Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:19 AM

Chapter 1532

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Zhao Wanqing's conjecture is not wrong, and the parents who have played with their children in Marvel children's paradise have given very high affirmation.

"Marvel children's paradise is really wonderful. The children have a great time in it."

"Marvel is much bigger than Disneyland, and more than 2000 families are not crowded at all."

"The food in the paradise is only half more expensive than that outside, and the toys are one fifth cheaper. I bought thousands of Yuan toys for my children at one go."

"What impresses me most is their security personnel. Some of them are standing there and others are patrolling back and forth, which makes people feel very safe. There are also those service staff, who are gentle and considerate, and I will often go to the children to play in the future. "

With such a large number of people's praise, marvel children's paradise in China is a complete stand.

The next day, more families went to marvel.

Yanjing children's Park learned from the first day's experience and immediately closed the parking lot when the number of specialists reached 2000. After the tourists see this situation, although disappointed, but also did not make anything.

After all, people have made it very clear that it is not appropriate for you to make trouble again.

When manwei children's paradise was popular in China, Wu's wedding invitation was sent to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai shook the wedding card in his hand and said, "this boy can beat people by surprise. I didn't think they would get married so late. "

Zhao Wanqing took a look and said, "October 26, isn't that tomorrow afternoon?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Wife, what do you want to give them? Isn't it meaningless just to send money? "

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "send a red envelope of 666666 and a pair of jade Ruyi. I remember that there are two pairs in the Yanjing langhuan jewelry company, both of which are worth more than 6 million, but I don't know if he dares to accept it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "first send again, do not take back is."

"Zhao Wanqing said

In the afternoon of the next day, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the hotel where the wedding banquet was held.

The Wu family and the Wang family are very low-key. Apart from their family members, the guests only have 20 or 30 friends outside.

When he got off the bus, Xiao Yunhai saw Wu Yifa and Wang Siyu standing at the door of the bus, along with a couple of bridesmaids and bridesmaids.

It has to be said that Wang Siyu is indeed the first beauty in Yanjing. She is about 1.7 meters tall. She is slim and slender with fair skin and beautiful appearance. Wearing a red cheongsam, she has a concave and convex figure and outlines a perfect "s" shaped arc.

Wearing a pair of red high-heeled shoes, black hair behind a bun, appears noble and elegant, graceful.

Zhao Siyu and Wu Yunqing came to play chess with him

Wang Siyu nodded, stretched out his white jade hand and shook them. He said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, thank you very much for coming to our wedding."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "with the relationship between me and Lao Wu, my sister-in-law can just call us by name."

Zhao Wanqing said, "this is our little wish. Please accept it."

Wu took it over and said with a smile, "Lao Xiao, I told you before. I dare not accept other people's gift money, except for your boy's. What did you give me? You can't be too poor. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "look at the way you look like a financial fan. My sister-in-law married you. It's really a flower on that. "

Zhao Wanqing touched him and said, "today is such a happy day, you should not make such a joke."

"It doesn't matter. I'll take it as if it doesn't spit out ivory."

Wu Yi FASI didn't think of the pestle at all. She gave the bag to the best man. She held a long box in her hand and said in surprise, "you give me a betrothal gift. What is this? Can I open it? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "whatever you want."

Without saying a word, Wu opened the box and a pair of jade Ruyi lying there quietly.

"Beautiful. It's just too expensive. "

Wang Siyu, as the eldest lady of the Wang family, is very valuable and well-informed. At a glance, it can be seen that this pair of jade Ruyi uses superior jade, which is worth at least millions.

At the time of discussion, the two families had stipulated that they would not receive more than 1000 yuan in gift.

They are not satisfied with the regulations.

Wang Siyu thought that Wu's game method would be retreated, but he commented and said, "yes, it's worth a thousand or eight hundred yuan to see the workmanship."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and gave a thumbs up to Wu's game playing method and said, "you are worthy of being the eldest son of the Wu family. These eyes are really sharp. In the future, if you see this kind of jade Ruyi, which is worth 1000 yuan, please call me quickly, and I will definitely arrive at the place no matter how far away. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's irony, Wang Siyu couldn't help laughing.Wu put away the box, nodded and said, "don't worry. I'll tell you when I find out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I would like to thank you in advance."

They joked for a while, and Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went in.

The best man next to him, holding a bank card, came to Wu's chess game and said, "cousin, the red envelope that Mr. Xiao gave you is 666666. Do you want to return it when they leave? "

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "what should I do? I don't have enough gift money. Even if I give eight eights, I don't feel much. "

Wang Siyu, with a slight frown on his eyebrows, said, "as we said before, the gift money should not be higher than 1000 yuan. And that pair of jade Ruyi is worth at least seven or eight million yuan, plus the 600000 gift money, if you accept it, is it not good? "

Wu shook his head and said, "this rule does not include Lao Xiao. The most important thing to receive a gift is who gives it? Lao Xiao is worth several trillion dollars, and he and I are partners. It is normal for him to give these gifts. If we don't accept it or return it, it will be a shame. When his child was born, I gave him a gift of five million yuan, which was still accepted by others. Don't worry, for us, millions of millions are no different from the average person's four or five hundred dollars. It's nothing at all. "

Wang Siyu sighed: "you are really self willed."

At the wedding banquet scene, under the leadership of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sat on a table on the right, next to Cao Menglan.

"Sister LAN, long time no see." Xiao Yunhai said hello to her with a smile.

Cao Menglan said with a smile: "it's been a long time. What have you been up to lately

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't do business all day long. I'm busy."

"Busy?" Cao Menglan said with a wry smile, "if you are busy, we people have to jump out of the building. In China's business community, you have a lot of scenery. Only this year, Yunqing oil and gas company was founded, and two super large oil fields have been found, ranking among the top ten in the world. Recently, I went to New York again and hollowed out the stern network company. I got nearly 10000 excellent engineers and technicians. I set up Yunqing network company with 100 billion US dollars. I heard that it will cost 30 billion dollars to build the most advanced laboratory in the world. Good fellow, you can shock the whole world if you are busy. If you are serious, you can't go to heaven. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister LAN, don't laugh at him. Where he has such a level, it is thanks to the people below. "

Cao Menglan said: "this shows that your husband has a brilliant eye and is good at employing people, which is the most important ability of a leader. Unfortunately, I can't, so every day I personally do, tired to death, in the end, still can't catch up with your husband's one percent. Ah, people are more than people. They are very angry. "

Don't, Xiao Yun, stop. Don't worry. I can hold on. "

Cao Menglan said with a smile: "you are still so humorous. It's funny, to say the least. Because of the stell business network, we have become a pot of porridge. In less than a year, you and Yifa have acquired stell business network, and we have become partners again. It's really unexpected. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes. It's hard to predict. Who would have thought that David and his son would have an accident? "

Cao Menglan drank a cup of tea and said, "what are you going to do? Will you merge stell and Yunyi shopping? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you know, I don't care about the operation of the company. What's going on? It's old Wu Yue. "

Cao Menglan said: "you are quite at ease with him. Let me tell you something. Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun will be released in another month. With their temperament and disposition, they will certainly not let you go after such a big loss. "

Xiao Yunhai shot a trace of cold in his eyes and said: "they dare to trouble me again. I will make them worse than going to prison."

Xiao Yunhai doesn't like these people at all, otherwise he won't put them all in prison. If they are still adamant, Xiao Yunhai doesn't mind using a hot hand to let them die completely.

In his present position, he doesn't have so much time to play with them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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