Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:16 AM

Chapter 15

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Countless praise made Xiao Yunhai smile, and his heart was also quite happy. To make so many people like his songs, Xiao Yunhai still felt very successful, although these songs were not written by himself.

Roughly calculated, the amount of money that can be divided into his own hands is about 100000, which makes Xiao Yunhai surprised. In just one day, he earned more than 100000 yuan, which is too easy to earn.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath, adjusted his mind, turned off the computer, and lay on the bed. After a while, he began to snore.

Jiujiu music network headquarters, Nantou Bay, deep sea city.

With his bag in his pocket, Yang Bin changed his old smile and rushed to his office. He came half an hour earlier than usual.

I thought I was the first to come, but when I entered the company, I heard a lot of noise. It was the office of those little ladies.

Yang Bin slightly a meal, he came early is anxious to see the results of three songs, and they come so early for what. With a puzzled heart, Yang Bin walked into the office of those little girls.

See Yang Bin come in, the office suddenly quiet down, big and small beauties look at the person in charge, let Yang Bin feel quite pressure.

"Why did you come so early today, you little sluggards?"

These girls have a very strong sense of time. They always step on the spot. Yang Bin once blocked them, hoping to find one who was late and made an example. But for three days in a row, none of them was caught. All the girls arrived in the four minute interval from 7:55 to 7:59, giving him no chance. It is in other departments to catch a few bad luck.

"Mr. Yang, do you count what you said to Lu chanxiang yesterday about the bonus increase?" Liu Caihong asked.

"Of course it does, but only if you get good grades."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the girls cheered.

Looking at their happy appearance, Yang Bin suddenly realized that they were so happy because the website had made good achievements.

Sure enough, his guess was right. Liu Caihong said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, I don't know if there are more than 400000 downloads in less than one day. Is it a good result?"

Yang Bin was stunned, and then a burst of uncontrollable joy directly hit his chest. He walked several steps to Liu Caihong's computer, looked at the data of the cloud emperor, and the whole person was silly. Then he burst into laughter, raised his hands, and yelled: "the cloud emperor has succeeded, we have succeeded."

There was a burst of cheers in the office.

At this time, the computer shows:

the audition of "mouse loves rice" audition: 285896, Download: 147946

lilac: 197863, Download: 95896

for a long time, the staff of music network came to the company, after hearing the news laughing out loud.

In less than one day, the download volume of three classic songs has increased to more than 400000. What rhythm is this? The fire is definitely the fire.

Yang Bin tried to control his emotional excitement. He knew that he was only a victory at a certain stage. He just caught two leading websites by surprise attack.

If you want to win the final victory, you still need the joint efforts of all colleagues of Jiujiu music network. If you win, you will have a rare opportunity for development; if you lose, you will have nothing but go back to the origin.

Yang Bin went back to his office alone and stayed quietly for half an hour. It was estimated that the mood of the employees should be stable, and then he called the heads of various departments to come here and hold a meeting. The theme of the meeting is how to ensure the present victory.

Huang Xiaotian was the first to speak: "I have worked in PP listening for a period of time, and I know their methods. Now our three songs of emperor Yun have achieved remarkable achievements. It is impossible for them to pay attention to them. Therefore, what we are going to face is a great test. We will continue to fight against us. The first thing I want to talk about is how to make yunhuang, a musical genius, stay on our website instead of being poached by them. "

Yang Bin waved his hand and said, "Lao Huang, I will personally go to him to solve this problem. As long as he can produce this quality of songs, I will give him a contract second only to the king of heaven."

Liu Caihong frowned and said, "but this will lead to strong dissatisfaction from other singers. Not to mention anything else, just our propaganda for the emperor has attracted a lot of opposition. "

For this matter, Yang Bin has long predicted that he is not afraid of the opposition of these singers. On the contrary, if they do not speak out, this is the most terrible thing.

Yang Bin said with a smile: "I thought about this problem at the beginning, we can reply like this. The reason why we give yunhuang such good publicity is that his songs are indeed of good quality, and there is a trend of fire. Secondly, the emperor promised that 70% of the profits of the three songs would be owned by the website. When the website saw the profit, he promised to do his best to promote it. Thirdly, in the contract signed, yunhuang agreed to a condition, that is, three songs within a month The number of downloads reaches 15 million. If not, the cloud emperor will not only have no money, but also make up for the difference. That's why we agreed. If anyone can do this, our website can give them the same treatment. "Yang Junsheng of the Technology Department asked, "is this really the case?"

Huang Xiaotian said, "yes. I saw this E-contract yesterday, and I agreed to recommend the best products. Otherwise, even if I am optimistic about these songs, I will never agree

He knew that what Yang Bin had just said was pure nonsense, which was nothing at all.

Last night, the two passed the communication. Only with such harsh conditions can the dissatisfaction of those singers be stopped. Moreover, they reported to President Hu and got his full support. Only then did they dare to say so at the meeting. You should know that Yue lingwan, who manages the financial affairs, is a close friend of President Hu. If she disagrees, who dares to talk nonsense.

Sure enough, Hu and Yue lingwan should have passed through the channel, so she didn't have any reaction to their lies. She just looked at them playfully.

Liu Caixia said, "in this case, it's easy to explain. I don't believe those singers would dare to sign such a contract. "

You're kidding. Don't mention them. Even the King Singers should think about it. If you can't do it well, you can't steal the chicken.

"What I'm worried about now is how PP Jingqu and Hongda music will react," Yang continued

Huang Xiaotian disdained to say: "it's just a few. 1、 Let their own singers urgently upload songs to fight the challenge; second, send someone to slaughter the version, and in the song evaluation, they will make the enemy flat worthless; third, send people to check the identity of emperor Yun, bully and lure him, and give us a cut Hu. "

Liu Caixia said with a smile: "director Huang seems very familiar with these sets. He doesn't often do this before, does he?"

Huang Xiaotian waved his hand and said, "I just saw too much. These methods are very old-fashioned, but they are very practical. It is difficult for us to think of any good way to restrain them. "

Yang Bin said: "the real identity of the emperor must be kept secret. I will sign a contract with him in person tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The first and second are their business, which we can't manage. We can only hope that the fans who like the songs can hold on." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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