Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:29 AM

Chapter 1525

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To Xiao Yunhai, Bessie is naturally hate gnashing teeth.

Wu Yifa was not clear about the matter because of two consecutive days of negotiations.

After hearing Zhao Wanqing's introduction, Wu Yifa gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "let's make a judgment. Lao Xiao, you're still the best. We're all looking at those industries, and you're looking at their people. With these people, it's hard for your Internet company to succeed. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't pull it here. Go and do business quickly."

Wu Yifa nodded and said, "OK, I'm going."

After Wu Yifa left, Xiao turned on his computer and read the comments of netizens.

"Damn it, Kung Fu Xiao is really cruel. This is the root of stell networks. "

"Isn't that the eldest lady of the Bessie family has a good relationship with Kung Fu Xiao? In the NBA game, Bessie also kisses Kung Fu Xiao in public

"Don't listen to media bullshit upstairs. It was just a cooperative relationship. Even if something happened, it was just Miss Bessie's wishful thinking. "

"It's said that Miss Bessie went to see Kung Fu Xiao yesterday afternoon. When she left, she couldn't see the extreme. Ha ha, there's a good play to watch. "

"I don't think Miss Bessie can afford to lose. Job hopping is normal on Wall Street. Because she had an affair with Mr. Xiao, she just pretended to be miserable outside. It's really boring. "

"I think Miss Bessie is pathetic. Finally, I fell in love with a man, but the other party destroyed his company. "

"Poor fart. She took advantage of David Stern's car accident and was hospitalized and won the power of the company. Isn't David Starr pathetic? Well, it's not clear who the killer is. "

On the network is full of eating melon netizens' posts on this matter.

Some feel that Bessie is pitiful. Xiao Yunhai has done too much. Others think that this is normal competition and has nothing to do with others.

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, how do you deal with this matter?"

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "take them to the reporter's interview. One explanation from them is much better than ten thousand from you. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this is a good way. It happens that I need to discuss with them the plans I wrote last night. "

Xiao Yunhai picked up his mobile phone and called LAN Jiancheng. He said something. LAN Jiancheng agreed without thinking about it.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to the building of Yunqing oil and gas company.

As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by dozens of reporters.

"Mr. Shaw, did you poach the employees of stell networks?"

"Mr. Shaw, you and Miss Bessie are very good friends. Isn't it cruel of you to do so? "

"What is the relationship between you and Miss Bessie?"

"Mr. Xiao, can you give me an answer?"

Xiao Yunhai did not say a word, and with the help of the security personnel, he went through the press group with difficulty.

Walking to the steps in front of the building, Xiao Yunhai turns around and sees LAN Jiancheng three people coming.

Xiao Yunhai waved to them and said, "since you are so interested in this matter, I'll tell you about it. First of all, let me clarify once again my relationship with Miss Bessie. I first met her on the board of stell networks. Then she offered me coffee, hoping to buy my shares, but I refused. The second time, I used Texas oilfield as collateral to loan $1.5 trillion to her Citibank and sold her the remaining 9% of the shares. That night, I invited her to watch the NBA game, which made so much scandal. In real terms, we are just business partners, at best friends. "

"As for the staff of stell networks, they did join me. But I did not use any conspiracy, any shady means to achieve my goal. If you don't believe it, you can ask them. These three are the directors of patent, software and hardware at stell networks

Xiao Yunhai introduced the three people, and the reporters quickly asked.

"Three gentlemen, why are you leaving STEL networks?"

LAN Jiancheng, a spokesman for the three, said: "in fact, we were ready to go when David Stern was still there. When the company shifted its focus to the entertainment industry, reducing our R & D costs to one-fifth of the original, many studies were forced to stop. If it wasn't for more than ten years of working in the company and feeling, we would have left. A few days ago, David Stern died in a car accident, and the whole company changed a lot. We felt that there was no place worth our nostalgia, and we wanted to change the working environment. So we quit our job to Miss Bessie. In fact, even without Mr. Xiao, we would have gone. "

"Then why don't you choose other network companies, but choose Mr. Xiao, the cloud clear network company that has not yet been established?"LAN Jiancheng said: "we talked with Mr. Xiao for a long time. He is not a person who understands technology, but he is a person who respects technology very much. He has sufficient funds to ensure our technology research and development, and at the same time, he gives us full freedom to do what we want to do without any restriction. This is very attractive to us. Of course, the treatment is far better than that of Starr network company, and Mr. Xiao's conduct is well-known all over the world. Therefore, after careful consideration, we chose him. "

"Why did the other 9600 engineers and programmers leave? Have you done their work yet? "

LAN Jiancheng solemnly said: "this is their full trust in the three of us. Even we didn't expect them to resign. It puts a lot of pressure on us, and if we can't do better than steelnet, we'll be ashamed of them. "

"Mr. Xiao, more than 9600 excellent employees, how do you plan to place them?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "science and technology is the first productive force. I decided to spend 30 billion dollars to build a state-of-the-art laboratory in the world. At the same time, at least 50 billion US dollars will be invested in the R & D of various technologies every year. We have a clear division. They are in charge of the business and I am in charge of the money. "

"Wow, 30 billion dollars to build a laboratory is just too willful."

"It's really cruel to inject $500 a year into technology research and development. So much money can build dozens of big companies. "

"Now I understand why they want to come under Kung Fu Xiao. If it was me, I would come, too

Reporters were whispering below.

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said, "well, dear journalists, we still have important things to talk about. This is the end of today's interview."

After sending reporters, Xiao Yunhai and Morris, Samson and LAN Jiancheng came to his office.

Xiao Yunhai gave each of them three printed plans and said, "can you see if my ideas can be realized?"

Three people a Leng, picked up the planning book to read.

As time went on, the more they looked, the more excited their faces were, the more light came out of their eyes.

They are all the top figures in the field of network technology, and naturally know the value of this scheme.

Half an hour later, Morris first raised his head and said excitedly, "boss, is this your plan? It's amazing. "

Samson nodded and said, "this is the best planning book I've ever read. It's worth at least 10 billion dollars."

LAN Jiancheng said: "we can't buy 10 billion dollars. Once that happens, the revenue for our company will far exceed the royalties of STEL networks. Not to mention anything else, the WiFi patent alone will bring tens of billions of fees every year. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "three, I'll show you these things, not to let you praise it, but to ask if you can handle it?"

Morris confidently said: "we are the best computer hardware and software team in the world. As long as we have creativity, there is nothing we can't do. What's more, you have made it clear enough. If we can't finish it, we might as well go home and watch the children. Mr. Xiao, have you bought that Twitter social networking site? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Twitter has more than 400 million users in Europe and the United States, and this huge group will be our main customers in the future. "

Morris said: "with our ability, at most three months, we can almost finish the planning. The most important step is the promotion of WiFi. If it can become popular all over the world, then the various applications on mobile phones will have a place to use. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'll do the promotion. As long as you can complete it, then our cloud clear network company will be a success. With it alone, we can become tens of millions and even billionaires. "

Three people spirit shock, to Xiao Yunhai guarantee, must use the fastest speed, WiFi software and hardware.

In the afternoon of that day, Xiao Yunhai signed a share transfer contract with Wu Yifa, and invited everyone to have a meal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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