Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:20 AM

Chapter 1531

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That day, Xiao Yunhai had just sent two children to kindergarten when he received a call from Raul.

"Boss, I'd like to tell you some good news. After careful inspection, the 64 Marvel children's parks we built in China are fully qualified for opening to the society. When do you think we will open? "

After nearly two years of preparation, marvel children's paradise has spent more than 10 billion US dollars, and is finally completed today.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the opening time is the day after tomorrow. In order to become famous, I will let Huaxia Yunqing TV station broadcast this news 24 hours a day.". At the same time, our park is totally free for a week, receiving 2000 people to play every day, so as to gather popularity. Remember, safety still comes first, okay? "

Raul said: "boss, you can rest assured that Randy, the person in charge, has spent two months walking through 64 children's parks. Each park is equipped with hundreds of security personnel to ensure that there will be no problems."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's good."

After talking with Raul, Xiao Yunhai called Chen Zhan again and asked him to send some reporters over the day after tomorrow to film the grand opening of Marvel children's paradise. At the same time, 24-hour continuous publicity on television.

In addition, Xiao Yunhai informed Hanhai propaganda department to let them make the opening of manwei children's paradise known to the world within two days.

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai's propaganda channels are really powerful.

From the time he issued the order to the afternoon, the news spread all over China in just a few hours.

The Internet is full of Posts discussing the news.

"Yunhuang's Marvel children's paradise is finally about to open. I can't wait."

"Ha ha, that's great. My child has a place to play at last."

"It was free a week ago, so I'm going to queue up earlier."

"We finally have a children's paradise all over the country. Or Yun Huang awesome, built sixty-four at once, unlike Disney, only four or five in the country.

The next day, reporters from Yunqing TV station came to Yanjing. Xiao Yunhai personally received them and received an interview.

"Mr. Xiao, why do you want to establish Marvel children's paradise in China?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, it is to let Chinese parents have a place to take their children out to play."

"What about its security? Someone on the Internet said that Marvel had a security accident in the United States? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "there was once. It was a vicious man-made incident. Some people went crazy and used drugs to tamper with the safety belt. Fortunately, no child had an accident. Otherwise, I'll be upset all my life. In view of this, our Marvel children's paradise has made the most stringent security. In addition to the certificate of adults and children, there are more than 100 security personnel to patrol around. Once unsafe behaviors are found, they will immediately stop them. I also hope that parents can support our work. "

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that the safety inspection of our paradise is extremely strict, and the equipment is also the best. It also costs a lot of money for this?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, the equipment we use is the best in the world in terms of safety performance, and it is tailor-made, and the price is twice that of some famous parks. A few days ago, we cooperated with the Security Department of the government and found no problems. "

"Apart from safety, parents are most concerned about price. What's the price of a day there? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we said in the publicity that the first week is free, but only responsible for hosting 2000 families every day. Starting from the second week, it will host up to 3000 families a day, with 500 children and 800 adults. As long as you go in, you can play with all the projects. The marvel toy store inside is very good. The price is a little cheaper than that outside. It's welfare. We have set hard targets for the cooperative companies in terms of food, drink and housing, which must not exceed twice the market price. I believe that ordinary families should be able to bear it. "

The price set by Xiao Yunhai is really not expensive. In Disney, a family of three who want to play all the projects, at least 4000 yuan. The things inside are more expensive. The price of a popsicle is ten times that of the outside. I can't help it. Disney is not allowed to bring things in. If you want to play, you can only buy it in it.

"Your children are nearly three years old. Will you take them to play?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. Tomorrow is the official opening day. Our family will take our children to play some projects suitable for their age

"OK, thank you for the interview."

After Xiao Yunhai's interview video was sent to the Internet, it has aroused people's attention again.

Countless young couples say they want to play with their children.

On October 20, Yanjing manwei children's paradise

from 6:00 a.m., parents came to the door with their children and began to wait in line.

Less than eight o'clock, the back has become a long dragon.A reporter from Yunqing TV station came to the front of a family of three and asked, "when did you come here?"

The child and his mother seemed to be a little shy. Their faces turned red and they both looked at the handsome young man's father.

"Because our home is not far away from here, we are afraid that we will not be able to seize the place to enter the park. We will come before six o'clock."

"That's early enough. Do you want to come here to play

The child blushed, nodded and said, "yes. All my classmates are here

"Do you know what's interesting in it?"

The child said, "know some."

"Which project do you want to play the most?"

The child thought it over and said, "I don't know. I seem to like every project. "

"You are greedy. Have a good time

At 8:30, the gate of Marvel children's Park opened, and everyone cheered and entered in order.

A staff member counted the families who entered the park. When he counted to 2000, he closed the door, and there were two or three hundred families behind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have 2000 families in the park every day. It's full now, so I'm sorry. "

The people behind him were not happy to hear it.

"We queued up at seven in the morning, and when we finally got there, we were asked to go back. That's too much. "

"Yes. Emperor Yun said in an interview that after the official opening of the park, it can receive 3000 families a day, which shows that the tolerance of the park is no problem. Can you accommodate us and let us in. "

"Yes, it can test your endurance better. Little brother, please, let's go in. "

When the children learned that they could not go in to play, they burst into tears. All the children began to cry.

Staff see this situation, immediately silly eyes, do not know what to do.

Just then, a luxury business car came from the outside.

The long lines around him immediately made way for it.

"Who is this? He drove up in the car

"That license plate is so familiar. It seems that the emperor is coming."

"Cloud emperor, hurry up, let's make a little louder. Maybe the emperor will let us in."

"Yunhuang, we're going to go in and play."

"Yunhuang, we're going to go in and play."

It's deafening. Everybody's going to scream.

Xiao Yunhai drove the car in and opened the door. Xiao Changfeng, Zhao Mingsheng and Zhao Wanqing came out with their two children. This was the mobilization of the whole family.

It's louder outside.

Seeing this, Xiao Yunhai asked Zhao Wanqing to take the children first. He came to the gate and asked, "what's going on?"

The staff said, "Mr. Xiao, according to your instructions, we only receive 2000 families a day. They are all from the back. If you ask them to go, they will not go. They have to go in. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know. After that, we'll send someone to count them. When we get to 2000, we'll close the parking lot immediately. Then let a few girls explain it to the later people and ask them to go back. Do you understand? "

The staff said, "OK. What about these people now? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "people have been waiting in line for such a long time. If they are not allowed to enter, we have to get angry. Give me the horn

"Ladies and gentlemen, children, I'm sorry that we have been waiting here for so long because of our mistakes. In the future, we will close the parking lot after the number of people is enough, so as not to cause the same problem. As for today, let's all go in. I hope you have a good time. "


The crowd cheered in unison.

After opening the door, more than 300 families went in one by one. Xiao Yunhai said, "we should do our work carefully in the future. We must put ourselves in the position of the customers and think about it more. Do you know?"

The staff said, "yes, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai's family and their two children played in it all morning. They were very happy.

During the meal, Xiao Yunhai asked, "what do you think of this place?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "very good. Although it is called a children's paradise, even I, an adult, find it very interesting. Husband, look at everyone's appearance, I believe the evaluation is absolutely not wrong. "

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said, "Wan Qing is right. I talked to several parents for a while, and they all said that it was much better than Disneyland and would come back often in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good."

Marvel children's park opens from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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