Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:48 AM

Chapter 1513

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Xiao Yunhai three people were taken to a tea house.

"Hey, the crew is so nice to me. It took us here. That beauty, make us a pot of good Biluochun. " Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he ordered a pot of tea.

"Director Xiao, do you have any money?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, shook his head and said, "No. I never take money when I go out. "

Huang Lei said, "who pays for the tea?"

Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth and said, "isn't the crew paying? I see that in the previous programs, you often see what you eat. "

"Xiao Dao, it's our own money, isn't it?"

Xiao Haiyun said to me, "I'm a drama troupe. Do you have any money? "

Huang Lei quickly covered his pocket, shook his head and said, "I didn't bring any money."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Huang, you are not interesting. It's the first time that we've cooperated with each other. I don't have the habit of bringing money. When I meet my wife, I ask her for some points, and I promise to invite you two hot drinks. "

But you nodded. Yes, I'll take it. Just me

The three were drinking tea while waiting for the mission to be released.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the mobile phone that the crew provided, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that all the rice grain mobile phone advertisements produced by Yazhou electronic technology company have been called up here. It's really good. Come on, photography teacher. Take a close-up

Huang Lei said with a smile: "don't say, your mobile phone is really good. When you start world of Warcraft, you don't get stuck at all, but the screen is a little small. In the end, I bought a small computer

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "Mr. Huang, you have done a good job in this advertisement for me. I'll give you a mobile phone and a small copy. "

Huang Lei took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "thank you. It's settled."

"Director Xiao, if I make another advertisement, will you send me

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "during the competition, everyone will only remember the first place. Who knows the second place

He Shuwen sighed and said, "I'm so pathetic."

At this time, a message was uploaded from the mobile phone, telling them that there was a big box in a teahouse with a killing weapon in it, and they needed to look for it. After finding it, he drove a car at the door to pursue the trophy.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Huang, Lao Kai, you should be familiar with such things as looking for things. I am a newcomer without experience, so I will not mix in."

Huang Lei and Wei Shuwen nodded and said, "no problem. It's a little bit bigger, three minutes to make sure it's done. "

Two people full of confidence to find things, Xiao Yunhai is leisurely drinking tea.

Three minutes later, Huang Lei and Kai Shu Wen come back with nothing.

Xiao Yunhai was happy and said, "you two, it's a piece of cake."

Huang Lei said: "this time, the crew's hiding is relatively secret, which is a little difficult to find."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly. He habitually flicked the table, glanced around, and suddenly got up and walked to the cabinet.

Huang Lei and Kai Shu Wen quickly follow up.

"Boss, since the crew wants to hide things, they can't pass you. Say what you want, and the three of us promise to do it for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said to the teahouse owner, who is in his 40s and has a refined appearance.

The owner of the tea house thought about it and said, "I really know where it is. In this way, as long as three people help me to put an advertisement in front of the camera for our Zongheng tea house, then there will be no problem

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "yes. What do you think of the advertisement words coming soon after you open your mouth to enjoy a delicious life

The owner of the tea house nodded and said happily, "great."

Xiao Yunhai, Huang Lei and Kai Shuwen stand in a row. One of them holds a tea cup and looks at the camera lens and says, "Shanghai sea tea house, taste delicious life."

With that, he gave a thumbs up.

After the advertisement was finished, the owner of the tea shop found a black code box from the tea cabinet behind him.

Huang Lei took over the box and said, "the crew is a little bit over the top. How can we find something here? Even if I guess, I'm sorry to find it. That's true. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, boss."

The three returned to the table and opened the code box, which contained three slingshots and six bullets.

After the booty was distributed, the task rules appeared on the mobile phone, asking three people to snatch the trophy of the escort team, and learned that there was old a in the other team.

Xiao Yunhai said: "through your previous programs, according to the crew's consistent urination, since the other side has undercover, we may also have undercover."

On hearing this, both Kan Shu Wen and Huang Lei look at each other suspiciously.

Xiao Yunhai even said, "let's not do this. We can't make a mess without fighting. Let's watch as we go. It may be that I'm worried about it. After all, there are twice as many people there as we are. It's normal to give us one. "Huang Lei nodded and said, "yes. Let's get on the bus first

After leaving the tea house, he takes an empty taxi at the door. Huang Lei sits in the driver's seat and starts driving.

Inside the car, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I don't know if the director will cut it."

"If you don't cut it, the boss has picked up a big bargain. If we calculate it, we will have to pay tens of millions of dollars for advertising alone. "

Huang Lei said: "more than that. The value of the sea of clouds is worth more than 100 million. "

Three people said for a while without any nutrition, Xiao Yunhai asked: "where are we going now?"

"Mr. A should give us a hint," he said with a smile

As soon as the tone of the characters in the book fell, a message arrived, saying that Zhang Yixing and Huang Bo went to the parking lot on Tiantong road and asked them to kill Zhang Yixing.

Huang Lei finds out the navigation, finds the location of Tiantong road and drives to the destination.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "who do you think this old a will be?"

He thought about it and said, "it should be an old man. Wanqing and Huangbo are all new people and have no experience, so they are unlikely to be able to do so. "

Huang Lei said: "it's too early to guess. What I want to make sure is whether there are any undercover agents among the three of us. I swear first, if I'm an undercover, I'll have a bad year. "

Xiao Yunhai did not want to think, then said: "if it is undercover, ten years are not smooth."

"If it's undercover, it's not smooth all the time," he said

Huang Lei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's good. There is no undercover among us. Let's go to the parking lot of Tiantong road and kill Zhang Yixing. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked out of the window with a mysterious smile on his face.

The three men were very close to the parking lot and found their destination in only 10 minutes.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and asked, "is there a contact person? Otherwise, how can we find so many cars? "

As expected, we did not give a thorough study to Xiao Yunhai

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm a director. I like to jump out of the chessboard and be a chess player. I don't want to be a chess player. Of course, I think more. Well, it seems that Lao Kai has found a contact person. "

Sure enough, Lao Kai got a bunch of car keys from a middle-aged woman. After five minutes of searching, he pressed the alarm, and a convertible finally started to ring.

the three men found the box in the trunk.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "let's not take it. The box is on the car. I hide it in the trunk, waiting for Zhang Yixing and his neck to be hooked. You hide first. No matter whether I succeed in the end, you all rush out and catch them all together. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at his writing with a smile and said, "Lao Kai, now I find that you are definitely a sultry type of bull. At ordinary times, there is no sound, but if you don't sing, you will be astonished. You can think of such shameless tactics. You are my idol. "

Huang Lei is in the audience and laughs.

The three men plan to make sure. Huang Lei returns the key to the contact person, and instructs her to repeat the words after Zhang Yixing and Huang Bo arrive.

Huang Lei swept around and saw Xiao Yunhai putting on a photographer's work clothes. He asked, "Yunhai, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yunhai put on a hat and said, "I'm going to play with that rocker camera. Haven't you heard a word? It's called black under the light. "

Huang Lei suddenly realized and said, "I can only say that you are more shameless."

Looking for a place, Huang Lei hides.

It was already seven o'clock in the afternoon. The night was dim and the whole parking lot was covered with dim yellow lights.

Half an hour later, Huang Bo and Zhang Yixing came to the parking lot.

When Huang Bo was about to pass by, Zhang Yixing quickly grabbed him and said, "BOGO, didn't you see it? The rocker camera is shooting. I think they're here. They're waiting for us to be caught somewhere

Although they have noticed the camera, both Huang Bo and Zhang Yixing do not recognize Xiao Yunhai, who bows and fiddles with the camera.

"What shall we do?" Huang asked

Zhang Yixing thought for a while and said, "anyway, this place is not big. Let's search around first and then."

After searching around, Huang Lei is found out and runs away.

Zhang Yixing excitedly said: "I knew they must be ambushing us."

At this time, the two people are only less than 10 meters away from Xiao Yunhai, but they did not notice.

Taking the key from the contact, Huang Bo asked, "did they leave with the trophy?"

"No," he said, shaking his head

Huang Bo relieved himself and found the car with the trophy in five minutes.

In the trunk of the book to hear the sound outside, quickly ready to shoot.

It's just that Zhang Yixing didn't open the trunk at all. Instead, he climbed onto the car and got into it through the skylight.He quickly turned the direction, but the first shot was not hit.

Zhang Yixing quickly escaped from the skylight and yelled: "BOGO, Lao Kai is in the trunk. Ha ha, he hit me and missed. "

Huang Bo said with a smile, "now he's dead."

With that, Huang Bo sat in the trunk of the car.

Zhang Yixing got out of the car and was about to turn to Huang Bo when a bullet hit him. His clothes were covered with red powder.

"Zhang Yixing, glory." The staff next to him shouts with a horn.

Zhang Yixing was stunned and said, "I'm not dead."

Up to now, he did not recognize that the man with bow waist, hat and work clothes was Xiao Yunhai.

Huang Bo is also silly, don't understand why Zhang Yixing will be eliminated.

At this time, Huang Lei runs over, points to Zhang Yixing and laughs.

"Art star, you are so stupid. I didn't even recognize the person who killed you

Zhang Yixing glanced around, looked down at Xiao Yunhai, and said, "is it you?"

Xiao Yunhai raised his head with a smile on his face and said, "art star, I'm sorry."

Then he touched his shocked face.

Zhang Yixing cried and said, "my God, you are too good at playing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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