Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:20 AM

Chapter 1490

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Through this incident, CEN Ruolan successfully attracted the attention of many entertainment companies. Especially her charming face and fiery figure make many directors who shoot special love films find her one after another.

Half a month later, she signed in to an American entertainment company that specializes in making special love films. In half a year, she made three films and became the dream lover of young men in Europe and America.

But Shu Mingjun was not so lucky. After being expelled by Hanhai film and television company, Huaxia did not have any company willing to ask him, so he had to go to Japan for development. Unfortunately, it hasn't come to the fore.

Of course, these are all afterwords.

The hidden rules event has been popular on the Internet for a week and has been inundated by other news from the entertainment industry.

Xiao Yunhai was finally relieved.

On that day, Meng Xuewei came back to the hotel with her tired body after filming.

After dinner, took a hot bath, just wanted to rest, the mobile phone rang.

Open a look, Meng Xuewei frowned, is the "time women" director Zhang Gongli number.

These days, Zhang Gongli has been calling her, hoping that she can go back and shoot the rest of the scene, but Xiao Yunhai's "Zhuxian" is in the most critical stage of seven pulse martial arts. If they are not there, hundreds of people will have to wait and work there.

The daily cost is as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan. If Meng Xuewei dares to leave, Xiao Yunhai must kill her.

After such a long time together, Meng Xuewei has a good understanding of Xiao Yunhai's character.

On weekdays, he likes to make jokes, and he will not be angry even if he hates him in front of him.

But when working, the requirements are very strict. Standing there is like an emperor who has the power of life and death. Even Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun dare to criticize, let alone others.

As long as Xiao Yunhai stands there, the whole crew must obey his orders, and no one is allowed to resist.

Meng Xuewei is known as the queen of entertainment circle, but in front of Xiao Yunhai, she has a faint fear in her heart.

"Hello, director Zhang. How are you?" Meng Xuewei connects the phone and says softly.

Zhang Gongli said: "I am very bad now. Xuewei, just like me, Lao Zhang, please, our play can't be delayed any more. I know what Mr. Xiao's "killing the immortals" means to an artist, but we can't let everyone in the studio just because you are alone

Meng Xuewei said with a bitter smile: "director Zhang, I really can't leave now. In this way, don't worry. I'll go to see Mr. Xiao right away. See if he can adjust the schedule for me? "

Zhang Gongli said, "OK. Mr. Xiao has a very good reputation in the circle. He is not unreasonable. I can't. I'll talk to him

Zhang Gongli, who is more than 50 years old, belongs to a group with Wang Guoan and others. He has made numerous films and TV dramas. Although he has only been nominated for the best director of the golden cup award twice, and has not yet succeeded, he is well-known and has a wide range of communication circles.

At the golden cup award ceremony, Xiao Yunhai also met him and said a few words.

Meng Xuewei nodded and said, "OK."

After hanging up her cell phone, Meng Xuewei rubbed her temples. She felt very regretful that she should not receive two plays at the same time, but also the plays of big directors who she did not dare to offend.

Listen to Zhang Gongli's tone of voice. If he doesn't go back, I'm afraid he will really turn against himself.

Meng Xuewei can't help but blow dry her hair with a hair dryer and then walks to Xiao Yunhai's room.

"Bang, bang, bang." Meng Xuewei stood in front of the door for a long time, which just made her head to knock on the door of Xiao Yunhai.

"Who is it?" It's a female voice. It must be Zhao Wanqing.

Meng Xuewei said: "Wanqing sister, it's me, Xuewei."

After such a long time, the relationship between Meng Xuewei and Zhao Wanqing has been greatly improved.

Although not to be a good friend, but at least can be called a good friend.

Zhao Wanqing opened the door and said with a smile, "Xuewei, please come in. Yunhai and Mr. Wang are playing mahjong

Meng Xuewei enters the room and sees Xiao Yunhai, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Wang Tianming playing mahjong.

Meng Xuewei quickly went forward to say hello to the four, looked at Xiao Yunhai, opened her mouth, but did not say anything.

Xiao Yunhai played a Dongfeng, gave the card to Zhao Wanqing, and said, "Miss Meng, what's the matter, let's go to the balcony and say. Wife, if you can't hold this card, you're going to spank

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red and gave him a fierce look.

They were sitting on the balcony chairs. Xiao Yunhai asked, "Miss Meng, I'm very satisfied with your recent performance. Under the pressure of Mr. Wang and their powerful momentum, your acting skills are even stronger than I expected without Ruth's downfall. Before, because you are too much publicity and drama, I am biased against you. After a long period of cooperation, I found that I misunderstood you

Meng Xuewei heard Xiao Yunhai's words, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she felt a strong sense of identity from the bottom of her heart.If it is a general director, even if praise her 10000 words, Meng Xuewei will not have any feeling. But who is the person in front of you? The richest man in the world, an international director, is absolutely as heavy as a thousand catties if he comes out of his mouth.

"Thank you for saying that, Mr. Xiao. I'm really happy. Although I only stayed in the crew for three weeks, the modest and pragmatic character of you and other teachers made me very educated. Think about how much cattle I thought I had with a large group of people every day. Now it seems that it is ridiculous

"So you have only four left, and all the others have been sent away." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it is appropriate to keep more bodyguards. After all, you are so beautiful, and you are a big star, so you must have security. "

Meng Xuewei said with a smile, "but I see that Wanqing doesn't have any bodyguards? Don't you worry about her safety? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "with me, she will not be in any danger. If she was out alone, I would give her at least 20 or 30. Some close protection, some remote protection, absolutely airtight. "

Meng Xuewei enviously said, "sister Wanqing is really lucky."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I was so lucky that I met her when I didn't make a fortune. Let me know that besides my mother, there is a woman who really loves me in this world. If I'm not married now, I'm afraid I won't get real love in my life. Even if there is, I can't believe it. Hey, we're far away. Miss Meng, are you looking for me because Mr. Zhang needs you to take part in the drama there? "

Meng Xuewei was surprised and asked, "how do you know?"

Xiao Yunhai nuogued the three men who were playing mahjong inside and said, "they are the lobbyists invited by Zhang. I'm afraid that you won't be able to ask for leave, so I'll invite them here. "

Meng Xuewei pursed her lips and said, "I'm sorry, director Xiao. I'm really sorry now. To tell you the truth, when director Zhang came over with that script, it was after I took "Zhuxian". His play was very good, and I was really reluctant to give up. In addition, he said that shooting would start in mid April, and it would be over in two months. I agreed to go down without delaying the shooting of Zhuxian. Unexpectedly... "

" I didn't expect that director Zhang suddenly had a physical problem and was lying in the hospital for half a month, which delayed the schedule, right? " Xiao Yunhai interface.

Meng Xuewei said, "you all know that?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile: "Miss Meng, when I get to my present position, unless I don't want to know it, how can I hide the big and small things in the circle from my ears. You can

tell me this today, which shows that you have really changed a lot. Being able to change a person through a play gives me a sense of accomplishment. You call Mr. Zhang. I want to talk to him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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