I were willing to do so. Although the purpose was not pure, they did not break the law. We can't arrest them. ""Mr. Xiao, does the phenomenon of hidden rules often happen in the circle? Or is it just an individual phenomenon? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it is an individual phenomenon. Several of my former deputy directors, such as Wang Youcai, Luda and Zhao Zhen, are well-known in the industry in terms of their ability and character, and now they have become famous first-line directors. Only Shu Mingjun, even behind my back to make such a thing, really angry me. Yaya, bah, it's also considered that our "Zhuxian" crew has fallen eight generations of blood mold, and has such an associate director. "

"When Cen Ruolan was looking for you, you didn't seem to do any public relations? Mr. Xiao, why are you doing this? In your position, if you say a word, I believe Cen Ruolan should not disclose this matter. "

Xiao Yunhai disdains to say: "how do you let me public relations? Money or roles? I want to do this. Do I still call Xiao Yunhai? "Zhu Xian" is the most important film I have ever seen in my career. Every actor who has lines in it is carefully selected by me. Even if it is an actor without lines, I will have a good look at it. It is absolutely impossible for Shu Mingjun to bring Cen Ruolan to the crew. "

"Shu Mingjun once said that Cen Ruolan wanted 10 million yuan in front of you. Does Mr. Xiao have such a thing?"

"Yes, because Cen Ruolan couldn't get the role, he became angry and gave Shu Mingjun two choices. One is 10 million yuan, and the other is the situation that the net is broken. "

"Mr. Xiao......"

after answering more than 20 questions in succession, Xiao Yunhai finally dismissed the reporter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the case. Xiao Yunhai did not hide anything. Next, I will put all my energy into the film, I hope you can report truthfully, and try not to involve Zhuxian. What's more, I want to warn those young artists that acting is the essence of the entertainment industry. Directors' eyes are bright, as long as their acting skills are good, they will definitely see you. Now is the information age, wine is not afraid of deep alley. Even if they are finally promoted, they will be looked down upon. Now the entertainment industry why there are so many messy things, in the final analysis, three words, not self love. If all rely on strength to eat, then how can there be Shu Junming this kind of person's opportunity. I hope that the artists can think about it. Once they go wrong, they will inevitably do harm to others and themselves. Well, that's all. It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon. You should be hungry. I asked the crew to buy you some boxed lunch. It's delicious. When you are full, go back. "

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Reporters saw Huang Bo and others come out with a large box of lunch boxes and thank Xiao Yunhai one after another.

Xiao Yunhai's answer to the reporter's question was quickly posted on the Internet.

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. It is really magnificent. "

" that's right. If this kind of thing happened in other groups, it would be hidden. Even if asked, they will only say no comment. But the emperor did not make any cover up at all. He did not say a lie

"What emperor Yun said at the end of his speech is really worth pondering. What is the origin of latent rules? It's just that some young artists don't love themselves and exchange their bodies for their superiors. People like Shu Junming are hateful, and those like Cen Ruolan are even more hateful. "

"The entertainment industry is a vanity fair. For fame and wealth, too many people give up their principles. In fact, this is not the case in other areas. It's just that the exposure of artists is too high, which shows that there are hidden rules everywhere in the entertainment industry. "

"Ah, even the emperor's crew has such problems. It's conceivable what other groups will do."

In less than a day, it spread to Europe and the United States, and the whole world knew it.

The cast of "Zhuxian" is also a disgrace. It is estimated that everyone will immediately think of the three words "hidden rules" as soon as they mention the film.

No way, who let Xiao Yunhai stand on it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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