Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:34 AM

Chapter 1522

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Back in his office, Xiao Yunhai printed out the topographic map of Venezuela from his computer, then drew a large circle in a place and said, "this is it."

Christie took a look and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Shaw, you have too much scope. If you really want to buy them all, it will cost at least 50 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't bear the rabbit, but I can't catch the wolf. Buy all these areas for me, and send an exploration team to check. I don't believe that he will make fun of me because of his whole life's hard work

Christie nodded and said, "OK. Let's just bet once. I'm going to contact Dulles

After Kristi left with the map, Xiao Yunhai breathed deeply.

The place he painted had more than 40 billion barrels of oil in the previous life, and natural gas reached 6 trillion cubic meters, enough for Yunqing oil and gas company to eat for 20 or 30 years.

Next, he will continue to buy oil fields that do not appear in the world. It will be easy to surpass TMC at that time.

Winnissa Bessie, in the chairman's office of stell networks, wrote down the names of companies close to Citibank and asked her secretary to send them invitation cards for her dinner party tomorrow evening.

Xiao Yunhai's words let her have a kind of feeling of opening suddenly. Before, she had drilled the point of ox horn and put her heart on the death of the sters and sons. Now she's going to put all these things out of the way, and I'll do whatever you think.

In addition to those state-owned banks, Citibank ranks among the top three in the world in terms of energy. Most of the large companies with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars have cooperated with each other. It's not hard to solve Wall Street's problems.

"It seems that I should thank Xiao Yunhai well." Vanessa Bessie thought. ,],

just as she was considering whether to invite Xiao Yunhai to dinner by phone alone, her door was suddenly knocked.

Nice, windy, sit down. Move in, please

It was Luke Samson, LAN Jiancheng and Kyle Morris who were talking with Xiao Yunhai in the morning.

Seeing the heads of the three technical departments, Vanessa Bessie stood up with a smile on her face and said, "three, please sit down."

They were all slightly stunned that winnissa Bessie should treat herself so courteously.

Looking at each other, LAN Jiancheng coughed and opened his mouth.

"You are welcome, Miss Bessie. The three of us are here to ask you to leave. This is our resignation letter. "

They put their resignation letters on Winnie Bessie's desk.

Vanessa Bessie, looking down at her resignation letter, said, "three gentlemen, if you're resigning because of R & D costs, you don't have to. Because I am preparing to add 20 billion US dollars of R & D expenses to your laboratory. If it is not enough, I can continue to increase, and your treatment will be improved accordingly. Resigning at this time is not good for you personally or for the company. "

The three men are the core of the technology research and development of STEL network company. They have rich experience and have achieved thousands of scientific research success. At the beginning, even David Stern, a firm character, said that the company could not have him, but could not do without any of them.

But I didn't expect that the three of them resigned as soon as they took over the company, which was a fatal blow to her.

LAN Jiancheng shook his head and said: "it's not about the R & D expenses, but we want to change the working environment. I've been working here for more than ten years. I'm really tired of it. I'm sorry, Miss Bessie, but we've made up our mind. "

"Which company are you going to?" said Winnie Bessie, frowning slightly? Have you been approached? "

Samson said, "there's nothing wrong with that. You'll know sooner or later. This morning. We talked with Mr. Xiao for a long time and found that his management of the company was very much in line with our taste, and his views on some things were surprisingly consistent. So we are going to the cloud clear network company that he is about to set up. "

Vanessa Bessie was stunned, and her face was hard to see.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to thank Xiao Yunhai, but she didn't expect that the other party put her hand into her company and poached the three key figures in an instant. This is killing her.

Winnissa Bessie's full chest heaved unsteadily, and her anger rushed up like a volcanic eruption. In front of the three people, she picked up their resignation letter, rubbed it into a ball and threw it into the garbage can. His face was blue and white. He sat there without saying a word.

It was embarrassing for Samson to stand there.

After a while, Vanessa Bessie suppressed her anger and said, "as long as you can stay, I can give you what Mr. Shaw has given me."

Samson shook his head and said, "Miss Bessie, what we want is not conditions, but respect. In Mr. Xiao, we feel respect. There is another thing to tell you. According to the agreement signed with Mr. David Stern, the patented technology developed by us over the years can be used freely in future work, and Stell network company can not make any restrictions. I apologize again. "Then they bowed to her and left the office together.

As soon as the door was closed, they heard something crackling and crashing to the ground.

LAN Jiancheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "boy, this big Miss Bessie seems to have a worse temper than David Stern."

Samson laughed. "No matter how powerful it is, it has nothing to do with us in the future."

"Wrong, it's competition," says Kyle Morris, who is reluctant to say anything

LAN Jiancheng said: "yes, it's competition."

Samson said: "that's what happens later. The most important thing for us now is to find a suitable laboratory for us. Mr. Xiao gave us all the construction of the laboratory and gave back so much money. If we didn't make a world's best laboratory, I would feel sorry for myself. "

On hearing this, LAN Jiancheng showed an excited look on his face and said: "I really didn't expect that I would build the laboratory according to my own will one day. This is just too exciting. Let's go to Mr. Xiao and sign the contract first. "


They talked and laughed and left stell networks.

In the office, Winnie Bessie smashed everything that could be smashed, and scolded Xiao Yunhai as not something.

Originally, with her heart and the city government, she did not get to this point, but a few days ago, she spent every day under great pressure, and finally found an opportunity, but there were big problems inside. Don't talk about a woman, just a man can't stand it.

Just as she was about to find Xiao Yunhai and scold him, the head of the personnel department suddenly called her and said that all the engineers and technicians in the company's laboratory had submitted resignation letters to him.

Vanessa Bessie was so soft that her face turned pale with a brush, and the whole person was stupid there.

All of a sudden, the whole stell network company is empty.

Vanessa Bessie suddenly realized that she was wrong, so wrong.

She knew that she should straighten out the internal affairs of the company first, and then deal with the external affairs. However, she reversed the order, resulting in such a big problem.

At this time, she realized that the most important thing for stell network company was not the departments, but the technicians. They were the real cornerstone of the company.

Now that the cornerstone has been removed, stell networks can no longer be called the world's number one Internet company.

"Xiao Yunhai, I will kill you."

Think of the originator Xiao Yunhai, winnissa Bessie's ferocious face.

She picked up her bag, stepped on her high-heeled shoes and left the office angrily.

At the headquarters of Yunqing oil and gas company, Xiao Yunhai put down his mobile phone and said to Zhao Wanqing, who was sitting in his boss's chair, playing with his computer: "my wife, more than 9600 engineers and technicians of STEL network company have all submitted resignation letters. Well, that's enough for Vanessa Bessie to drink

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "my husband, this move is too cruel, it's just like taking the bottom out of the way.". If I were Winnie Bessie, I would have killed you to relieve my hatred

Xiao Yunhai said: "Vanessa Bessie hasn't called me now. I suspect she's on her way over. Hehe, it seems that she is going to tear my face completely with me. But it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of her. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course you are not afraid of her. Husband, I wonder if you had anticipated today

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, puzzled asked: "what meaning?"

Zhao Wanqing explained: "from the beginning of getting magic special effects company, you are holding the shares of all the companies under your banner tightly, without giving the enemy a chance to take away. At the beginning, stell network company was better than you by countless times, but you played around, and you had no way. It's the same now. No matter how strong the enemy is, as long as there are no problems within the company, you will always be invincible. Don't say it's Vanessa Bessie. Even the whole Bessie family has no chance of winning you. You are so prescient. "

Xiao Yunhai picked his eyebrows and said triumphantly, "don't worship elder brother. Brother is just a legend."

Zhao Wanqing rewarded him with a charming big white eye and said in a bad mood, "if you give me three colors, you will open a dyeing house. I'm pretty thick skinned. "

They laughed for a while. Christie came in with Luke Samson, LAN Jiancheng and Kyle Morris, and said, "Mr. Xiao, I have registered with Yunqing network company. The registered capital is 100 billion US dollars. And the agreement between the company and the three Mr. Samson has been printed out according to your wishes and can be signed at any time. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. You hand over the agreement to the three leaders and let them have a good look. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract immediately. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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