Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:02 AM

Chapter 1503

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Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Bessie originally wanted to make fun of his sudden disappearance of heart. She turned her head and looked at Xiao Yunhai's serious expression. Suddenly she sighed and whispered, "Miss Zhao is really very lucky. Mr. Xiao, I really admire your sense of responsibility for your family. Most men in America can't do it. No matter how good their wives are, as long as there are beautiful women outside, none of them can control them. Mr. Xiao, I suddenly find that I like you a little

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are many men like me in China. If Miss Bessie wanted to find one, she could find it anywhere

Bessie shook her head and sneered, "it's a pity that even if they have such a sense of responsibility as you, they don't have your ability. My Bessie man can't be just a family trash

Xiao Yunhai looked at the stubborn woman and said, "that's not love. When you really fall in love with a person, you will understand that as long as he is happy, you will be happy. Identity, status, talent and ability are bullshit. Do you believe it? If I have nothing now, my wife will still not leave me. Alas, you people who live in a big family are blinded by those intrigues and intrigues. It's too hard to rinse

Bessie changed her face, nodded and said, "you are right. We are not the kind of people who will love with all our heart and soul, but we know we should try our best to be happy. Even if this happiness is short-lived. Mr. Xiao, can you accompany me this evening

Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss Bessie, I'm sorry. You have found the wrong person."

Bessie Jiao said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Xiao's courage is much smaller than I imagined. As the richest man in the world, it's no big deal to have more women outside. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is the difference between us. What doesn't matter in your eyes is very important in my eyes. Now that I'm married, I need to be loyal to my marriage. Things like cheating and extramarital affairs will never happen to me. It's enough for me to have Wanqing all my life. "

Xiao Yunhai's tone is extremely resolute. Bessie does not tease him, but gives him a respectful look.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai sent her to the door of a villa.

"Don't you really go in and have a drink?" Bessie said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "goodbye."

Looking at the car leaving slowly, Bessie's smile faded away.

The reason why she wants to go out with Xiao Yunhai is to understand the disposition of the richest man in the world, so as to take the initiative in the future competition.

But after this understanding, she not only did not find any shortcomings in Xiao Yunhai, but found his countless shining points.

Calm atmosphere, not arrogant not impetuous, vigorous, not close to women, whether to the company or family, have a strong sense of responsibility.

Such a person is simply perfect, without flaws.

If there is only one flaw, it should be his wife and children.

Bessie sighed again and said, "if only I had met you earlier."

Unconsciously, Bessie found that Xiao Yunhai had gone to his heart.

Back home, Xiao Yunhai quickly called Zhao Wanqing.

"Wife, what are you busy with?"

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "I'm busy taking care of the children. Unlike some people, under the guise of work, they go to see a ball game with a beautiful woman

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "how can I smell a strong smell of vinegar. Yes? You can't stand the sight of a beautiful woman offering a kiss to me

"Bah." Zhao Wanqing said, "don't talk nonsense here. I tell you, the whole Chinese media are now reporting on your abandonment of your wife and son and dating with a beautiful woman. I won't clarify it for you anyway. You can do it yourself. "

On the Internet, the picture of Xiao Yunhai driving Bessie back home has long been passed to the network by reporters. Many people said that they had spent a good night together.

There is a picture with the truth, which makes Zhao Wanqing feel a little panic.

Now Xiao Yunhai called, Zhao Wanqing's all doubts immediately disappeared without a trace. She was completely relieved, but she was unwilling to show weakness.

Xiao Yunhai seriously said: "even if people all over the world misunderstand me, I don't care. Only you can't. Do you understand? "

Zhao Wanqing at the other end of the phone suddenly turned red. She was both aggrieved and happy. After a long time, she said, "no matter how much sweet talk you say now, it's no use. All right, I'm going to feed the baby. Take your time. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai took a hot bath and turned on the computer.

Good guy, almost all the major websites in Europe and America are about him.

"Kung Fu Xiao appeared on the scene of the game between the Los Angeles and the Spurs, beating the pitchers with three points."

"Kung Fu Xiao shot ten shots in the NBA, and the beauty offered a kiss."

"Suspicious Kung Fu Xiao emotional change, with a beautiful woman to watch the NBA game, send her home alone."The title of each major website is how to attract people and how to come.

Since his debut, Xiao Yunhai has been clean and has never had an affair. He has finally caught a good one. Naturally, he has to report hard to earn fans' attention.

Looking at the report on the perfect Lijian website, Xiao Yunhai opened the domestic website again. It's better to open a house late at night.

Fans even posted on Xiao Yunhai's home page, adding up to millions.

"Emperor Yun, we don't want to play like this. You can take care of the children at home after it's fine. If you really have anything with that woman, it's too much. "

"Why are you so polite upstairs. If yunhuang really engaged in extramarital affairs, he is a personal scum. "

"After Qing Dynasty, there is no post to clarify, is it true that Yun Huangzhen cheated in marriage?"

"The love after yunhuangqing is my favorite. If they have problems, I really don't know whether to get married."

"Cloud emperor, take a head. Just make it clear. "

All kinds of speculation posts with the speed of tens of thousands per minute rushed out, the whole of China was covered by Xiao Yunhai's "derailment door".

Seeing the trend of the event becoming more and more difficult to control, Xiao Yunhai made a quick appearance.

"It's so depressing today. Watching a football match almost ruined my whole life. Fortunately, I had a phone call with my wife, otherwise I didn't know that I had become the hero of the cheating door. Please rest assured that I have a good character. I don't have so many bad things. I hope the media will stop making up nonsense. This is not about writing novels. I can write as you like. Well, it's time to have a rest after a day's work. I'll go to the mall tomorrow to buy things for my wife and children, and I'll go back home in the afternoon. "

Xiao Yunhai put the post at the top, waiting for everyone's reply. In less than two minutes, countless posts have sprung up.

"Damn it, Emperor Yun appeared and explained it. It seems that he was really forced to hurry this time. Otherwise, in his usual style, he will not pay any attention to us. "

"As long as yunhuangqing is able to be good, I will be happy."

"Really or not, the emperor of cloud can't see things hard and find someone to write for him?"

"I believe that emperor Yun must not be a person to do that kind of thing."

Just when Xiao Yunhai felt that the matter had come to an end and there would be no problem, Bessie gave an interview the next day, and almost didn't piss Xiao Yunhai to death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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