Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:46 AM

Chapter 1514

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Huang Bo jumped down from the trunk, opened the catapult, and slowly walked over, looking at Xiao Yunhai and saying, "third brother, you are the master who is playing with the rocker camera, aren't you? Damn it, you're so similar that I don't even recognize it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "neck, put your hands on it. There are still four bullets in our three hands. You can't win

Just climbed out of the trunk of the book text, came over, the catapult in hand aimed at Huang Bo's back.

Bo's and Huang's arms were raised and Huang put the bullets on the side of the car

Xiao Yunhai picked up his catapult and bullet, and said with a smile, "neck, how can I not accept it?"

Huang Bo said with a smile: "of course. Third brother, let's come all the way from Yanjing. We can't kill me at once, can we? Didn't we say that? It's not important to win or lose the game. It's about grabbing the camera. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's right. What do you think, Mr. Huang and Lao Kai? "

Huang Bo said, "do you still need to ask? Both of them are my brothers. I'm sure it's OK. "

He said with a smile, "yes, you can sing a song at will. When you're done, we'll let you go. "

Huang Bo patted his chest and said, "I'm good at singing. What's a song? You want to hear it. I'll sing you 20-30 capital tour. First of all, I'll give you a third brother's "the sea and the sky."

"Today, I watch the snow drift by in the cold night, and drift away with my cooled heart. Huang Bo's singing skills are good. Although there is no accompaniment, the first paragraph is still very impressive.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, let's take him."

Zhang Yixing looked at Huang Bo and said, "brother Bo, you... Are you so rebellious?"

Huang Bo said shamelessly, "didn't you tell me in the car? It's not important to win or lose. It's the camera that counts. "

Zhang Yixing was stupefied and said, "BOGO, you are learning so fast."

Zhang Yixing was taken away. Xiao Yunhai looked at Huang Bo and asked, "neck, since you have turned to us, do things for us honestly. Come on, where are the other two locations? How are the forces distributed? "

Huang Bo said: "San Sao and Luo Zhixiang went to the ferris wheel on Yunmeng Road, sun Honglei and Hu Wanzong went to Kangjin bridge on Xinghua Road."

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said with satisfaction, "good performance. Is it close to Ferris wheel or Kangjin bridge

Huang Lei said: "Ferris wheel. Go to the ferris wheel. But I want to ask, what does your wife do with it? "

Xiao Yunhai said in a high voice: "four words, justice destroys relatives."

Huang Lei and he Shuwen cried out in unison: "good."

Four of them got on the bus and headed for Yunmeng road.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the ferris wheel on Yunmeng road. Unfortunately, they took away the trophy five minutes ago.

At this time, the old a sent two places to tell them that there was information about him and that it must be erased.

Xiao Yunhai is shocked. He is a spy. Since there are two places, it is likely that there are two sides and one person. I have to get it done before everyone else.

One is in the secret room of 1933 old city square, which is closer to them, and the other is at 103 Chengyuan road.

Huang Lei said: "let's go. Go to the secret room of the old city square first. Delete all the clues about Lao Hu. "

On hearing this, Huang Bo asked, "brother, do you mean that Lao Hu is an undercover?"

Huang Lei was stunned and said, "No. Did I say that? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the boy was blinded by our play, and his ears are not good. Let's go and find the identity. "

Soon, the four arrived at the old town square and met Zhao Wanqing and Hu Wanzong who had just got off the bus.

The six men were confronted with each other.

Huang Bo yelled: "third sister-in-law, Lao Hu is an undercover. Don't believe him."

Zhao Wanqing quickly turned the catapult to Hu Wanzong and said, "are you an undercover?"

Hu Wanzong said: "No. Lao Huang, are you an undercover? Is it deliberately confusing? "

Huang Bo said, "I heard Huang Lei say your name? Not yet? "

Zhao Wanqing thought about it, but went back to Hu Wanzong and said, "neck, you are really stupid. Are the three of them smarter than the other, and will they name the undercover in front of you? "

Hu Wanzong clapped his thigh and cried, "sister Zhao is still smart."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "smart or not, you are all finished. Hand over the slingshot and bullets, and we can spare you like Huang Bo. Otherwise, we'll kill them all. "

Hu Wanzong said in a low voice: "we are running separately. It's such a big place to stay away from them. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and they turned and ran.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll go after my wife, and you'll go after Lao Hu."

Zhao Wanqing has practiced Bagua Quan for more than a year. Her Kung Fu has entered the realm of Ming Jin. Her explosive power, speed, physical strength and endurance are much stronger than those of men. Huang Lei and Chen Shu Wen have been replaced by Zhao Wanqing.But who is Xiao Yunhai? Even if Zhao Wanqing practiced all her life, she couldn't catch up with him.

Just ran out 300 meters, Xiao Yunhai will catch her.

Zhao Wanqing exclaimed. She picked up the catapult and was about to shoot at him. Suddenly, she saw a flower in front of her eyes, and the catapult in her hand had disappeared.

Xiao Yunhai put her arms around her fragrant shoulder and said with a smile: "wife, you can run just strange?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, you don't really want to kill me? It's just a game, but if you do something to me, I'll be very sad

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can it be? Come on, let's sit down and have a good talk

Two people sitting on the stone bench, Xiao Yunhai said: "if you are old a, then as soon as possible admit that we are a group, then the three of us will not hurt you."

Zhao Wanqing turned her eyes and said, "I'm old a then."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what's the first message you sent us?"

Zhao Wanqing directly silly eyes, said: "I forgot."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you still want to cheat me. I know you so well that your expression has betrayed you. This is better. I'm sure the old a in our team is either sun Honglei or Luo Zhixiang? "

"Our team? What do you mean by that Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai gave her a kiss on the face and said, "wife, you little fool. Since you have an undercover there, we certainly have one here, and I am the one. "

"Really?" asked Zhao Wanqing suspiciously

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's more true than pearl. A, I don't want to tell them apart. It's up to you. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I know."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you take the catapult and the bullet back, quickly leave here, go to 103 Chengyuan Road, I am afraid that one of these two places points to me."

Zhao Wanqing stood up and said, "OK, I'm going."

Xiao Yunhai opened his arms and said with a smile, "are you going? Why do you need a kiss? "

Zhao Wanqing smiles and hugs Xiao Yunhai's neck and kisses her. It takes half a minute to separate.

After Zhao Wanqing left, Xiao Yunhai pointed at the camera and said, "see, media friends, don't talk about those son's imaginary things. We are well. It's getting late. I have to go and destroy the evidence. "

After a long circle, Xiao Yunhai finally finds Huang Lei and Kai Shuwen in a secret room. They are decoding a password box.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what have you done to Lao Hu?"

Huang Lei said: "he ran away. What about your wife? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I let her go."

"Director Xiao, you are a little too much. Didn't you say you wanted to wipe out the family for justice? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "have you heard that the hero is sad about Meirenguan? My wife hugs and kisses me. How can I do it. What's more, as you know, I've got a lot of gossip, and everyone's saying that we've got a problem. If I kill her without saying a word, God, I will not jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it

Huang Lei said: "then you should let us go after Lao Hu."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Huang, do you think you will be my wife's opponent? I'm telling you, she's got a lot more power, speed and reaction than you two. If you want to hit her, you can't win in two more years. "

Huang Lei asked suspiciously, "really?"

"It's true. I've been told by my neck before that we won't be able to beat her unless we join hands

Huang Lei said, "you two are really good. Don't talk about anything else, Lao Kai. Let's open this box first. There's a clue to the secret room. "

Xiao Yunhai looked around, and suddenly found a table, as if there was a secret door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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