Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:16 AM

Chapter 1493

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Kristi picked up the plane at the airport in person.

In the car, Kristi said with a worried face: "Mr. Xiao, Huaxia oil company has known about our discovery of this large oil field. They sent people here yesterday, saying that all the oil discovered in China has returned to China. Let's leave immediately. The local government also sent people over, apparently standing by them. We are confronting each other

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "these guys are really shameless enough. They dare to pick my peaches. Who is the leader? "

Christie said: "a minister of the oil company, I heard that their general manager Tian Weiqi will also be here today, but I don't know if he has arrived yet."

"Do we have all the procedures?" Xiao asked

Christie nodded and said, "all the formalities have been completed before exploration."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Don't worry, that oil field must be ours. No one can rob it. If the oil companies dare to rob, I will make them suffer. Shit, I really think I'm a bully. "

From the airport to the oil field, a small section is a highway, and a large section is a asphalt road. Because it is out of repair for a long time, it is extremely bumpy. It took more than five hours to run the original two-hour journey. Fortunately, they drive off-road vehicles. If it's a car, I'm afraid they can knock out their breakfast.

Xiao Yunhai understood why the country was so anxious to develop the West. Just looking at the roads and the houses on both sides, we could see that it was really too poor.

Xiao Yunhai and Kristi get out of the car, their faces are not very good-looking. It's going to be tough on anyone for four or five hours.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and asked, "Ms. Kristi, don't tell me that we have to go for a long time?"

Kristi shrugged and said with a wry smile, "yes. Below is the path in the woods. It will take us at least half an hour to get there. "

Xiao Yunhai said speechless: "I know that the traffic in the western region is poor, but I didn't expect it to be like this. I don't care, but can you wear high heels

"I'm not talking about half an hour, it's riding a motorcycle," Kristi said. We have bought 30 motorcycles and put them in front of us. You should be able to ride them? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

There are more than ten motorcycles in front of Kristi. There are four people in the warehouse.

Kristi put on her helmet and rode on her motorcycle, saying, "Mr. Shaw, follow me."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

They arrived at their destination half an hour later on a motorcycle.

"It's an abandoned factory. It's a very big factory. We bought it and did a little bit of decoration," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai asked, "where is Dulles?"

Christie pointed to a row of houses not far ahead and said, "the office on the far left."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "let's go quickly. I seem to hear a quarrel there. "

Kristi knew that Xiao Yunhai could master Chinese Kung Fu. She had a keen ear. Hearing this, she hastened her pace and came to Dulles' temporary office.

When we came to the door, we only heard a man talking in it.

China's Ministry of land and natural gas all belong to China's natural resources. You have no right to explore and exploit. "

Dulles spoke a long English paragraph, and a female translator said: "Sir, our Yunqing oil and gas company has obtained all the relevant certificates for exploration, development, manufacturing and sales. As long as it is found by us, it belongs to us and the Chinese government. According to the contract, we only need to pay 30% of the whole oil field and natural gas reserves, and this belongs to us. I'm sorry, this is a private place. Please leave immediately. If you want to make trouble here, we will call the police. "

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with Dulles's answer, which is powerful, beneficial and reasonable, very good.

With a shush gesture to Kristi, the two quietly walked into the office.

There were almost 40 people in it, which were divided into two camps. Dulles looked a little weak. There were only seven or eight people on the other side, and there were more than 30 people on the other side.

"Mr. Dulles, please remember that this is China, not America. Let me introduce you to Mr. Tian weiqi, general manager of Huaxia oil company. He came here specially to deal with the relevant affairs of Tarim Oilfield. "

A middle-aged man in his forties, with a resolute face and great momentum, stepped out and said, "Mr. Dulles, I know that your Yunqing oil and gas company has paid a huge price for oil exploration. You can rest assured that we will compensate you twice. However, this oil field in Tarim area plays a very important role in China and has attracted the government's attention. I came here only after receiving the above instructions. China's underground oil must not fall into the hands of foreign companies. "Dulles contends that "Yunqing oil and gas company is Mr. Xiao's industry, and the finished products will also be sold to Huaxia. There is no loss to Huaxia. Mr. Tian, according to Chinese law, this oil field belongs to us. If you have any objection, you can explain it to Mr. Xiao. We are just Mr. Xiao's staff. Unless we have his orders, we will never give up. "

Tian Weiqi said angrily: "it's true that you can't see the coffin without tears. Mr. Dulles, we Huaxia oil company doesn't want to do too much. You'd better not force us to do something we don't want to do. "

Dulles said, "is Mr. Tian threatening us? Mr. Xiao once said that as long as we act in accordance with the laws of China, no one dares to embarrass us. "

Tian Weiqi was annoyed when he saw that Dulles didn't eat hard and soft. He snorted, turned his head and left. He just saw Xiao Yunhai and Kristi standing at the door.

It seems that this young man with sunglasses is familiar to him. Tian Weiqi stops.

Dulles also found them and cried, "boss, you are here at last."

Tian Weiqi immediately understood that this is the real boss of Yunqing oil and gas company, Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world.

Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses, nodded to Dulles first, then looked at Tian weiqi and said, "Mr. Tian, you just said that you just came to ask for this oilfield after accepting the instructions from the superior. I want to know who this superior is?"

Tian Weiqi frowned and said, "sorry, I can't reveal. Mr. Xiao, you are here just in time. We would like to talk to you about the ownership of oil in Tarim area. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "there is nothing to talk about. What I found is mine. You don't have a chance to pick peaches. "

Tian Weiqi said angrily, "Mr. Xiao, I know you are the nephew of chief Xiao, but you can't be so overbearing."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you should be the dominating one. Mr. Tian, I checked the information. Your oil company once sent an exploration team to this place. After looking for half a year, they found nothing, and then they left in dismay. Now that we have found the oil field, you come back and ask for it. Ha ha, do you think it's suitable? If I were you, I would never have come, because it would have been too impotent of me

Tian Weiqi said: "Mr. Xiao, I will faithfully reflect your attitude to the superior."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "I'm not a public servant. What can your superiors do to me?"

Tian Wei Qi said coldly: "Mr. Xiao, I know your status is not ordinary, but in the Chinese oil field, we still have the Chinese oil company has the final say."

In fact, Tian Weiqi is also aware of his own hardships. For a long time, Huaxia oil company has monopolized all aspects of national oil from exploration to sales. The profits are amazing. Naturally, all kinds of bad phenomena will appear, and there are people who sit on empty seats all over the country.

Three years ago, in order to protect China's oil resources, the Huaxia government stopped three large oil fields and ordered oil companies to explore the western part of China, adjacent seas and abroad. However, in three years, tens of billions of dollars were spent, but nothing was gained.

Tian Weiqi took office under such circumstances. As soon as he finished dealing with the internal problems, he heard that Yunqing oil and gas company had discovered a super large oil field in the northern part of Tarim, so he came here immediately.

As long as the Tarim oil field is obtained, the oil company will be able to solve the urgent problem.

Therefore, although he knew that the oil company was Xiao Yunhai, he did not care about it at this time. If you want to offend the Xiao family and the richest man in the world, you should take it down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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