Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:31 AM

Chapter 1524

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At the same time, in David Stern's villa, Wu Yifa and several economic experts are in the final negotiation with loranoel.

"Ms. Noel, Ms. Sawyer, I can't promise you to keep 30% of the shares in stell, because in that case, I won't be able to control." Wu said with a frown.

"Mr. Wu, we can fully support all your business activities, just like holding shares. Even if you want to combine stell and Yunyi, we will be happy to accept it, as long as you can guarantee that we have a reasonable share. "

Wu Yifa said: "Ms. Sawyer, I'm not the only one standing behind me, but also several companies cooperating with our Yunyi shopping website. 42% of the shares can not meet their requirements. At least 52% of the shares are needed. In this regard, I would like to ask you to understand my hardship. You can rest assured that I can buy these shares at a price 30% higher than the current market value. "

Kelsey Sawyer thought about it and said, "Lola, sell 52 percent and leave 20 percent. What do you think?"

"I don't know much about it," loranoel said

Kelsey Sawyer nodded and said, "OK, we agreed. But the price is too low. Because of Mr. Stern's sudden death, the company's market value has dropped a lot, and the price has almost fallen to the lowest point. It's 30% higher, but slightly higher than the previous price. We can't ask too much to raise the premium to 50%

Wu said with a wry smile, "Ms. Sawyer, 40% at most, which is our bottom line."

"Forty five percent, that's our bottom line." Kelsey Sawyer said categorically.

"Yes, 45 percent," loranoel said. Yes, we can sign the contract. "

Wu thought about it, nodded and said, "OK, 45% is 45%. Another thing is, the twitter social networking site I mentioned earlier. I wonder if it is possible for you to sell it? "

Although there are hundreds of millions of people using tot's social networking site, it does not have a stable source of income. At most, it does not dare to put more advertisements on the Internet, so as to avoid causing users' dissatisfaction. Therefore, the market value is not high, only worth 1.2 billion US dollars.

Loranoel himself is a loyal user of the twitter site. He is very clear about its situation, and has discussed with Kelsey before. Wen Yan said: "Mr. Wu, I can sell it to you, but the price is not cheap, at least 1.5 billion US dollars."

"Seventy two percent of Twitter's shares are sold for $1.5 billion," Wu said. Don't you think it's too much, Ms. Noel? "

Loranoel said indifferently, "if you think it's too much, you can't buy it. To be honest, I think Twitter is a good social networking site, and I have no intention of selling it. I have enough money now, anyway. "

It's the situation that scares us most when we talk about business. It's difficult to do business if we have two burdens and one hot one.

"You wait for me, I need to make a phone call," Wu said

Kelsey Sawyer said: "it seems that it is not Mr. Wu who wants to tweet."

Wu Yifa smiles and doesn't speak. He walks out of the living room and dials Xiao Yunhai's telephone number.

In order not to disturb Xiao Yunhai's rest, Zhao Wanqing took his mobile phone away directly and switched it to vibration mode.

Seeing the number of Wu's game, Zhao Wanqing glanced at Xiao Yunhai, who was still sleeping, came to the balcony and picked it up.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, Yunhai is sleeping. What can I do for you?" Zhao Wanqing asked.

Wu was stunned and said, "what time is it? He is still sleeping. Forget it. I told you the same thing. The market value of Tott's social networking site is only $1.2 billion. Ms. Noel owns 72% of the shares, but she wants 15 dollars. She can't afford to lose a cent. "

Zhao Wanqing didn't think about it, so she said, "buy it."

If it had been before, Zhao Wanqing would have asked Xiao Yunhai, but after seeing Xiao Yunhai's plan, Zhao Wanqing already knew the importance of twitter social networking sites to Yunqing network company, so Zhao Wanqing did not need to ask, and decided directly.

Wu once again confirmed: "1.5 billion dollars, do you really want to buy it? Do you want to ask Lao Xiao

Zhao Wanqing said: "Mr. Wu, twitter social networking site is very important to Yunhai. Let alone 1.5 billion, even 3 billion will be bought. Please help me take it down as soon as possible. "

"OK, I see," Wu said

Back in the living room, Wu sat back and said, "it's OK for us $1.5 billion. Can we sign the contract now? "

Noel looked at Sawyer, and Kelsey Sawyer nodded slightly.

"Good, Mr. Wu. I wish you a happy cooperation."

Wu Yi Fa shook hands with Noel and said, "happy cooperation."

After signing, Wu Yifa left with the contract and went straight to the hotel where Xiao Yunhai stayed.According to the contract, Wu Yifa needs to pay $620 billion to Sawyer. As GM holds 50% of the shares in Europe and the United States, it is responsible for 150 billion US dollars. The other 470 billion yuan are all settled by Wu Yifa. Moreover, it must be completed within three days. Where there is so much money in Wu's game, he can only ask Xiao Yunhai for help.

Wu Yifa naturally knows about Xiao Yunhai's $1.5 trillion loan from Citibank.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Wu's playing skills knock on the door of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai just got up and heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and said, "Lao Wu, everything is done?"

Wu Yifa walked into the room and said with a smile, "it's all done. As long as you pay, there will be no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know. You come to me for money, don't you?"

Wu's method of playing chess, with a smile, said, "that's right. Lao Xiao, your twitter social networking site is worth $1.5 billion, and Stella shopping is worth $470 billion. When do you think the money will arrive? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "now. However, our brothers have a clear account. This sum of money is too large for me to give you at will. Do you believe in me? "

Wu turned his eyes and said, "nonsense."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. So, you put Stehr's shopping network shares on my body first, then merge or separate operation, you has the final say, I will not interfere. When did you hand over the money to me, I will return the shares to you. Of course, the profits during this period should be distributed according to the shares. I don't want your interest. What do you think? "

Wu thought about it and said, "OK. But you need to write a note

Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "depend on me, your son says that you trust me, but you still let me write the written evidence. It's unreasonable."

"Just like you said. It's a big deal. It's better to understand. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I'll write it for you. Wife, do you have a pen and paper? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course."

After writing a note to Wu Yifa, Xiao Yunhai said, "OK?"

Wu played the game and said, "OK. In the afternoon, you transfer the money to the other party's account, and I'll go to do the share transfer agreement. After that, I'll make a transfer agreement with you, and then everything will be settled. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and asked, "Lao Wu, what are you going to do with STEL business net? If we continue to separate them, there is no difference between them before? What's the point of buying it? In the case of merger, there are also many problems. "

Wu's face was a little dignified and said, "I'm worried too. I need to think carefully with the economic team on how to go after annexing stell business network. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, that's your business. I'll let Kristi go with you this afternoon. Lao Wu, this twitter is very important to me, and my network company depends on it. "

Wu Yifa was stunned and asked, "do you want to set up an Internet company?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "now the Internet has spread, don't you know?"

"What should I know?" asked Wu

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "because Yunhai has recruited more than 9600 engineers and technicians of STEL network company into the new company we are about to establish, so this morning, Miss Bessie scolded Yunhai in front of hundreds of media."

Xiao Yunhai hollowed out the story of STEL network company, spread to the outside world this morning.

With more than 9600 outstanding engineers, the three responsible persons went to Yunqing network company, which Xiao Yunhai had not yet listed for business. Once such a major news was issued, it immediately detonated the whole wall street.

Winnissa Bessie, who was interviewed by a reporter a moment ago, denounced Xiao Yunhai.

"I am very sad, very sad. Xiao and I didn't expect that he and I enjoyed it most. While I was dealing with external affairs, I secretly poached more than 9600 employees of our whole STEL network company. Such behavior can be described as despicable. This is the first time in the history of Wall Street that such a vicious poaching incident has occurred. It is really shameless. "

"Despite the major problems, we are confident that the normal operation of stell networks will be restored. Here, we will open the door, with the best conditions to hire engineers, programmers and other technical personnel. At the same time, I would like to announce an important thing, that is, stell will merge with the carefree network company of our Bessie family, and I believe that it will become the strongest network company in the world in the future

Bessie's interview took less than half an hour to spread wildly on the Internet.

Despite her timely remedy, she failed to stop the stock price of stell network company from plummeting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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