Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:39 AM

Chapter 1519

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The reason why Xiao Yunhai gave up the competition with David Stern is that, in addition to the fact that there is a lot of overlap in business, a large part of the reason is that his industry is slowly recovering. Within three years, David Stern can completely solve the financial problems. At that time, he wanted to compete, which was just like a dream.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Ms. Kristi, did you like their company when you came to New York?"

Christie nodded and said, "I just wanted to report to you."

It turns out that although the company is owned by Vanessa Bessie, there are two subsidiaries that are different from other companies: one is twitter, a popular social networking site in Europe and America, with 475 million active users; the other is STEL business network, which is as famous as Yunyi shopping website.

The two websites are jointly funded by David Stern and Stell network company, each accounting for 50%.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai thought he owned 25% of the shares of STEL website, and thought that he would also own 25% of the shares of the business website, but later found out that he only accounted for 12.5%.

As a result, David Stern owns more than 70 percent of the two companies.

It's the twitter social network that Kristi is after.

Xiao Yunhai is also interested in twitter social networking sites and says, "how sure are you to take it?"

Christie shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "I don't know. Now nobody knows what loranoel thinks. The only thing that can be confirmed is that she hates Vanessa Bessie very much. No, it should be described as hatred. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, Vanessa Bessie is really unlucky. Kristi, it doesn't matter how much it costs to buy twitter. And then there's the fact that I'm very interested in the technical team of nearly 10000 people at STEL networks. I have a lot of things in my mind that can change people's way of life. With them, these things can appear in the world. We're not far from being number one in the world. "

Christie's eyes brightened and said, "yes. Now everyone's focus is on these companies. We do the opposite and rob them of their technological talents. With them, we have everything. I'll do it right away. By the way, there is another thing, that is, Mr. Wu, your collaborator, is also here. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this guy seems to want to monopolize e-commerce all over the world. If he can succeed, it will be very beneficial to me. "

From the airport to the New York Cathedral, a total of an hour and a half.

After arriving, dozens of luxury cars have been parked in the parking lot outside the cathedral, all more than a million dollars.

Xiao Yunhai's car is not very impressive in it.

Xiao Yunhai and his three men came to the church with a solemn face. After scanning around, Xiao Yunhai saw many super rich people, such as Steve Bix of Warner, Jeff Welch of General Electric Company, and Max Garcia, President of whirlwind Electronics Group.

There are many people, Xiao Yunhai does not know, but look at their aura, are not under the other rich.

A staff member in charge of the funeral saw the three people and rushed to meet them and put them in the front row.

When Max Garcia saw Xiao Yunhai, he snorted and said coldly, "the greatest enemy of Steele was Xiao. I didn't expect that he would have the face. Maybe it's him who's behind Steele

The distance between him and Xiao Yunhai is not far away. Xiao Yunhai's ears are so keen that he can hear his words.

"Mr. Garcia, although I have a bad relationship with Mr. David Stern, it's normal business competition. In the final stage, there was even a brief cooperation. To assassinate such a thing, I Xiao Yunhai is not you, and I can't do it yet. "

Max Garcia got angry and said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai glanced at him and said scornfully: "at the beginning of the world cup bombing, you dare to say that you did not participate in the planning. Well, you lied to children. It was the same thing as Jason stern, and I suspect you did it now. "

Max Garcia got up in a rage, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said in a sharp voice, "Xiao, I will sue you for slander."

Xiao Yunhai said: "whatever you want. Mr. Garcia, this is the funeral of David Stern and his son. I advise you not to make trouble here. Otherwise, I don't mind throwing you out

"Boy, Kung Fu Xiao is really crazy."

"Can you not be crazy? He's the richest man in the world, and he's also a Kung Fu expert. If he gets angry, he might throw Garcia out. "

"Garcia is a little bit too much, and even if you don't see what the occasion is, you will find trouble for no reason."

"for no reason? Kungfu Xiao's rice grain mobile phone and tablet computer will be whirlwind hit, the market share has reached 65%, Garcia can not hate him

The others were whispering.

Max Garcia gave Xiao Yunhai a hard look and said, "let's see."

Then he sat down again.It was about ten o'clock, and suddenly there was a noise behind.

"Why, Vanessa Bessie is here."

"That's what David's wife loranoel hates the most. When she comes, loranoel has to fight with her. "

"Wall Street is saying that the death of the sters was her hand. Is this to clear the suspicion?"

Vanessa Bessie, dressed in a plain dress, came in with no expression, and the voice of the discussion stopped.

She was one of the heirs of the Bessie family, and it was enough for everyone to talk in private, and no one had the courage to speak in front of her.

Vanessa Bessie saw Xiao Yunhai sitting in front of her. Her eyes lit up and she sat directly behind him.

"Mr. Xiao, we meet again."

Xiao Yunhai did not look back and said, "I really don't want to meet you. Last time in NBA, you caused me a lot of trouble. Up to now, a lot of media are still reporting on it. "

"It's just a small thing compared to when you stopped me from buying stell networks," said Vanessa Bessie. Mr. Shaw, do you think I am the murderer of the two sters

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know. According to the general logic, I don't believe you are so stupid. But judging from what you've done to me, I'm not sure you'll do the opposite. "

Vanessa Bessie sighed and said, "I've spent so much effort and paid so much that I've only got a broken down stell network company. Believe it or not, I'm the one who hopes nothing happened to them. "

Xiao Yunhai did not speak, but knew that she was talking about things.

After a while, more and more people came in, and Xiao Yunhai also found Wu's game.

It took half an hour for the funeral to end, and the people who came to the ceremony one by one spoke to loranoel and expressed their sympathy to her.

When it's Xiao Yunhai's turn, Xiao Yunhai said, "madam loranoel, please forgive me. Mr. David Stern and I have always been competitors, and we don't get along very well. But I swear, I have a special respect for his talent and ability. I am very sad and sorry that such a thing has happened. If you can use my place in the future, just tell me, I will die forever. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai bowed to her.

Loranoel quickly returned a gift and said, "thank you. In fact, David often says at home that you are the best businessman he has ever met. It's a pity that we can't be friends. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and left.

Out of the church, Xiao Yunhai saw Wu's game at a glance.

"Lao Wu, are you interested in stell Xiao Yunhai came to him and asked directly.

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "yes. Lao Xiao, if we can win the stell business network, the whole world will be ours. The temptation is so great that I'll try it anyway. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you should discuss with Mr. Welch more."

Wu Yifa said: "I contacted him last night, and he was also interested. Once it's done, we'll take up 50% of each, just like Yunyi

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's good. I hope you can succeed."

"But I don't have so much money."

David Stern owns 72 percent of the shares in stell, worth $620 billion, or even 50 percent, it's worth 310 billion dollars.

Although Yunyi shopping network made a lot of money last year, it is still out of reach to win it.

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "if it is, you can call me. I can solve the problem of funds."

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said happily, "I'll wait for you."

"If you have a chance to buy the business network, you must be able to buy other companies," Zhao Wanqing, who was nearby, suddenly said

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said, "yes. If you are interested in the social networking site, you may be interested in it

"The market value of Twitter's social networking site is only over a billion yuan. What's the use of it?" Wu said

Xiao Yunhai said: "you don't have to worry about it. Just buy it for me."

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "OK, no problem. When will you leave, Lao Xiao

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "it's just these days. Yes? Do you want to go back to Yanjing with me? "

"Of course. Your special plane is much better than those airliners. If the time is right, I'll come back with you. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said," OK. We'll get in touch by phone , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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