Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:17 AM

Chapter 1533

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Cao Menglan see Xiao Yunhai Mou son of the murderer, in the heart of Qu maoxun and other people are very worried. If the world's richest man really wants to embarrass them, there are too many ways to let them die without a burial place.

Cao Menglan secretly said: "when they come out, we must go to persuade them and never find Xiao Yunhai's trouble. Otherwise, things will really happen. "

Wu Yifa and Wang Siyu's wedding banquet was very low-key and simple. There were only six tables in total. They found an emcee, played a simple game or two on the stage, and let their parents on the stage to say some thanks. The ceremony was over.

Zhao Wanqing said softly, "my husband, it's lucky that we didn't know each other at home when we got married. Otherwise, our wedding will have to be the same. It's so boring. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if we recognize each other, I will never let the wedding become the regret of our life."

The smile on Zhao Wanqing's face suddenly bloomed like a flower, which stunned several young people on the table.

Just then, Wu Yifa came over, patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder, and said, "Lao Xiao, my father, please come to the main table and have a chat."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "there are some old men on the main table. What do I look like. No. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile:" you have to go if you want to go, or you have to go if you don't go. Don't grind here and look for you for business. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's business. No, it's your big day. Your father won't talk to me about work. "

Wu Yifa said, "how do I know. You're going to get there. "

Xiao Yunhai gets up and follows Wu Yifa.

The young people around him cast envious, envious and hateful eyes and whispered to him one after another.

"What a cow. The chief didn't want to go when he was summoned. If we were replaced, we would not be able to run faster than the rabbit. "

"He is the richest man in the world. His assets have reached several trillion US dollars. His status is comparable to the president of a medium-sized country. Can he be the same as us?"

"Well, people are more angry than others."

Most of the weddings that can come to Wu Yifa are the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. All of them are capable of making a difference outside. They are arrogant and arrogant.

But compared with Xiao Yunhai, it is not a little bit worse.

Zhao Wanqing heard what they said. Although there was no expression on her face, she was extremely proud in her heart.

Xiao Yunhai came to the main table without any formality. He looked at Wu Qingbo and said, "chief, you have something to do with me."

Wu Qingbo waved and asked him to sit down. He said with a smile, "are you not willing to come here?"

Yes, Xiao Yunhai nodded. We are all my elders. It's a bit uncomfortable to come here. The key is that there is no common language. "

Wu Qingbo laughed and said, "with your current wealth and status, can you chat with those young people? Don't talk nonsense here

The people sitting at the main table were all officials or senior officials of the government. The smallest officials were at the ministerial level. Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Wu Qingbo talking and laughing, they were very impressed.

Two people joked a few words, Xiao Yunhai said: "chief, I listen to the bridegroom official said, you come to me is a matter of business."

Wu Qingbo pointed to Wang Tingjiang beside him and said, "it's not me. It's Tingjiang."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and looked at Wang Tingjiang. He didn't know what he had to do to find himself?

Wang Tingjiang said, "Mr. Xiao, have you ever heard of high-speed rail?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. In the world, railways with a speed of more than 250 kilometers per hour are called high-speed railways. Yes? Secretary Wang, do you want to build high-speed rail in Dongshan province? "

Wang Tingjiang said, "yes. The transportation of Dongshan province is relatively developed, but it still can not meet the needs of industrial and agricultural development. Therefore, our province wants to build a 3000 km high-speed railway, which not only connects the cities, but also connects Yanjing and huhai. Our several provinces and cities have already communicated well, the only problem is the serious shortage of funds. "

Speaking of this, Wang Tingjiang stopped and looked at Xiao Yunhai with burning eyes.

Xiao Yunhai where is not clear, this is to beg for help, so wry smile way: "Secretary Wang, this matter, I am afraid I can't help."

Wu Qingbo said with a smile: "you boy, don't be careless. You just lent $1.5 trillion some time ago, and you are still crying for poverty here. I can tell you that this is a good thing for the country and the people. If you want to do it, the government will think of your good

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Wu Yifa and said, "chief, I borrowed $1.5 trillion, but now I have spent almost all of them. A few days ago, I spent hundreds of billions in order to win over the stell business network. Adding in the more than 400 billion yuan in Tahe oilfield, I had only 500 billion dollars left. I still have the money to use. I can't spend it any more. "

Wang Tingjiang said, "how can this be a wild flower? Once the high-speed rail is opened to traffic, it will take only one hour to get from Yanjing to Dongshan Province, and less than three hours to Shanghai and Shanghai. The daily turnover will be hundreds of millions. If the government had not shifted most of its financial resources to the west, we would not have given it to individuals easily. "Xiao Yunhai Zhengrong said: "the US $1.5 trillion that I signed with Citibank will be paid off in 10 years, and we need to pay back 180 billion US dollars every year. High speed rail does make money, but it is too time-consuming and laborious. It will take at least three years from construction to opening, and then several years to recover the cost. If I invest it in another industry, maybe I can make more than 50% a year. Compared with the two, high-speed rail is not worth the loss. "

"But high speed rail is safe and there is no risk," Wang said. As long as you invest in it, you will earn. Mr. Xiao, one kilometer high-speed rail needs one billion Chinese dollars, and three thousand kilometers is one trillion US dollars. We've done our best, and there's still a $300 billion gap. As long as you can make up for it, we can start construction immediately and try to open it to traffic within two years. Mr. Xiao, I heard from the chess game that you have more than 500 billion US dollars in your hands. The annual profit of the company is even more amazing. It is not a difficult thing to pay off the 180 billion US dollars. In any case, please consider it carefully. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Secretary Wang, I don't understand. Why don't you raise money from the society?"

Wang Tingjiang said with a wry smile: "if you don't count, if you want to put forward 300 billion US dollars, at least dozens or even hundreds of companies will be required to work together. More people, things will become very troublesome. You are the only Chinese entrepreneur who can pay 300 billion US dollars independently. We certainly hope to work with you alone. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see. It's too big. I'll think about it when I go back. "

Wang Tingjiang said, "no problem. When you have a decision, you can contact me directly by playing chess. I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "hope."

The wedding banquet will be over in half an hour.

On the way home, Xiao Yunhai said something to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, I think this is a good thing."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "why?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "stable. If you can own 30% of the high-speed rail, it is equivalent to having the most reliable guarantee. Even if other companies have problems, it can also help to win. Husband, the entertainment industry is changing. No one dares to say anything in the future. Your roots are up here. It's not safe. Coal, oil and natural gas will be mined out sooner or later, but it can not become a pillar. But the railway can, buy it, only need to pay a small part of the money for maintenance, can bring us billions or even tens of billions of income every year. This is what can be left to future generations. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "my wife, what you think is really far enough. Children and grandchildren have their own good fortune. What do we care about. However, for this high-speed rail, although I said that it needs to be considered, I am really interested in it. I'll call Christie and see what her attitude is? "

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, he just said something about it. Christie didn't even consider it and agreed directly. The reason is as stable as Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai saw that his economic adviser and his wife felt good, and made a decision in his heart. Xiao Yunhai is not a person who can't listen to different opinions when he listens to people's advice and has enough food.

As for the need to pay back $180 billion to Citibank every year, Xiao Yunhai didn't take it seriously.

With his business and Chuo's net, he can do it now.

However, he did not call Wang Tingjiang, but waited for the other party to call him. Only in this way can he seize the initiative in his own hands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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