Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:57 AM

Chapter 1507

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In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai took Kristi, Dulles and a group of more than a dozen people to the Chinese resources department.

The trade involved hundreds of billions of US dollars in huge funds, and the government attached great importance to it. Not only did Wang Qihong, Minister of Finance and Liao Shengzhi, Minister of resources, attended the meeting, but also alerted Zhao Yunkun, a vice national leader.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with Zhao Yunkun and said with a wry smile, "chief, are you a bit of a showman. It's just a business. There's no need for it. "

In China, leaders at or above the Deputy state level are generally called leaders.

Zhao Yunkun said with a smile: "because of the great development of the western region, the financial department of our government is about to run out of rice and is waiting for you, a big financial man, to help. If it wasn't for your uncle to avoid suspicion, he couldn't help coming in person. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "is the government really short of money?"

Zhao Yunkun said solemnly: "otherwise, how can we possibly open this opening. So when you negotiate later, you should be merciful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't say that. I'm just making some small money. All the big money has been cut off by Huaxia oil company. "

Zhao yunkunbai jokingly said: "it's not you who show mercy, just give them so much benefit."

Liao Shengzhi said: "chief, Mr. Xiao, let's start to sit down first. CCTV reporters have arrived. "

Xiao Yunhai one Leng, way: "still want on news broadcast?"

Zhao Yunkun said with a smile: "of course. This is the biggest investment in the great development of the western region. We should set you as a model to attract other businessmen. Sit down, Mr. Xiao. Let's start now. "

The crowd was divided into two rows, each seated.

Liao Shengzhi took the lead and said, "Mr. Xiao, I believe you should have heard that after the consistent exploration by Huaxia oil company and your Yunqing oil and gas company, the total oil reserves of Tahe oilfield have reached 12 billion barrels and the natural gas reserves have reached 420 billion cubic meters. According to the previous agreement, you will pay us 30% of the international price of crude oil and natural gas, right? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

Liao Shengzhi said with a smile, "that's OK. Now we just need to work out the total price and we can sign the contract. "

Xiao Yunhai took a look at Kristi. Kristi understood and said in fluent Chinese, "minister Liao, things are not simple. It's true that we both agree that there is no problem with oil and gas reserves, but how much can be produced is still unknown. If we calculate it according to 12 billion barrels of crude oil and 420 billion cubic meters of natural gas, if we can't exploit it because of technical problems, we will lose a lot. "

Liao Shengzhi frowned and asked, "how do you think you can calculate it? After all, none of us can predict the future. Reserves could be more than that. "

"So it's not appropriate to calculate with an uncertain reserve," Kristi said. We conservatively estimate that the Tahe oilfield has produced 7 billion barrels of crude oil and 300 billion cubic meters of natural gas. We can pay 30% of your funds according to the reserves. If we find more than these in the future, we will divide them into 7:3 prices. What do you think of our proposal? "

Liao Shengzhi did not speak. Wang Qihong, Minister of finance, said, "absolutely not. Ms. Kristi, in the final analysis, the reason why Huaxia opened this opening is to raise funds and speed up the development strategy of the western region. Mr. Xiao is very clear about this. Your proposal runs counter to the purpose of the government, and we will never accept it. "

Christie said, "Minister Wang, you mean that you must be paid according to the proven reserves. What if we can't exploit so much in the future? "

Wang Qihong thought for a moment and said, "it's very simple. The Chinese government will compensate you. It will take at least ten or even fifteen years for such a large oilfield to be fully exploited. By that time, the West should have become rich. Our finance department is fully capable of compensating you for your losses. "

Xiao Yunhai tried to save cash and invest in other aspects, while the government tried to increase cash flow for the construction of the western region. Everyone wants to put the money behind to pay, in order to ease the huge financial pressure.

The two plans have been put on the table, either a or B. Kristi, Liao Shengzhi and Wang Qihong are not arguing, and they all focus on the boss of both sides.

They are the ones who can make the final decision.

Zhao Yunkun took a sip of tea and said categorically: "the government will not give in."

Xiao Yunhai seemed to have something to know and said with a smile, "I know. If it was not for the sake of the western region, the government would not open up the resource gap. Subconsciously, you already feel that you have suffered losses, so you will not do any good

coordination. Chief, am I right? "

Zhao Yunkun said, "yes. Yunhai, although your uncle didn't give instructions, it should be the same.Because the government needs time. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "do I have a choice? If you don't give us the oil field because of this, I'll be in vain. But there is a problem that we must make clear. If we have produced 10 billion barrels of crude oil, and there are still two billion barrels that do not exist at all, what is this

Wang Qihong said, "of course, how much is the difference? How much will I give you back?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and asked, "according to what? If the crude oil price at that time was much higher than that at present,

reached 300 US dollars a barrel, would you pay 30% of the 300 US dollars, or only give us 30% of the current price

Wang Qihong was stunned. They had not studied this problem.

There is no objection to the fact that oil will appreciate almost 100% in the future. The only thing we don't know is how much it can rise.

If the current price is paid, Xiao Yunhai will undoubtedly suffer a great loss. However, if the price of crude oil is paid at that time, the government will probably pay a lot more.

This is another decision-making issue.

Zhao Yunkun admired Xiao Yunhai for thinking so far. He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "although Mr. Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world, he is not good at business. But I think you are older than the old fox. Even we didn't think of it. You raised it in an instant. It seems that gossip is not acceptable. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "chief, you flatter me. As a Chinese, or a child of the Xiao family, I am willing to help our government tide over the current difficulties, but I can not just suffer losses. I feel that no matter who proposes, the other party should compensate with the international crude oil price at that time, which is the most fair

Zhao Yunkun thought about it and said, "there must be a maximum value. Now the oil price is 98 US dollars a barrel. If it really reaches 300 US dollars in 10 years' time, according to your opinion, will the government be equivalent to borrowing you usury? "

Although Xiao Yunhai said that, he didn't really think that the government would agree. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "what does the chief executive think of this maximum value?"

Zhao Yunkun looked at Xiao Yunhai with bright eyes and asked, "the highest is 150 US dollars, which is 33% higher than now. The rate of return is very good. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, stood up, stretched out his hand, and said, "then it will be carried out according to this agreement."

With a smile on his face, Zhao Yunkun grasped Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "OK. I wish us a happy cooperation. "

"Happy cooperation."

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