Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:02 AM

Chapter 153

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As they are all acquaintances, Xiao Yunhai only asks Zhao Wanqing to help him. He has been writing his script of the legend of Zhen Huan in his study. It seems that he has not paid attention to the album at all.

Yao Na originally thought that he was pretending to be a pose, so she secretly ran to Xiao Yunhai's study without the demeanor of a queen of heaven. When she saw the words constantly appearing on the computer, she was sure that Xiao Yunhai was really writing with all her heart and soul.

Therefore, Yao Na admired Xiao Yunhai's calmness.

"Sister Na, who says I'm not in a hurry? It's just that I don't think it's useful for us to worry. As the saying goes, man proposes and heaven disposes. For this album, I've done as much as I can, and then I'll have to look at the will of God. " Xiao Yunhai came out of the study with a cup of tea.

"Providence? Yunhai, you are a little negative. I Yao Na only know the word "man can conquer nature". What I want, I will strive for it. You don't even want a hot bite to eat by God's will. " Yao Na scoffs at Xiao Yunhai's words.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and doesn't explain. After going through such a fantastic thing, Xiao Yunhai no longer believes in atheism.

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai who was sitting next to him and asked, "is your legend of Zhen Huan almost finished?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it will take another month. Didn't you see it the other day? What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing admiringly said: "it's really great. I want to play Zhen Huan."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "then you need to be qualified for acting. Once this "Legend of Zhen Huan" is shot, it will occupy an extraordinary position in the whole film and television history. As long as Zhen Huan is performed well, the golden cup show next year will be yours. Wan Qing, don't blame me for being too frank. It's hard to support this role with your acting skills now. Fortunately, there are still three months to go. You have to work hard. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I will definitely get the role."

"What kind of character is that cow?" Yao Na asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm going to direct a TV series in April, which is called" Legend of Zhen Huan. "

"Wow, good boy. I'm so young to be a director."

"Sister Na, haven't you heard of it? The ambition is not in the age. If I have time next year, I'd like to shoot my movie "proud of the world."

"Have you finished your book of smiling and proud of the world?"

"It's all done. Next, I just need to modify it. Wan Qing has seen it all."

On hearing this, Yao Na asked Zhao Wanqing, "I heard that this boy made a great speech at the last press conference of" Xiao Li Throwing Knife. ". Xiaoao's sales volume of less than 20 million copies is a failure. Boy, the media were crazy. Wan Qing, is this novel of Yunhai really so good? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "very good. The words used in this novel are simple and vigorous. At first, it seems that the words are not surprising. However, the more it unfolds, the more charming it becomes. It is like drinking good wine. I don't think it's difficult for this novel to sell 20 million yuan as long as the publicity is OK. "

Hearing this, Dong stretched out his tongue and said, "20 million copies. God, how much money does brother Xiao have to earn? It's estimated to be hundreds of millions. "

"Floating, you are in the eyes of money." Su Yingxue said with a smile, then turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, I saw a suit of clothes yesterday. It's not expensive. It's only 100000 yuan. You see, we've been working together for a long time. I'm a manager who has not made any contribution, but also has worked hard. It's time for you, a rich man, to express his feelings. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is no need to wait for that time. As long as my albums are sold out, it is estimated that the bonus paid to Yingxue will be enough for you to buy several clothes. "

"Come on." Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "if you don't buy it, you can't buy it. You don't need to entertain my mother with these shadowless things."

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "let's wait and see."

At this time, the clock on the wall finally pointed to two o'clock sharp. Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone on the coffee table also rang in good time.

All people's eyes instantly condensed to this small mobile phone.

Xiao Yunhai picked up his mobile phone and asked, "Hello, Mr. Wang. Did my first day sales come out? "

Wang Lin said with a smile: "yes, it has come out. The first day sales of fairy tale album created a miracle, 880000 copies. When I saw the list, I almost blinded my old man's eyes. Congratulations, Yunhai. You've made it. "

Xiao Yunhai was very satisfied with the result. He said gratefully, "thank you very much and miss Yue. The two albums won't have such good results. By the way, how about Xia Chengfeng's album sales? "

Wang Lin sighed and said, "very powerful. 970000, almost over a million. But you don't need to be discouraged. Today, I listened to his album and found that although the songs in it are very good, they are not as good as your fairy tales. Look, it won't take you three days to get over him. "Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "don't worry, Mr. Wang. I have a lot of confidence in my album

After their conversation, Xiao Yunhai looked at the four expectant beauties and said with a smile, "it seems that I have made no mistake in my estimation. Sister Yingxue's clothes really don't need "Xiaoao Wujiang."

How much do you say, Yao ma'ai

Xiao Yunhai made a gesture of eight with two hands.

"Eighty eight thousand?"

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he rolled his eyes directly at Su Yingxue and said, "you can multiply it by ten again, that's right."

"Ah." Su Yingxue screamed fiercely. Xiao Yunhai was shocked. She said excitedly: "it's 880000. God, I'm not dreaming

Zhao Wanqing couldn't believe it and asked, "is it really 880000?"

Xiao Yunhai nods.

Zhao Wanqing hugged Xiao Yunhai's head excitedly, gave him a hard kiss on his face, and called out, "Yunhai, I knew you were a genius. You can do it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, the man you like is the best."

The relationship between the two had been made public in front of the public, so the three did not feel anything wrong with Zhao Wanqing's crazy behavior.

Yao Na sighed: "Yunhai, I knew you had a bright future from the first time I saw you. It's just that I didn't expect you to rise so fast. If there is no accident, there is no suspense about the king of the first World War. By the way, didn't you just ask Xia Chengfeng? What are his grades? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "970000, 90000 more than me."

When Su Yingxue heard Xiao Yunhai's words, she immediately made a 90 degree turn on her elated face. She complained with disappointment: "no, I can't. We lost all sales of 880000. This summer Chengfeng is too abnormal. "

Dong piaoxiao gritted his teeth and said, "sister Yingxue, this is the first day of sales! It doesn't mean final sales. It's not known who will win or not! "

"Actually, Yunhai has won." Yao Na suddenly said something amazing.

"Already won? Sister Na, didn't you hear me clearly? The sales volume of Yunhai is 90000 less than that of Yunhai. How can we win? " Zhao Wanqing asked.

Yao Na put her arms around Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "people say that a woman in love is the most stupid. It's true that she is a bit right. My silly sister, how can you not think about it? How much did Xia Chengfeng spend on this album? Not to mention anything else, it is conservatively estimated that more than 30 million songs were collected online and the cost of publicity was spent. And what about your one? The song was written by myself. It didn't cost a cent, and the publicity cost was at most seven or eight million. "

"Haha, it's normal to use seven or eight million to compare with another's 30 million, not to mention 90, 000 less. It's normal to lose 190, 290, 000 copies."

Xiao Yunhai nodded: "sister Na is right. I didn't want to beat Xia Chengfeng a few days ago. It was too unrealistic. My initial idea was that in the first three days, as long as the sales of our two albums were less than 500000, it would be my victory. To my delight, I didn't expect that there was only 90000 missing on the first day. It's all over the summer. He's failed. If what I expected was not bad, Xia Chengfeng should be furious at home or in the office now. "

Xiao Yunhai guessed right, summer Chengfeng's mood is really bad.

When he heard that his album sales reached 970000, he was very proud. But when he learned that Xiao Yunhai's sales volume was only 90000 less than his, Xia Chengfeng's face immediately collapsed.

He knew that he had paid a much higher price than Xiao Yunhai in order to defeat Xiao Yunhai. But the final result was just a mere 90000 more.

He has always felt that relying on his own position and strength, it is not a difficult thing to crush Xiao Yunhai. Only after listening to Xiao Yunhai's "fireworks are easy to be cold", did he realize that the little white sheep in his eyes was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. As long as he is a little careless, he will eat no bones.

"Uncle Zheng, what do you think we should do now?"

Zheng Quanyou also saw that things were wrong, frowned and said: "for today's plan, we can only fight hard. Tianhua media now regards him as a treasure and will not give us any loopholes. In the next few days, you have to work harder, put on more programs to publicize, get the momentum completely up, and crush him with your strength. "

Xia Chengfeng is very dissatisfied with Zheng Quanyou's answer, but he has no way in his heart. He can only nod helplessly.

The next day, the first day sales of Xia Chengfeng and Xiao Yunhai were announced by their respective companies.

Although the sales volume of Xia Chengfeng's album is 90000 higher than that of Xiao Yunhai, when it comes to album quality, fans find that Xiao Yunhai's songs are much better than Xia Chengfeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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