Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:45 AM

Chapter 1515

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Xiao Yunhai took a look at the two people who were seriously solving the problem. He crept under the table, opened the secret door and went in.

There is a long corridor inside. After walking dozens of meters, I can see that there is a gate in front, which is also locked.

Xiao Yunhai glanced around and found a small wooden box beside it, which was also a password lock.

Xiao Yunhai didn't have time to solve this thing. Without thinking about it, he slapped it on the box. The wooden box was broken and revealed a small key.

In the same way, after three doors, we came to the place where the clues were hidden.

Xiao Yunhai found that there were movie posters on all four walls, and three English words were written on one wall.

Xiao Yunhai immediately turned his attention to the wall, considered for a while, and said, "this should be a coordinate, this is one, two, five. Damn it, Infernal Affairs is Infernal Affairs. If Huang Lei and Lao Kai saw it, they would have guessed that there were undercover agents among the three of us. Good fellow, fortunately I found it in time. I have to change it

Xiao Yunhai took down the poster of Infernal Affairs, replaced the "dominating the world" by sun Honglei and Luo Zhixiang on the other side of the wall, and then went back.

Seeing that they were still there, Xiao Yunhai directly seized the small wooden box and split it with one hand. There was a card inside.

Huang Lei and Kai Shuwen are both stupid. After solving the password box that can't be done for nearly 20 minutes, Xiao Yunhai took less than two seconds to fix it. Obviously, they hit them hard.

After a long time, Huang Lei said, "we are civilized people. We can't be too savage."

Xiao Yunhai handed the card to Kai Shu Wen and said, "you two are really stupid. It says the location of the secret door, and I've found it. Come on, I've been down. "

He Shu Wen said with admiration on his face: "it's still Xiao who is powerful."

After walking through the gates and seeing the boxes being split, Huang Lei said with a wry smile: "you are just a saboteur. What a nice little code box! It's all broken by you. I want to take it back and put it back. "

When he came to the secret room full of pictorial newspapers, Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I only found here. Besides these posters, the only clue is the three English letters. I don't understand what they mean. Mr. Huang, aren't you called the divine operator? Try to untie it? "

Huang Lei looked at it for about a minute and said, "I see. It's about coordinates one, two and five, which is... The poster of" hegemony. "

Xiao Yunhai showed an expression of sudden realization, patted his head and said: "you are too cow. I didn't think of it. "Dominating the world" is sun Honglei's work, that is to say, old a is sun Honglei. "

He shook his head and said, "No. Luo Zhixiang seems to have appeared in the film, although he is only a supporting role. I think old a should be one of them. "

Huang Lei thought for a moment and said, "I think it is more likely that sun Honglei should be. Forget it. Let's go up first. When I see them, everything will come to light. "

Out of the secret room, the three saw Huang Bo waiting in front of the car.

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "neck, why don't you run?"

Huang Bo said with a wry smile, "I'd better not run. They're so scattered that even if they find it, it's useless. Besides, with you, there must be more shots. "

Huang Lei patted him on the shoulder and said, "you are so smart that you take the camera as the first thing, ox fork. Then come with us. "

Four people to the second location, 103 Chengyuan road.

At the same time, Zhao Wanqing got out of the taxi in the auditorium at 103 Chengyuan road and saw sun Honglei and Luo Zhixiang come out.

Zhao Wanqing ran up and said, "how about it? Have you found any clues to the undercover? "

Luo Zhixiang said: "I'm going crazy. It's hard to find a mirror. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see a way. He was so angry that he dropped the mirror

Zhao Wanqing was shocked in her heart. She loaded the catapult and aimed at Sun Honglei. She said, "brother Honglei, give me an explanation."

Luo Zhixiang was shocked and quickly avoided sun Honglei and said, "what's going on here?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "I can be 100% sure that one of you is an undercover. Now Honglei brother to the mirror to fall, is likely to cover up the undercover is his clue

Sun Honglei frowned and said, "how can you think it's one of us? What's more, is it possible that you are the thief calling for the thief? "

Luo Zhixiang nodded and said, "yes."

Having said that, his steps are further away from sun Honglei.

Zhao Wanqing said: "the three of them first attacked Huang Bo and Zhang Yixing. Zhang Yixing was killed and Huang Bo was arrested. The second attack was me and Lao Hu. I ran out and Lao Hu's whereabouts were unknown. So, I'm sure one of you is undercover. Here has the identity of undercover, even if a person is no longer rational, should not break the mirror. Brother Hong Lei, you say you are not who is. "Luo Zhixiang immediately pointed the catapult at Sun Honglei and said, "that's right. I don't think it's appropriate when he breaks the mirror. In addition, he also asked me to buy water. He separated me from me two or three times, which is probably the order issued at that time. Hum, brother Honglei, when it comes to this, you'd better admit it. "

Sun Honglei shook his head and said innocently, "don't you be deceived? It's not really me

Zhao Wanqing said: "in this way, you first hand in your weapons. Only if you become a person who does no harm to us, we will believe you."

Luo Zhixiang nodded repeatedly and said, "that's right."

Sun Honglei had no choice but to put the catapult and bullet on the ground, and Zhao Wanqing quickly picked it up.

Sun Honglei shrugged and said, "look, if I were an undercover, would I give it to you?"

Zhao Wanqing, isn't Luo zhitou

Sun Honglei said: "it is also possible. When he smashed the mirror, it was he who encouraged me to do it. Wan Qing, you must believe me. "

Luo Zhixiang pointed to sun Honglei and said in disbelief, "you framed me. OK, now I know. You must be undercover. I'll kill you. "

Sun Honglei ran to Zhao Wanqing and said, "Wanqing, he wants to kill people. Help me quickly."

"Good." Zhao Wanqing agreed, and suddenly fired a bullet at Sun Honglei, who was coming in the face, and hit him in the chest.

Sun Honglei was silly, and Luo Zhixiang beside him also stopped.

"Sun Honglei is glorious," shouts the staff next to him

Zhao Wanqing asked, "is he an undercover?"

The staff said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

Luo Zhixiang said: "Honglei brother, go ahead, are you undercover? At this last moment, you can tell us

Instead of answering, sun Honglei asked Zhao Wanqing, "are you so sure I'm an undercover?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "80% of the assurance. My husband said that there is no one hundred percent of things in the world. There is a 70 percent or more chance of doing them. "

Sun Honglei sighed and said, "women are not as good as men. You win the bet. I'm old a. I'm sorry to be an undercover in our team. I'll tell you this. It's my compensation. You can text them on my cell phone and ambush them. Hehe, Huang Lei is known as the divine operator. He has won every time. I hope he will lose this time. "

Luo Zhixiang said with a smile, "thank you, brother Honglei." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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