Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:06 AM

Chapter 1500

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Laker captain Kirby grabs a pen from the head coach to set up tactics. He comes to Xiao Yunhai and says, "Xiao, I'm your super fan. Can you sign it for me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course."

Kebi gives the pen to Xiao Yunhai and bends down to let him sign it on the back of the shirt.

The players of the Lakers and Spurs all turned around and bent over. Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to sign them.

The funniest scene in the history of NBA is coming. The game time is coming. Instead of preparing for the game, the players of the two teams are queuing up at the sideline to ask a star for autograph.

The head coach of the two teams looked at each other with a bitter smile.

NBA has a great market in China. Today is Sunday. There are countless young Chinese people watching this game.

See Xiao Yunhai, everyone is very excited, quickly open the computer, published a comment on the Internet.

"Damn it, the emperor went to the NBA to watch the Lakers and the Spurs."

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm so happy. The players of the Lakers and Spurs should all ask for autographs from the emperor. It's so funny."

"The cloud emperor is the cloud emperor. Even in foreign countries, it is welcomed by countless people. Even the players of the Lakers and the Spurs are his fans, great

"I just want to say, it's time for the game. When will you start?"

The basketball commentator on the TV said with a smile: "it's so interesting. China's most famous artist, Mr. Xiao Yunhai, suddenly drove to Staples Center to watch the game at the peak of the game between the Los Angeles and the Spurs, which caused the fans to scream and cheer. What makes people laugh and cry is that both teams are fans of Xiao Yunhai. They don't even warm up before the game. They all run to Xiao Yunhai for signature and take a group photo. This has never happened in NBA history. It can also be seen that Mr. Xiao Yunhai has great influence in the United States. Ha ha, look, the referee is over. Oh, it's game time. After the referee sent the players away, he said something to Mr. Xiao. He turned around and bent down to ask for autographs. The whole court burst into laughter. Mr. Xiao Yunhai shook his head and wryly laughed

On the scene of the game, NBA President John F. Kennedy, sitting in the No. 1 VIP box, looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "the richest man in the world seems to be very popular. Bryce, I heard he's a shareholder in your Laker basketball club, right? "

Bryce is the president of the Laker team, smell speech and smile: "yes. Mr. Shaw owns 18 percent of our Laker stock. It's just that he never goes to the club and doesn't participate in the internal management. It's estimated that he still doesn't know where the address of the club is

Kennedy's eyes brightened slightly and said, "Bryce, can you bring him here for me? I would like to discuss with him how to open the Chinese market? "

Bryce said with a smile, "of course. But let's wait until the first quarter is over. After all, he came to see the ball

Mr. Kennedy nodded and said, "of course."

In the first quarter of the game, the Lakers and the Spurs opened fire. As soon as the two sides came up, they fought fiercely against each other. They didn't care about their physical strength, which caused the fans to scream.

Bessie, next to Xiao Yunhai, was originally a dignified woman. At this moment, she seemed to be possessed by something. She became extremely excited. She could not help standing up and shouting, and her face was excited.

Since the TV photographer found Xiao Yunhai, he cast his lens to him from time to time.

The audience in front of the TV set saw that Xiao Yunhai had a beautiful female companion, and they couldn't help but guess. In particular, Chinese fans are more concerned.

"Who is this woman? How to watch the ball with emperor Yun? "

"Oh, my God, is the emperor cheating?"

"No. If this is the case, the cloud emperor will be too sorry for Qing Hou. "

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. Think about it with your pig brains. If yunhuang is cheating, will he bring her out to watch the ball game live all over the world? It's too late to hide. "

"Yes. But to tell you the truth, this woman is really beautiful, and she has a good figure. It's better to be careful after sunny. "

"Yes. A woman, especially a beautiful woman, if you really want to pursue a man, no man can resist their temptation

At Xiao Yunhai's home, Zhao Wanqing is playing with two children when her mobile phone rings.

Zhao Wanqing looked at it. It was Yu Yuexian's number.

"Sister Yu, what can I do for you?" Zhao Wanqing pressed the answer button and asked with a smile.

Yu Yuexian said, "Wanqing, didn't you watch TV? Your husband is watching an NBA game with a foreign beauty. The Internet is full of frying now, and they are all guessing who the woman is? There are even many people who say that the sea of clouds is cheating. "

"Foreign beauty?" Zhao Wanqing was stunned, then laughed and said, "sister Yu, don't listen to their nonsense. I don't know who my husband is? I believe that there are beautiful women who post upside down, but I will never believe that he will do something sorry to me and the children. What's more, if there's really a problem, he hasn't had time to hide. How can he take her to the NBA grandioselyYu Yuexian said with a smile: "you can think so. In fact, I also know that it must be a catch the wind thing. Over the years, Yunhai almost never goes out alone with a woman. Now you suddenly see a foreign beauty you don't know. Naturally, you have everything you want. Look, the next media, newspapers and magazines will take this as the front page headlines. There must be countless titles about infidelity and betrayal. You have to be prepared. But I want to remind you, this woman looks very attractive, you should pay attention to some

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Wanqing turns on the TV and sees Xiao Yunhai watching the ball there. There is a beautiful woman who looks very excited. On the other side is Kerry. Zhao Wanqing is a little uneasy.

What virtue is Kerry? Zhao Wanqing is very clear. It's strange that her husband can learn well when he is with him. She even doubts whether he introduced this woman.

One side is playing two children seem to have also found the TV Xiao Yunhai, tearful cry: "Dad, above is the father."

Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened and said, "honey, do you want to talk to your father on the phone?"

The two children nodded at the same time and answered in one voice: "yes."

Zhao Wanqing picked up her mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yunhai.

At the scene of the competition, Xiao Yunhai felt the mobile phone ringing in his pocket. When he opened it, he saw that it was his wife's calling. He quickly went to one side and picked it up.

"Hello, wife, what can I do for you?"

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "can I find you if I have something to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course not."

"I ask you, where are you?"

"I'm watching the NBA Lakers versus the Spurs. If you turn on the TV and turn to CCTV sports channel, you will definitely see me

"I've seen you, and I've seen the beauty around you. Husband, can you pay attention to some, now the Internet is all over you cheating. "

"Shit." When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood and said, "who is this? It's too good to pull. Next to me was Kerry and his wife, who was about to pass. On the other side was the eldest lady of the Bessie family. I had a big deal with her this morning, and when I was chatting, I learned that I was a shareholder in the Lakers and wanted to see the game. I can't even ask for a loan of $500 billion from Citibank. Oh, no, I'll explain to you why, as if I'm guilty. Wife, you don't call because of this, do you? "

When Zhao Wanqing heard Xiao Yunhai's explanation, she felt very satisfied. She was quite relieved. However, she said in her mouth, "I'm lazy to ask you. It's two little guys who saw you, pointing to the TV and calling dad. Come on, baby. Talk to Dad

The two children are only two and a half years old. Although they can speak, their expression is not clear. They only babble there. Finally, they call their father one by one, which makes Xiao Yunhai's heart almost cry.

"Honey, dad will be back soon. At that time, I will bring you a lot of delicious and interesting things

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, the first quarter is over, the score is 26:28, the Lakers are two points behind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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