Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:36 AM

Chapter 1521

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At 9 a.m. the next day, Xiao Yunhai met with Mr. Luk Samson, director of Patent Department of STEL network company, LAN Jiancheng, Minister of software department, and Kyle Morris, Minister of hardware department, in his office.

Christie herself made a cup of coffee for the three and sat down.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm very glad to meet three excellent engineers today. To tell you the truth, compared with you, my knowledge level is really poor. Let me give you some insights about our industry. I'm afraid I don't have that level yet. However, since the three have come, it shows that we have the possibility of cooperation. If you have any questions, you can ask them. I know everything and say everything. "

LAN Jiancheng, a Chinese American, heard the speech and said, "Mr. Xiao, I believe you have seen the current situation of STEL network company. David Stern's company, which he has worked hard for all his life, has fallen into the hands of the eldest lady of the Bessie family. He himself died in a car accident, which makes us very uncomfortable. What's more, the Bessie family itself has an Internet company, and we are likely to become irrelevant. That's why we are willing to meet Mr. Xiao and have a talk. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand. It's all up to you to make STEL networks what it is today. Since I want to set up another network company, I also need your help. Let's see if I can meet the conditions. We can't be satisfied. Let's get together and get together

Luke Samson clapped his hands and said with a smile, "my favorite thing is to communicate with people who are crisp and neat. We discussed the following conditions. If you can agree to come down, we will agree to join your company. "

"Go ahead."

"First, we need a lot of money for our technical research, which can't be less than 30 billion US dollars a year."

"Technology is the primary productive force. 30 billion is too little. I will give you 50 billion. "

"That would be great. Second, there are 9632 technicians in stell networks. No matter who wants to come, you have to accept them, and the annual salary should not be less than 100000 dollars. "

"No problem."


Luke Samson said more than ten conditions, but Xiao Yunhai agreed to all of them without thinking about it. All three of them couldn't believe it.

LAN Jiancheng confirmed it again and said, "Mr. Xiao, you really agreed to these conditions. Don't you have to consider them?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "these are all very normal requirements, where still need to consider."

Christie next to her said, "three, your conditions are really very low. Every company under Mr. Xiao is much higher than you. For example, the salary of ordinary employees here is no less than 200000 US dollars in a year. You only want 100000, and we will certainly agree. "

"So, our conditions are very low?" said Kyle Morris, the head of hardware, who has never spoken

Xiao Yunhai and Kristi nodded at the same time and said, "it's very low."

LAN Jiancheng shook his head and said with a wry smile: "but these conditions are much higher than that of STEL network company. No wonder Mr. Xiao is regarded as the most generous boss in the world. In that case, we agree to enter your company. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't worry. I can fully satisfy all the 18 conditions mentioned by the three at one go. But I want to know what you can bring me? I provide you with 50 billion dollars a year for research. If you can't get anything, I'll lose a lot. "

Luke Samson confidently said: "the reason why stell networks is called the number one in the world is that we have successfully researched thousands of patented technologies in the past 20 years, and the annual patent cost can reach 12 million US dollars. It's a pity that in the past three years, David Stern has suddenly turned his direction to the entertainment industry. He only gives us a few billion dollars in R & D expenses every year, which makes us have to cut down many projects. If Mr. Xiao can really give us 50 billion US dollars, we will repay you several times more than these R & D funds. We have 100% confidence in this. It depends on whether Mr. Xiao believes us or not. "

Xiao Yunhai did not doubt their words. Because IBM, the most famous company in the past, is very similar to stell network in the field of research. At that time, IBM had 2000 or 3000 patents a year, with the largest number reaching 6000 in a year. The licensing fees alone made a lot of money.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course I believe you, and I never mean rewards. So, as long as you bring me more than 10 billion dollars a year, I can give 10 percent of that to all of you, and at the same time, I will add 20 percent of the profit to the R & D funds of the next year. "

On hearing this, LAN Jiancheng stood up excitedly and said, "Mr. Xiao, are you serious?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I always count my words. If you don't believe it, you can write it down in our contract. Of course, if I'm broke, that's another thing. "

LAN Jiancheng said happily, "that's great. Mr. Xiao, when will the company be established? When will the laboratory be built? "Xiao Yunhai scratched his head and said, "the company is easy to handle. It doesn't take a week to set up. As for the laboratory, it's up to you. Has the final say that money is not a problem and what equipment and equipment do you need. As long as it is helpful for research, we will buy it. By the way, how much does this set cost? "

Three people look at each other, some embarrassed to speak.

Christie said with a smile, "it looks like you need a lot of money? Otherwise, the three will not be like this. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what I don't like most is grinding. Cheer up. How much is it? "

LAN Jiancheng pursed his lips and said, "let me talk about it. Mr. Xiao, because our laboratory needs at least two supercomputers for research and other equipment, these things alone will cost at least 15 billion US dollars. If the construction cost is added, it is estimated to be about 18 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "what does it mean to need at least two supercomputers? You mean

it doesn't mean that if you want to really meet the demand, it should be three or more, right? "

"Two supercomputers are just enough for us to use, and STEL networks has two. It's too expensive. It costs five billion dollars. If the ability is stronger, it can reach 8-10 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "if we build a laboratory, we'd better get there in one step. Don't use it for two or three years, and then replace it. This is a waste of resources and inconvenience to work. If we want to buy, we will buy the best in the market. Money is not a problem. "

"If that's the case, it's going to cost US $25 billion to build a state-of-the-art laboratory that will last 10 years," said Luke Samson

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "25 billion means 25 billion. I originally prepared 100 billion dollars for you, but now it seems that I can save a lot of money. "

Three people look at each other, and at the same time see the appreciation in each other's eyes.

The luckiest thing for researchers is to follow a generous boss.

Xiao Yunhai is undoubtedly one of the most generous, much better than David Stern.

LAN Jiancheng said humorously: "if we had known this, we should have said more."

Xiao Yunhai waved his arm and said, "as long as it is helpful for R & D, you can open your mouth. It's up to you to find the location of the laboratory, rebuild it, buy a ready-made one, whatever you want. Let's talk about other things

Kyle Morris stood up and said, "boss, we're going to quit and come with our employees who are willing to follow us. "

Xiao Yunhai said," OK. Be polite when you talk to Miss Bessie, so that you don't get upset

Three people nodded at the same time, Xiao Yunhai personally sent them down the building.

Looking at the car leaving slowly, Xiao Yunhai stretched out and said with a smile to Kristi, "it's done. The cloud clear network company that will shock the world in the future is about to be born. "

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, are you so confident in them? You know, when they leave stell networks, it's all about starting from scratch. It's really hard to say how far it can be done. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't think people can make mistakes. All three of them are capable and talented people. We just need to build the best platform for them, and then we can sit and collect money. There are a lot of valuable things about STEL networks, but they are actually the most valuable. By the way, Christie, good news for you. The magical old man did leave something? "

Christie said happily, "what is it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's a shabby map with many things marked on it, including iron ore, coal mine, oil field, natural gas field and so on. Iron ore and coal mines, let's ignore them. They cost too much money. Let's go to oil fields first. "

Christie said, "great. Mr. Xiao, you need to tell Dulles the possible location of the oil field as soon as possible and ask him to buy the exploration and production rights in those places

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "they are in Venezuela. The old man only drew a big circle, which indicated that there might be oil fields in this area. However, it is impossible to see the location on the map at all. We still need our exploration team to check it. "

Venezuela was the world's largest oil producer in the past, but only ranked seventh in the world.

Xiao Yunhai still remembers the location of two or three large oil fields in his mind. As long as he takes them, Yunqing oil and gas company will directly jump to the second place of private oil companies, second only to TMC energy company.

Xiao Yunhai is not going to miss other oil fields. Anyway, he has a lot of money now. First, he will buy the oil exploration and exploitation rights in those areas, and then he will free up his hands and deal with them later.

Of course, he will buy some wrong places on purpose. After all, it is unbelievable that he is 100% accurate.

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