Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:58 AM

Chapter 1506

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After talking with Kerry, Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "watch. My uncle will definitely call me to inquire about this news. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "if I were the head of Yunqing TV station, it would be light to scold you for being a bloody nozzle. If you don't go to your own TV station, but you contribute to the ratings of other people's TV stations, it's like eating inside out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter. He was promised several unequal treaties. The post production of "Zhuxian" will take about four months. It will be good to attend more programs then. "

When Kristi and his party were sent to the hotel, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned home.

Entering the living room, Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Xiuzhu's gloomy face, eyes like a sword, looking at him coldly.

Besides, Xiao Changfeng and his mother-in-law Yan Piaoyun are also sitting.

Xiao Yunhai put down the things he bought for the child, and said with a smile, "Mom, don't do this. I'll see my little heart fluttering."

A word almost broke Chen Xiuzhu's efforts, and it took a lot of effort to keep from laughing.

Xiao Changfeng and Dong Piaoyun couldn't help laughing and laughing.

Chen Xiuzhu snorted and sneered, "don't try to muddle through. What's the matter with that foreign woman named Bessie?"

Xiao Yunhai, holding the baby in his arms, told the story of his trip to Los Angeles.

Chen Xiuzhu, with a slight frown on her eyebrows, said, "this Miss Bessie is too shameless and has no skin."

Xiao Yunhai said, "who said no. It's bad luck for me to meet such a person. "

When Yan Piaoyun heard his son-in-law's words, his worry was completely put down and said, "Yunhai, now the net is full of rumors about you. What are you going to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't pay attention to them. These media have always been calm and have three waves. If I go out for a

explanation, things that can be fired in a week can't be finished in a month, so I'd better cool it down. I

it is estimated that within five or six days, the incident will subside, and then Wan Qing and I will participate in a good variety show

to break the rumor of our discord, and everything will be OK. "

Yan Piaoyun nodded and said, "you can handle it yourself. BR, < BR, < BR,

, I hope that the two of you can not support each other. Especially Wan Qing, Yunhai is working outside.

he will surely encounter all kinds of people and things. You should help him well instead of breaking the vinegar jar and being jealous. Do you know? "

Zhao Wanqing said with embarrassment, "Mom, I have always trusted Yunhai very much. There is no vinegar jar.

It was just a joke before. Who would have thought that the first lady of the Bessie family would do this? "

Chen Xiuzhu sneered: "there are still some people who are not punctual. If you don't ask her to watch NBA games, these things won't happen

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mom, you are right. I will pay attention to it later."

At noon, the family had a hot meal.

Everything is fine at home, but it's different outside.

Although Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have explained the matter at the airport, the media and the public are not buying it. In particular, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were taken out of context when they got on the bus with gloomy faces after the interview.

"Explanation is cover up. According to the character of emperor Yun, if it is not true, I am afraid he will not explain it at all. "

"It's not easy after sunny. Obviously a stomach is not happy, but still want to come out to say love to the emperor. Well, if you have a wife like this, don't fiddle around outside. "

"After clearing up, I was really angry. Before picking up the plane, she always smiles all over her face, embraces the cloud emperor's arm, and looks like a bird in love with others. But now, though as like as two peas, there is no smile on the face. If you say it's OK, who believes it

"I sincerely hope yunhuangqing can do well after that. They are the best representatives of love. If they finally become strangers, countless people will no longer believe in love. "

Xiao Yunhai sent the two children to the kindergarten. When he came back, he turned on the computer and looked at the netizens' posts. He was speechless for a while.

Zhao Wanqing encircles Xiao Yunhai's neck from the back and says softly: "husband, I'm sorry. I'm all to blame."

Xiao Yunhai only felt that the two soft peaks pressed on his back, so comfortable that he immediately reacted.

Two people have not been intimate for a long time, Xiao Yunhai is almost suffocating.

He took Zhao Wanqing to her thigh, put his right hand into her clothes, held the towering ball in one hand, rubbed it gently, and said, "wife, since you want to apologize, you have to be sincere."

With that, she gave Zhao Wanqing a fierce kiss.

Soon, a big war broke out in the bedroom.

After struggling for two hours, Xiao Yunhai let go of Zhao Wanqing, who was exhausted.After picking up the children from school, Xiao Yunhai accompanied them to play for a while, then turned on the TV to let them watch cartoons for a while, while he went into the kitchen to cook.

When Zhao Wanqing went downstairs, the food was ready.

Xiao Yunhai saw that she was walking a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly asked, "wife, are you ok?"

Zhao Wanqing's face was flushed, and she said, "it's not all your big yellow cattle. I'm... A little swollen. "

Xiao Yunhai tried to hold back his smile and said, "wife, what should I do?"

Zhao Wanqing was coy and shy: "you don't have to worry about it."

Seeing her go to the bathroom, Xiao Yunhai showed a proud look on his face and said in a soft voice, "see if you are still jealous after that."

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Kristi arrived at the dream special effects company and met Gavin Dulles, who had just arrived from Xinjiang.

"Good news, boss. After our joint exploration with Huaxia oil company, the proven oil reserves in Tahe Oilfield are estimated to be about 12 billion barrels. And 20 kilometers away, we found another oil and gas field, but we didn't measure the oil reserves. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "very well. It seems that the international crude oil price will rise as soon as possible to find out the reserves of this newly discovered oil and gas field. If we buy it one day earlier, we can make some cheap money. Ms. Christie, how is the government in touch? "

"I went to the Chinese Resources Department yesterday, and the negotiation time was 14:30 this afternoon," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's go together. It's better to solve it as soon as possible, so as not to have a long night's sleep. "

Christie thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao, although we and the experts of the other side say that the oil field has 12 billion barrels, this is only a valuation. No one dares to tell the real situation. So we have to buy them with the most conservative reserves. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "not bad. The environment of Tahe oilfield is very complex. With the present exploitation technology, crude oil in some places may not be produced. If we buy it at 12 billion barrels, it will be a big loss. Well, we still take 8 billion barrels as the boundary, and the rest will be shared with the government according to a 3:7 share

Christie said, "this is the surest way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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