Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:26 AM

Chapter 1527

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Back at the headquarters of Yunqing oil and gas company, Xiao Yunhai called Christie.

"Christie, did you rent the office?"

Christie said with a wry smile: "Mr. Xiao, there are not many buildings that can accommodate nearly 10000 people. I'm starting a relationship, but I don't have much hope. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "what if I buy it? Christie, I'd like to buy an office building with more than 60 floors as a temporary working place for Yunqing network company. When the laboratory is completed, it will be transferred to Yunqing oil and gas company. "

Christie said: "Mr. Shaw, house prices near Wall Street are very expensive. I think we'd better buy it outside. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. It would be better if we could get close to the lab

"That way, it's much less difficult," Christie said. Do you have anything else to tell you? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the staff of twitter social network have basically agreed to work here. We'll pick them up as soon as we buy the building. The only trouble is that Vanessa Bessie still has a 22% stake in her hand and has said she will never sell it. We need financing to dilute its shares now, or we'll lose a lot when twitter really gets going. "

Kristi also read Xiao Yunhai's planning book. In her eyes, it is just a cornucopia. With these things alone, Yunqing network company can immediately become the world's top Internet company, and Twitter is the most crucial link.

Christie, aware of its importance, nodded and said, "I understand. I'm going to reduce Vanessa Bessie's stake to less than three percent in various ways. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this is your specialty. There is one more thing. Maybe I'm worried too much. You should be watched carefully. I suspect that among the people who came to twitter, there was winnissa Bessie's spy. Stern's business network has suffered a major setback, but Twitter's social network has been incredibly smooth. I don't believe it's going to be so easy with Winnie Bessie's approach. So you tell LAN Jiancheng that they are not allowed to tell anyone about our future plans, especially the people on the social network. "

Christie frowned and said, "if that's the case, it's a real hassle. OK, I'll take it down. "

In the next two days, Xiao Yunhai went to the suburbs with LAN Jiancheng. After getting their confirmation, Xiao Yunhai personally went to the mayor of New York City and spent two billion dollars to buy the 80 hectare land.

Then ask the best designer team in New York to design the lab drawings according to LAN Jiancheng's wishes. After that, they will immediately ask the construction company to start construction.

Not far from the countryside, Xiao Yunhai bought a 56 story building as the temporary headquarters of Yunqing network company.

It takes about a month to decorate, and the company can move in.

After finishing these two things, Xiao Yunhai was ready to leave for home.

Before leaving, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a meal and talked about the future development of the company.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing and Wu Qifa were sent to the airport.

Xiao Yunhai needs to go to Los Angeles to see the post production of Zhu Xian, and then go back to Yanjing.

On the plane, Wu Yifa lay comfortably on the soft leather sofa, drinking red wine and saying, "Lao Xiao, your plane is much better than those airliners. It's not on the same level."

Xiao Yunhai was not angry and said: "a private plane is only a few hundred million dollars. You are now a tycoon worth hundreds of billions of dollars. You can't buy one yourself

"You think I don't want to? When I was at home, I was scolded by my father as soon as I mentioned it. Well, I'm so pathetic compared with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are really pathetic. I heard that you are going to get married. You are going to marry the eldest lady of the royal family in Beijing, right? "

Hearing this, Wu's face turned green and said, "can't you mention which pot you don't want?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "what? Don't you like it? I can hear that this 25-year-old Wang Siyu graduated from Huaqing university with a master's degree in finance and economics. He is very capable and beautiful. He is more than enough to match you, a 32 year old middle-aged man. Well, you can enjoy it

The Wang family belongs to the second-class political family in Yanjing, which can not be compared with the Xiao family and the Wu family. However, there is a very powerful person in their family. Wang Tingjiang, the father of Wang Siyu, is only 47 years old. With his own talent and ability, he has become the provincial leader, the real frontier official and the teacher-student relationship with the No.1 chief.

It is said that this man will be promoted to a higher level in a few years. At that time, he will be the chief executive. As for the final level, no one can say.

Wang Siyu claimed to be the capital city. Later, after the financial crisis in the United States, people found that this woman's prediction was all correct, so she was once again the first talented woman in Beijing.

According to the law, Wu should be happy to marry such a woman, but his attitude seems to be different.Sure enough, Wu Yifa sighed and said, "half a year ago, I met her once and talked with her for a long time. It didn't feel very good to me. The girl thinks too much of herself. She looks like the eldest, the second and the third. He not only commented on the world's major famous companies, but also scolded our Yunyi shopping network as a dog's blood nozzle, saying that we had grasped a good card, but played it stinking. If it was given to her, what would she do? "

"To be frank, what she said was really good, but it was all a matter of hindsight. It was not easy to operate. It was a kind of armchair strategist. She did not consider the complicated reality of society, human relations, relations and so on. Oh, I was so angry that I almost vomited blood. I couldn't insert a word into it. "

"In my eyes, she is the kind of girl with high IQ and low Eq. If I marry home, I'm afraid my miserable life will begin

Hearing Wu's words, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Lao Wu, people just came out of school, and they are proud of themselves. It's hard to avoid being arrogant. After two years of working in society, you will understand everything. You are seven years older than others. It's good that they don't dislike you. "

Wu Yifa said with a wry smile, "who said he didn't despise me? After we met, her evaluation of me was that my appearance, eloquence, and manner were moderate, which was far from her ideal husband. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted, almost spitting out the tea in his mouth, pointing to Wu's playing method and laughing.

Zhao Wanqing is also smiling, tears are coming out.

A wealthy man worth hundreds of billions of US dollars is said to be like this by a female master who has just graduated. No wonder Wu's playing method is so depressed.

Seeing Wu's face getting darker and darker, Xiao Yunhai quickly suppressed his smile and asked, "Lao Wu, what are you going to do? Do you want to marry or not? "

"If you were me, what would you do?" Wu asked

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he replied, "I don't want to force me to do something I don't want to do."

When Zhao Wanqing saw her husband's towering momentum, her eyes were full of love.

Wu's chess method showed a certain expression and said: "I know you will say so. Well, maybe that's the biggest difference between us, and it's where I'm not as good as you. You are a real strong man. No one is allowed to press on your head, even master Xiao and No. 2 chief. But I am different. I have enjoyed the glory of my family since I was born, and I can become a man without any effort. It's my luck, it's also my shackles. I don't have the courage like you to break it, and Wang Siyu can't do it. "

"Therefore, whether Wang Siyu and I are willing or not, we have no choice. In this life, she is my wife and I am her husband. Lao Xiao, do you think we are very sad

It was the first time that Xiao Yunhai saw the expression of Wu's game. He was sad, helpless, and even showed a trace of despair.

He patted Wu on the shoulder. Xiao Yunhai said, "everyone chooses a different way, and his situation will be different. Naturally, his views and practices on a certain matter will not be the same. Mr. Wu, look at it. It's short mouthed and soft handed. Who let you enjoy the benefits of family for so many years. No way. That's the price. If I were you, I might have made the same choice as you. What's more, Wang Siyu doesn't have much trouble. Who can you show such an expression. To tell you the truth, how does she look? "

"It's really beautiful," he said with a smile. Compared with Wanqing, it's just a little worse in temperament. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's it. It's good to cultivate feelings slowly. When will you get married? "

"Half a month later," Wu said

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "only half a month is left? Then you don't prepare for the wedding, and you're still running around here. "

Wu Yifa said: "I just need to take a wedding photo with her now, and everything is done. As for the wedding, we certainly will not. After all, my father is the head of a country. His father is a great official in the frontier, so he can only do everything in a simple way. Otherwise, the impact would be too bad. On that day, we'll invite some friends and relatives to get together, and the dinner will be over. Lao Xiao, you two must go there at that time. I dare not accept other people's gifts. But I dare to ask for more

Xiao Yunhai gave a peep and turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "wife, it will be our intention to find a red envelope and put 250 yuan in it. Some things don't care about money. "

After listening to Wu's playing method for a while, he was speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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