Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:09 AM

Chapter 149

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what is it?

This is a blatant accusation to Xia Chengfeng and his agent Zheng Quanyou. It's normal for old people to suppress new people in the circle. But outside, that's not the case.

Respecting the elderly and loving the young has always been the traditional virtue of China. Xiao Yunhai's words are undoubtedly attacking Xia Chengfeng for not having the demeanor of her predecessors.

"What do you expect from your album? Do you think your fairy tale can beat Xia Chengfeng's night

"Although I don't have the ambition of Mr. Xia to achieve 20 million sales, I will not belittle myself. As far as the quality of my album is concerned, I think it can still be achieved. As for whether you can beat Mr. Xia, to be honest, I have never thought about this question. I just want our albums to be successful. "

Xiao Yunhai calmly and calmly dealt with all kinds of tricky questions put forward by reporters. From time to time, he exposed some network language of previous life, which made the reporters laugh.

Soon, a whole hour of free questioning passed.

The host said on the stage: "although Xiao Yunhai has not been in the business for a long time, he has made a lot of friends in the entertainment circle by virtue of his personality. Here are a lot of stars and celebrities coming to our scene. First of all, let's give a round of applause to invite three peerless beauties, Ms. Dong piaofeo, Ms. Zhao Wanqing and Ms. Cai pingya. "

Xiao Yunhai is also very curious about the friends who come here this time. Although he knows that there should be many people coming, he never expected to come so many.

Dong Piao Piao, Zhao Wanqing and CAI pingya smile and smile. Holding hands, they form a beautiful scenery. They come up from the backstage, causing a stir below. I don't know how many films have been murdered.

After expressing their blessing to Xiao Yunhai in turn, they stood aside.

The host continued: "let's invite Chen Huan, the king of song, and Yao Na, the queen of song."

"Oh, no, even the two of them are here? Xiao Yunhai is really good. "

"What do you know? Xiao Yunhai wrote Yao Na's legend for her. Now Xiao Yunhai has released an album, Yu Qing Yu Li, she will definitely come. "

With the warm applause on the stage, two big singers came to the stage one by one and hugged Xiao Yunhai respectively. After that, Yao Na took the microphone from the host's hand and said, "do you know what the relationship is between me and Yunhai?"

"I tell you, he's my brother. I think we all know about my brother's talent. Although I have never heard of his album, it must be a masterpiece. I think it is worth trusting him. My fans, I hope you can support my brother Xiao Yunhai as much as you support me. He will never let you down. "

Chen Huan took the microphone handed over by Yao Na and said, "since Yunhai wrote the preface to Lanting, I feel that there is going to be a genius in our music industry. Sure enough, I like the songs he wrote one after another. This time I heard that there is a song called "fireworks easy to be cold", just listen to the name, it is very artistic conception. I will definitely buy this kind of album. Please support him more. By the way, Han Shilei, because of something, let me apologize to you and can't come to the scene to cheer for you. In this regard, he left a video, which will be shown later "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and hugged them again.

The host said, "in fact, there are many friends who can't come to the scene for various reasons. But they all have a video. Let's see who they are? "

Reporters all looked up at the big screen, Xiao Yunhai also curiously turned to look.

"Look, this is Han Shilei. No wonder you didn't come? It turns out that I'm sick. I'm beating a bottle. "

"Wow, it's the film Emperor Huang Qiusheng. How could he have something to do with Xiao Yunhai?"

"This is Yu Yuexian, the film queen. It's so beautiful."

"No? This is the drama group of the Three Kingdoms. Director Hong Tianqiao, starring Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun. Good fellow, they are all big people. "

"Yes, they are all in costumes. This should have been taken at the scene. "

"God, even the great directors Wu Zixu, Chen Qingqing, and the film Emperor Huang Peiqi also brought blessings."

"Good. It's too strong for Xiao Yunhai to make friends with so many big people. "

Xiao Yunhai is very grateful for the support of these predecessors.

Since stepping into the entertainment industry, in just a few months, although directly or indirectly offended many people like Lin Yuying and Xia Chengfeng, they have made a lot of like-minded predecessors and friends, and they are their biggest harvest.

After the film was finished, Su Yingxue suddenly came up and whispered to the supporter, "Mr. Ye Yongren is here. Do you dare to invite him to the stage?"

The host was surprised, as if he could not believe his ears, and asked again: "who do you say it is?"

"Ye Yongren."

Su Yingxue is also very excited at this time.

In China, such as ye Yongren, the most top-notch movie and TV song king, is usually so busy. The schedule of announcements, activities, filming, concerts and so on can be arranged after half a year.It is said that for three months last year, he didn't even have time to sleep. He was an iron man.

Su Yingxue knows that ye Yongren and Xiao Yunhai have a good relationship. At the golden cup award ceremony, the two sang together on stage and off the stage, which made the whole venue very lively.

But even so, she did not expect that ye Yongren would attach so much importance to Xiao Yunhai that she would personally come to the platform for Xiao Yunhai.

At this moment, Xia Chengfeng is not angry.

The host stabilized his mind for a moment, picked up the microphone and said: "just got the news, Xiao Yunhai has another friend in his busy time, personally came to bless him. I won't say his name. I think all the Chinese know him. Now let's give him a round of applause, will you

The audience was very cooperative and gave out thunderous applause.

Originally, it was just a foil, but when ye Yongren, dressed in a suit, appeared, everyone cheered up, and the scene fell into unprecedented madness.

What is the heavenly king? This is the heavenly king.

Every move can be welcomed by everyone.

Reporters were also surprised to see ye Yongren.

Many reporters were obviously stunned for a moment, and then the camera in their hands kept shooting, making the whole activity scene white and could not see clearly.

Ye Yongren smiles and hugs Xiao Yunhai, takes the microphone handed over by the host and blows it gently.

The noisy scene immediately quieted down, and everyone quietly waited for ye Yongren's speech. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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