Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:01 AM

Chapter 1504

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"Miss Bessie, you seem to be very excited during the game between the Los Angeles and the Spurs, and you also kiss Mr. Xiao in public. Is this an expression of love to Mr. Xiao?"

Bessie's florid face showed a shy smile and said, "I certainly appreciate a man like Mr. Xiao. Although we have only seen three sides, the charm of his body is deeply attracted to me. I believe that every woman who comes into contact with him can't help falling in love with him. "

The reporter asked, "Miss Bessie, will you take the initiative to pursue Mr. Xiao? He's a married man. "

Bessie said with a smile: "in the world of love, nothing will hinder me. To help him, I gave him a huge loan of $1.5 trillion. "

"A trillion dollars?" The reporter was obviously frightened. After a long time, he recovered and said, "Miss Bessie is very kind to Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao sent you home after the game last night. Did you invite him in? "

"Of course. I bought him a cup of coffee

"What is Mr. Xiao's attitude towards you?"

"Good, of course."

……… , thank you for your interview

After Beixi's interview video was posted on the Internet, Xiao Yunhai once again became the focus of media attention. Some people even thought that Xiao Yunhai might betray Zhao Wanqing and marry Bessie as his wife.

Because Bessie is the head of Citibank in Los Angeles, holding trillions of wealth in his hand, he can help Xiao Yunhai in his career.

Although Zhao Wanqing is an international superstar, her background is far less than that of Bessie and her help to Xiao Yunhai is negligible.

Therefore, it is generally believed that Xiao Yunhai would choose Bessie.

In the United States, such things often happen, especially in the circle of the rich. Marriage is just a link of career.

But Huaxia is not such a thing, Bessie's public show of love attracted netizens a piece of fury.

"This woman is so shameless that she seduces emperor Yun."

"Don't take this woman's way. She is obviously not a good thing."

"There are women in the world who are executives of Citibank. Gosh, I feel like the world is going crazy."

"I strongly support Qing Hou's going to Los Angeles and slapping the woman hard to relieve her hatred."

But there are also many people who suspect that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are in emotional crisis. Otherwise, Zhao Wanqing would not come out to speak for her husband at this time.

And Bessie said that emperor yunhuang went to her house to drink coffee. A man arrived at the home of an unmarried woman late at night. How could he just drink coffee.

In this way, the public opinion which had been suppressed by Xiao Yunhai's post was clamorous again, even better than yesterday.

"Miss Bessie, don't you think it's too much?" Xiao Yunhai called Vanessa Bessie and said angrily.

With a smile, Vanessa bessiejo said, "don't you think our union is perfect, Mr. Shaw? With your help, I can really control the Bessie family, and then the two of us will be able to really own the wealth of our country. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "what's the use of asking for so much money? Miss Bessie, do you think you're going to take me for a loan. Believe it or not, I can borrow from any bank without your help. "

Bessie said, "of course I do. Mr. Xiao, I'm just kidding you

Xiao Yunhai angrily said: "but I think this joke is really not funny. I hope you can clarify it publicly in front of the media again. "

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "that won't work. Mr. Xiao, when you put me together with stern network company, this is revenge. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "so you want to get revenge with one stone.". But don't forget that I sold you 9.2% yesterday? "

"It turned out to be 24.2 percent, and now it's only 9.2 percent," said Vanessa Bessie. Mr. Xiao, would you be happy if it were you? We're even this time. "

Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "Miss Bessie, you are still an unmarried girl. Aren't you afraid that this will have a bad effect on you?"

Vanessa Bessie said indifferently, "my marriage is not up to me. It's impossible to marry the man I like in my life, so you don't have to worry. Sorry, I don't want to talk to you if I have something else here. "

Xiao Yunhai can't help a burst of anger when he hears the broken line of the mobile phone on the opposite side.

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are afraid of the shameless ones. Xiao Yunhai now meets a shameless beauty, which is absolutely shameless.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's phone rang. Open a look, the caller ID is mother Chen Xiuzhu, quickly picked up, called a mother.

Chen Xiuzhu angrily said: "Xiao Yunhai, you bastard, now hurry to roll back to me."Xiao Yunhai said: "Mom, don't be angry. Listen to my explanation."

Chen Xiuzhu was even more angry: "what do you explain. Now the whole world is spreading about you and that woman. What else can you explain. Didn't you go to Los Angeles to work? Why did you take that woman to watch NBA games? In the middle of the night I went to have coffee. I tell you, Xiao Yunhai, don't think your wings are hard now, I can't control you. If you dare to do something I'm sorry for WAN Qing, I'll shoot you a jerk. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "Mom, I really didn't drink any coffee. It's all made up by her, but I can't prove it. The media has always liked to make up facts. If there is no wind, you can make waves. Don't believe them. "

Zhao Wanqing's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Mom, would you let me tell him? You really misunderstand Yunhai. He just called me last night

Chen Xiuzhu said, "OK. Stinky boy, I'll let Wanqing tell you. Wan Qing, if you change your mobile phone to hands-free, I want to hear how he explains it? "

Zhao Wanqing agreed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, you won't believe me, do you?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course I believe you. I know it's all about this Miss Bessie who's making trouble. Husband, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that things would come to this point before. I didn't explain it to the fans at the first time

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm very happy if you can believe me. Hehe, I just talked to her on the phone. I didn't expect that she did it just to avenge me for blocking her acquisition of stell network company. There was no bottom line. I almost didn't let me die. "

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "this woman is so shameless. The $1.5 trillion was clearly mortgaged out of Texas oilfield. She said it was like a free loan to you. I'll go to my home page and explain it later. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's already late. Now when you come out, people will only say that you come out to talk to me for the sake of the overall situation. You know the virtues of the media. It's not easy to catch such a strong news of me. How can I give up easily? "

Zhao Wanqing said to himself, "it's all my fault. If I had been able to show up for the first time yesterday, things would not have developed into a dilemma. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I can't blame you for this. I don't care about yesterday. Who would have thought this Miss Bessie would be so indifferent to her reputation

Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, what should I do?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "although it doesn't have a great effect, you have to explain it. After a while, when this thing stops, let's go to a show together, show love, even if it's over. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have sold her a stake in stell networks if I had known that Miss Bessie was a woman with no bottom line. I don't have any chance of winning against such a person. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I know, husband. When will you be back? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "deal with things this morning and go back in the afternoon."

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, I'll pick you up."

"Well." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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