Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:17 AM

Chapter 1492

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In the studio, Wan Chuliang personally called Meng Xuewei.

"Xuewei, thank you for letting Hanhai help me tide over the difficulties for the company."

Meng Xuewei said: "Wanzong, don't you blame me for joining Hanhai?"

Wan Chuliang said with a smile: "how can I blame you? In the past five years, without you, Yuehui would have collapsed. Now there is still half a year to go before the contract is due. With your ability, it is basically impossible to stay in Yuehui, and the company has no resources to give you. To be honest, I'm ready for you to leave. What I didn't expect was that you helped me so much before you left. I really appreciate it. "

Meng Xuewei even said, "Mr. Wan, it should be said that I want to thank you and the company for cultivating me and tolerating my willfulness. I know that in the entertainment circle of cannibalism, I can be free from any external disturbance. It is you who put up an umbrella for me under pressure. Thank you very much. What's the matter with Yuehui in the future, as long as I Meng Xuewei can help, I will go all out. "

Wan Chuliang laughed and said, "you make me very happy. Hanhai has become a paradise for artists by insiders. Every year, more than 100 films and TV works are filmed. If you are concerned about our friendship, you should introduce more plays to your younger martial brothers and sisters. For our small company, Hanhai's play is absolutely a hot cake. "

Meng Xuewei nodded and said, "you can rest assured that I will."

After communicating with Wan Chuliang, Meng Xuewei suddenly relaxed a lot.

She has great respect for WAN Chuliang. If she parted ways because of this matter, she would be very sad if she didn't communicate with each other when she died of old age.

Now Yuehui has come to life, and he has joined the most favorite company. The matter has been solved satisfactorily. In the future, as long as there is a chance to help Yuehui a lot, that's fine.

At this time, Zhao Wanqing went to her, stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Xuewei, you are welcome to join Hanhai film and television investment company."

Meng Xuewei's face showed a smile and said: "Wanqing sister, thank you. Please take more care of you later."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "in Hanhai, there is no care, only strength. If you want the best treatment, you can exchange the trophy after the movie. Come on. "

"Zhao Wanqing, Meng Xuewei, come here quickly." A deafening sound came through the loudspeaker.

Zhao Wanqing cursed: "the tyrant of the film set must be repaired well when he goes back."

Meng Xuewei smiles.

In the afternoon of that day, Meng Xuewei's part of Qimai Huiwu was over. She told Xiao Yunhai that she would go to the studio in Shanghai.

At that time, Zhang Gongli said it was ten days. Maybe the shooting was very smooth. In less than eight days, Meng Xuewei came back.

Time flies, "Zhuxian" crew has been in Hengdian film and television city for two and a half months, which has finished all the indoor drama.

Xiao Yun seahorse keeps on taking the crew to the outside scene, and it takes half a month to finish the location play.

At this point, "Zhu Xian" was finally killed.

After the dinner, Xiao Yunhai held a press conference to kill the youth, which attracted the attention of more than 200 media.

"Mr. Xiao," Zhu Xian "took three months, and finally the shooting was over. How would you rate your performance? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's much better than I expected. Teachers do not have to say, is absolutely the performance of the film queen class, the role is very brilliant. Here, I would like to pay special tribute to two young actors, Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei. Although they are young and have no experience in large-scale production, their interpretation of the role is very good, which is no worse than any actor. It's a surprise. "

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that Miss Bai binglu and Miss Meng Xuewei joined Hanhai, didn't they?"

"Yes. Both of them are rare good actors, and of course we don't want to let them go. "

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think is the most difficult thing in the process of filming?"

"No physical performance. As we all know, we use the studio. It is impossible for us to have any magical animals, let alone the fairy Mountain Grottoes. Everything is illusory, which puts forward higher requirements for the actors' acting skills. Because you don't have an opponent, it's going to be difficult. Fortunately, everyone's acting is online. "

"Mr. Xiao, how much is the production cost of Zhu Xian?"

"Including post production, it is estimated to be about 5 billion Chinese dollars, and this is the first one."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, the reporters were stunned for a moment, and then there was a burst of noise.

"Since the five billion movie is only the first one, it's too cruel."

"My God, I'm convinced. Yunhuang is a real ox fork. "

A reporter couldn't help but get up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you mean that Zhuxian is a series?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's not a series. Its whole story is connected. This one is mainly about the protagonist learning art in Qingyun Mountain, and then broke out the first immortal devil war. I won't disclose the specific content. You can watch it in the movie"Mr. Xiao, are you satisfied with the film? How much do you think the box office will be? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "very satisfied, the effect is much better than I expected. As for box office, my goal is 2012. "

"Do you think Zhuxian can surpass 2012? Is it with 3dimax technology? "

Three months ago, all the 3dimax cinemas in major cinemas were rebuilt.

Recently, DImax got a bad reputation in the box office, but all the films got a bad reputation in the market.

There was only one film that scored more than seven points, and that was "dreamland," directed by black Carter, the director of STEL networks.

In order to grab the first place, the stern special effects company used 3000 people to do the post work for him, and finished the movie as quickly as possible.

Because it is the first true 3dimax film in the world, "dreamland" has won a box office of 18.3 billion US dollars, second only to "2012". Black Carter is famous and has become the leading super director in Hollywood.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't rely on 3dimax technology. To put it bluntly, it is just a tool in the hands of the director. If we take it as the core, it is really putting the cart before the horse. We rely on the performance of the actors, the plot of the film and the huge scenes. I believe we can surpass 2012. "

"Miss Zhao, for you, the biggest difficulty in shooting this play..."

the press conference finished in a hurry after less than an hour.

Xiao Yunhai came back to Yanjing with his film.

At this time, it was the middle of September. The two children had just started kindergarten. Xiao Yunhai took the children to and from school every day. It was very leisurely.

After three months of shooting, Xiao Yunhai really felt a little tired, so he took a week's rest at home.

Packing up and preparing to go to Los Angeles magic special effects company to do late effects, Xiao Yunhai suddenly received a call from Gavin Dulles, CEO of Yunqing oil and gas company.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, we sent a good news to the oil exploration team in Tarim, Xinjiang, saying that oil has been discovered, but the reserves are still to be found out."

Xiao Yunhai said with surprise: "that's really good. Find out its reserves and scope as soon as possible, so that I can discuss with the government to take it. "

Dulles said, "OK. In a couple of days, Ms. Christie and I are going to take someone there. Are you free? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I have to go. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to deal directly with the government. I'll do it. Ha ha, I originally planned to go to Los Angeles to do the later stage of "Zhu Xian". It seems that it will be delayed. "

Three days later, Dulles called again, saying that he had arrived in the Tarim Region of Xinjiang, and the oil reserves were preliminarily estimated to be 8 billion barrels. Xiao Yunhai flew over in his private plane without saying a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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