Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:05 AM

Chapter 1501

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A middle-aged man came to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Bryce of the Lakers."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "nice to meet you, Mr. Bryce. The fact that the Lakers can become one of the best teams in the NBA is that you guide them well. What can I do for you

Bryce said with a smile: "it is Mr. Kennedy, President of NBA, who wants to invite you to the box. Do you have time?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

Following Bryce to box one, Xiao Yunhai met the legendary President Kennedy.

After courting each other, Kennedy said: "Mr. Xiao, I want to extend the influence of NBA to China. Although many Chinese fans like NBA now, it is still far from football. In this regard, I would like to hear what suggestions you have to change this situation? "

In China, NBA has tens of millions of fans, and the audience rating of every game is very high. However, compared with the football with hundreds of millions of fans, it is not a bit worse.

Many football fans can stay up late to watch European football matches, but not if they change the NBA.

Kennedy wanted to make the NBA the world's No. 1 sport over European football. He did it in America, but not in other countries.

He did too much research, but still did not think of an effective solution, so he went to the doctor in a hurry. He wanted to hear the opinions of the richest man in the world.

Xiao Yunhai is already very good in NBA. Besides football, it's NBA basketball. If you want to exaggerate your influence again, why don't you learn from European football? "

Kennedy was stunned and said, "what do you mean to learn from football?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "regularly organize NBA players to play in China and the teams there, introduce better basketball players from China to NBA, and enhance the sense of belonging of Chinese fans. With more people watching, we will naturally become NBA fans

Kennedy frowned and said, "we have invited many Chinese players to the NBA, but they can't keep up with the pace of the game and can only play as a substitute."

Xiao Yunhai said seriously, "that's because you didn't give them a chance. In the eyes of most NBA coaches, the physical fitness of Chinese players is not as good as that of Westerners, and their basketball consciousness is also weaker than that of Westerners. However, if they really understand Chinese players, they will find that their skills are very delicate, their pressure resistance ability is also very strong, and their speed and endurance are not lower than the top players in NBA. After all, China is too big. There will always be special cases with a population of 1.5 billion. "

In this world, the basketball level of China is much better than that of previous generations. Some players are not inferior to NBA players at all, but when they arrive in NBA, they immediately feel a little acclimatized. One is not used to the rhythm of the game, the second is the lack of team cooperation, and the third is the slow integration into the team.

So after a few games, the coaches put them on the bench.

It's good to have one or two minutes on a game. How can it satisfy the Chinese fans.

Kennedy said: "you mean to extend the playing time of Chinese players and give them room for performance, right?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Westerners pay attention to personality, while Chinese people have a strong sense of national pride and pride. If there is a basketball player who can play the whole court in the NBA, he will immediately become a hero of China, with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of fans, which is the guarantee of ratings. Just like Ning Xinghua and Lu Hongwei who play in Europe, they have more than 300 million fans in China, which has led countless people to watch the European Football League. Basketball also needs Chinese stars

Kennedy thought, "maybe you're right. It is not easy to train a Chinese basketball player to become a superstar in NBA. Unless he has the ability to stand out from others, there is no such possibility. NBA players won't let him

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's up to people. There are definitely people like Kirby among Chinese players, just to see if you have a pair of insight? "

Kennedy thought about it, turned to Bryce and said, "we have only three Chinese players left in the NBA this season, and they will all leave next year. Bryce, have you ever thought about importing players from China? If successful, it will bring unimaginable benefits to the Laker club

Kennedy wanted to use the Lakers as a pilot to see how it worked. If Chinese players can really adapt to NBA games, he will call on other teams to raise Chinese players to the standard of European players.

In fact, there was no need for him to call at that time. As long as the other teams see that there is a profit, everyone will go for it.

Bryce shook his head and said, "it's hard. Two years ago, the Laker team got one of the best performance players in China professional basketball game through the draft, but the performance was not ideal either in the field or in the training field. The key is that the other players have a lot of opinions about him and can't really integrate into the whole team. We had to terminate the contract. If you want to bring in Chinese players again, then the board of directors must give me authorization. "In Bryce's mind, Chinese players are obviously inferior to European and American players in terms of physical fitness, physical fitness and skills. He does not want to introduce them, let alone become starters.

The Lakers have come to this day with the ability to win the championship. He doesn't want to take the risk.

If something goes wrong and the good situation is ruined, he will have to cry to death. Kennedy naturally recognized Bryce's meaning and frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

After all, this is the internal affairs of the Lakers. Even if he is the president of the NBA, he can't meddle in it at will.

He can't, but Xiao Yunhai can.

"Mr. Bryce, you own 34 percent of the Laker basketball club, and I control 18 percent, which adds up to more than 50 percent. So as long as you agree, there's no problem. And I can go directly to the Chinese Basketball Association and choose the best players for the Lakers

Xiao Yunhai didn't give Bryce the chance to refuse at all, and directly spread it on the table.

Kennedy laughed and said, "that's great. Bryce, I think you'll agree? "

Bryce's throat moved and forced to smile: "since Mr. Shaw supports it, how can I disagree?"

The introduction of Chinese players under the pressure of Kennedy and Xiao Yunhai, Bryce reluctantly agreed.

At this time, the second quarter of the game began, Xiao Yunhai back to the scene.

After a fierce confrontation, the Lakers finished the first half with a 47-44 lead over the Spurs.

A group of hot body basketball baby on stage to start the performance, that hot passion, let the scene fans cry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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