Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:14 AM

Chapter 1494

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Hearing Tian Weiqi's words, Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like a sword, but his mood was very stable. He said, "Tian weiqi, you are threatening me. Don't forget that I introduced the super large oil fields in Africa. Yes? I forgot my benefactor so quickly. Hehe, you have a very good interpretation of the word "forgetting justice for profit."

A minister close to Tian Weiqi said, "Mr. Xiao, the reason why you let the oil field out is that you didn't have an oil company at that time, and you didn't have the ability to develop oil in that long-standing war area. Even so, you haven't taken 20 percent of our oil field. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like a sword. He asked in a cold voice, "what kind of thing are you? You deserve to talk to me."

"You..." the minister was immediately flushed with anger and couldn't say a word.

Tian Weiqi said: "Mr. Xiao, don't you think it's not proper to talk like this?"

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "you run to me to rob things, why don't you think about the identity problem. Tian weiqi, my procedures are very complete, there is no problem. If you dare to rob, I will sue you in court. I'd like to have a look. Isn't there any place to be reasonable in such a big China? "

Tian Weiqi pursed his lips and said coldly, "let's wait and see."

Xiao Yunhai said: "then you still don't have to go. The issue of resource development in the western region was set down by Chinese businessmen and No. 1 chief executive at the government work exchange meeting. He once said that if there is any problem, we should find him. Don't you want to sue the superior? It is estimated that no matter how old he is, he should be no bigger than the chief executive. I'll call him now and ask about the situation. To be honest, an oil field, I don't care. But I can't be fooled like a monkey

With that, Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed directly the number of the Secretary of the first chief.

Tian weiqi and others were shocked. They could hardly see the extreme.

"I said he didn't mean to scare us."

"It's hard to say. Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world, and his uncle is the second Chief Executive. Maybe he really has the office phone number one. "

"That would be troublesome. After all, we learned from nothing. "

Tian Weiqi turned his head and gave a cold look, and the crowd immediately stopped.

"Mr. Xiao, this is Yao an. What can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Secretary Yao, I mainly want to ask whether the chief executive promised us the representatives of the Chinese merchants, whether they should count them or not?"

Yao an was stunned and said, "count of course."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that would be great. My Yunqing oil and gas company discovered an oil field in the Tarim area of Xinjiang. Mr. Tian weiqi, general manager of Huaxia oil company, came to me and claimed that he was instructed by some leaders in order to rob my oilfield. What do you mean to do with it? "

Yao an said: "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry. Maybe our documents have not been delivered. I'll contact them now. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no, they are right by my side. Do you need to talk to the chief executive about this matter? Once my business is blocked, the impact will certainly be very bad, and I am afraid the whole Chinese businessmen will shrink back. "

Yao an said, "I understand. But I'll take care of it. The chief is very busy recently, so don't disturb him. Can you give your mobile phone to Mr. Tian? "

"Of course." Xiao Yunhai hands over the mobile phone to Tian weiqi, whose face is blue and yellow.

"Hello, Secretary Yao."

Tian Weiqi's tone is very respectful. Although he was a vice minister and Yao an was also a vice minister, the vice ministerial level who walked in front of the No. Sometimes, the governor of a province has to whisper in front of him, let alone the boss of state-owned enterprises.

Yao an said politely, "Hello, Mr. Tian. I already know what Mr. Xiao said. This is the collective decision made by the leaders to exchange resources for development in order to get rid of poverty in the western region as soon as possible. Mr. Xiao is the first person to discover the oil field. If you accept it, you will scare away other businessmen. Don't mention you. Even the provincial leaders can't afford it. "

Tian Weiqi complained: "Secretary Yao, I can't help it either. Three oil fields in China have been sealed, and the transportation of oil fields outside is a problem. We are under great pressure. It's hard to find one. We haven't got one yet. "Mr. Tian, since you say so, I'll tell you the truth. You must know better than me the importance of oil to a country. China has a vast territory and abundant resources. Although it can not compare with Arab countries, there are still many oil fields. Over the past three years, you have spent tens of billions of dollars, but you have not even found a single oil field. This makes the leaders very dissatisfied with your work. "

Tian Weiqi even said, "Secretary Yao, we..."

Yao an interrupted him and said, "you don't need to explain, and the chief executive will never listen. Mr. Xiao's oil company has only been established for a few days, and he can come to China for at most two or three months. Why can someone discover a large oil field, but you haven't found it for three years? Mr. Tian, don't you think it's too much to ask Mr. Xiao for an oil field? If you let the chief executive know, I'm afraid you'll be finished. ""As for pressure, Mr. Xiao's Oilfield will only be supplied to China. You can lay pipelines and provide good services for him. You have to understand that the government needs private capital to participate in the development of the western region. Mr. Xiao is the leader of private capital in China, and the investment alone has reached hundreds of billions. If he is treated unfairly, it is impossible to imagine how violent the chain reaction will be

"Mr. Tian, it's hard to make iron. Another thing I want to tell you is that Mr. Xiao's mobile phone number is stored on the chief's private mobile phone, and Mr. Xiao can also call him directly. Mr. Xiao didn't do this, which is obviously lenient. Well, if I have something else here, I won't tell you. "

Tian Weiqi was sweating on his forehead and chilly in his trouser legs. The No.2 chief is Xiao Yunhai's uncle. Naturally, he has a mobile phone number. However, Xiao Yunhai was given his personal contact information. This shows that Xiao Yunhai is already in the emperor's heart. How can Tian Weiqi not be afraid.

"Secretary Yao, I know what to do. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Tian Weiqi returned his mobile phone to Xiao Yunhai, pursed his lips, bit his teeth, and said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Xiao, the oil field is our fault. Please forgive me."

Xiao Yunhai did not show a trace of complacency, but sincerely said: "Mr. Tian, I know that our oil company has violated your interests, but I can't help it. My employees also want to eat. At least there are several giant oilfields in Huaxia, and we only have two. Therefore, I will never let this oilfield come out, but we are not without the possibility of cooperation. "

Tian Weiqi asked, "what does Mr. Xiao mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we are only responsible for the supply of crude oil, and the rest from refining to sales are handed over to your company. Do you know if Mr. Tian is interested?"

Tian Weiqi's eyes brightened and said: "of course I am interested. Is that true, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I always talk with a spit and a nail. If you don't believe it, we can sign the contract now. "

Tian Weiqi said happily, "Mr. Xiao, thank you very much."

According to Xiao Yunhai's practice, Huaxia oil company has taken a big advantage. They only need to build a large oil refinery, and they can get countless refined oil products.

Tian Weiqi secretly sent someone to check the crude oil in this oilfield. The quality is very good. In the current situation, benefits are absolutely indispensable.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dulles, develop crude oil as soon as possible. Huaxia oil company is responsible for refining the crude oil. Do you understand?"

Dulles nodded and said, "yes."

Tian weiqi and other people were afraid of a long night's dream, and directly signed an agreement with Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with Tian weiqi and said, "Mr. Tian, we Yunqing oil and gas company has no great ambition in China. We will only be responsible for exploration and exploitation. Your company's refining, transportation and sales capabilities are the strongest in China. I think we can work together in the future. What do you say? "

Tian Weiqi shook Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "Mr. Xiao is right. Just now, please don't mind. We are really in a hurry. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is called not fighting, not knowing."

Tian Weiqi also laughed and said, "what Mr. Xiao said is good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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