Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:52 AM

Chapter 1510

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Zhao Wanqing saw Xiao Yunhai's depressed face. She quickly went over and smoothed his forehead. She said, "husband, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and asked, "do you think I'm particularly stupid?"

Zhao Wanqing was stunned and said with a smile, "if you are stupid, there are no smart people in the world. Husband, what happened? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "David Steele had a car accident and might become a vegetable."

"How?" Zhao Wanqing said in surprise: "David Stern always has several cars to protect him before and after his trip. How can he have an accident?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "tigers all nap, let alone human beings."

Zhao Wanqing said, "do you suspect that this is a murder? Well, there is a possibility. Husband, who do you think it will be? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "will stell network company be your rival in love, Vanessa Bessie? Hehe, the people from these big families are really decisive. "

Zhao Wanqing opened her mouth and said in shock: "it's so lawless. I didn't expect this Winnie Bessie to be so beautiful, but she was so cruel in her work. It's a real shame. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "she can certainly do such a thing. But it's not necessarily her. As soon as Steele died, everyone would think that the killer was Miss Bessie, who had gained the most benefits. It was a little too conspicuous to do so. Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with us. Even if Vanessa Bessie runs STEL networks, it's not easy to succeed in the fierce competition in the future. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said with a bitter smile, "compared with them, I found that we are so kind."

Xiao Yunhai gave her a kiss on her face and said, "well, don't feel sorry. Let's go to bed early and get up early tomorrow to record" challenging the limit "in Shanghai

Zhao Wanqing said.

On Wall Street, New York, in the conference room of stern networks headquarters, Vanessa bessier sat triumphantly in David Stern's position, with only three or four shareholders, all of whom were former David Stern's.

"Is everyone here?" Vanessa Bessie took a sip of coffee and asked her secretary in a superior voice.

"Only Mr. Jason stern did not arrive."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jason stern pushed the door and came in. His face was ugly and he felt tired. Franklin, CEO of Paramount Pictures, accompanied him.

Seeing Vanessa Bessie sitting in her father's seat, Jason Steele was furious and said, "Miss Bessie, please go down for me."

Vanessa Bessie chuckled, shook her head, and said, "Mr. Steele, if I dare to sit here, it shows that I am in control of the situation. You are only insulting yourself by saying so. "

Jason stern looked at Ted Bunian, the father's strongest brother, and asked in disbelief, "Uncle Bunian, do you agree?"

Ted Bunian sighed and said, "Jason, your father's situation, you should know that even if you wake up, you can't continue to run the company. Compared with you, I have more trust in Miss Bessie and believe that she can bring us a better development of the company. I'm sorry. "

Jason stern looked at the other shareholders, and none of them spoke.

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "Mr. Steele, you see it, too. With the support of Mr. Bunian and others, I have now owned 52% of the shares and have successfully controlled the company. You can rest assured that I, Bessie, will spare no effort to develop stell network company faster and better. "

Jason stern, who was a fox with a lot of city hall, could no longer calm down. His eyes were red and he swore to Winnie Bessie: "Bessie, you murderer. I will never let you go if you use this despicable means to win our company of the sters. Sooner or later, I'll give you a taste of what happened to my father. "

Vanessa Bessie frowned and looked gloomy and said, "Mr. stern, I know that Wall Street is speculating that I bought and killed people in order to become a shareholder in STEL networks. But I can swear on the honor of our Bessie family that we have nothing to do with Mr. David Stern's accident from the beginning to the end. Believe it or not, I was shocked when I got the news. "

Jason Stern said coldly, "don't pretend to be innocent here. Who's in the best interest of my father's accident? Besides you, it's you. Vanessa Bessie, let's see. "

With that, Jason Steele was about to walk out when he saw Franklin still standing there, motionless.

Jason stern frowned and said, "what do you mean, Franklin?"

Franklin said, "I'm sorry, Jason. Now the president of stell networks is Miss Bessie. I'm the CEO of Paramount Pictures. I need to report to Miss Bessie."Jason Steele, green with anger, pointed to Franklin and said, "good, good. I always treat you as a brother, but I didn't expect you betrayed me. Wait a minute. You're going to end up alone. "

After Jason stern left, Franklin bowed to Vanessa Bessie and said, "Miss Bessie, congratulations on becoming president of STEL networks."

With a bright smile on her face, Vanessa Bessie said, "thank you, Mr. Franklin, for supporting me at this time. You will continue to be CEO of Lamont pictures. I will inject 10 billion dollars into it to make movies and TV series, and strive to become the most powerful entertainment company in Hollywood. "

Franklin nodded and said, "thank you for Miss Bessie's trust. I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Just then, there was a huge explosion outside.

The sound was so loud that even the people on the 23rd floor could hear it clearly.

"What's going on?" said Vanessa Bessie, startled

Her secretary ran out in a hurry.

After a while, she ran into the room with a flustered look on her face and called out, "No. Mr. Jason Stern's car suddenly exploded, killing all four people inside. The bomb was so powerful that three people died and six were injured. "

Vanessa Bessie stood up in direct shock, her eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "how could this happen?"

Franklin's face was no better. He said, "I came here in Jason's car. It shouldn't have happened? "

Others were equally shocked, and Ted Bunian looked suspiciously at Vanessa Bessie.

Vanessa Bessie suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a trap. David sters and his son had accidents one after another. One was hit by a car and the other was killed by explosion. The biggest beneficiary is herself. The suspect will undoubtedly point to himself.

Unless we find the real killer, otherwise, we can't get rid of the suspicion.

Vanessa Bessie took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down and said, "call the police immediately. Let's go down and have a look."

When I arrived at the scene, I saw a mess outside the building. The huge movement attracted the attention of the people around. A reporter was still there shooting with a camera.

Vanessa Bessie looked at the injured man and asked, "when will the ambulance arrive?"

"In a minute." Said the chief of the security section.

"Disperse all irrelevant people, block the scene immediately and wait for the arrival of the police." Vanessa Bessie gave the order.


Five minutes later, ambulances and police arrived at the scene one after another.

After asking about what happened, he learned that Franklin and the dead were in the same car, but they didn't go with the dead, so the police took him away.

The two father and son of stern network company have been in trouble one after another, which shocked the whole wall street. The nature of these two incidents is so bad that the perpetrators are simply insane.

In order to attack the opponent, we fight secretly and openly, which is normal. It is a real offence to use this method to achieve the goal.

Who doesn't like people who break the rules? What's more, it's a matter of life.

"The other side's hand is really crisp and neat. It's cruel to kill people directly."

"Now that people on Wall Street are in danger, my boss has increased the number of security guards by 20."

"They are all millionaires. Naturally, they are afraid of death. Guess who did it

"What else? Of course, it's the biggest beneficiary. "

"Vanessa Bessie? Indeed, we all think that the most likely thing is that she "

the elites on Wall Street have been talking about it in private, without exception, all of which are directed at Vanessa Bessie, which immediately puts Vanessa Bessie in a dilemma.

Because of these rumors, the market value of stell network company is falling faster, and Vanessa Bessie has a big head, but she can't catch the killer. She has no way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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