Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:14 AM

Chapter 1535

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After seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zheng Liangcai off, he Yan returns to the office and sees Wang Tao with a pale face and says, "what are you doing? I'm so scared. "

Wang Tao said: "Auntie, it's so frightening that you didn't see Mr. Xiao's eyes. I was almost lost by him. It seems that he can't see through all his secrets. It's my idol. It's really amazing. "

He Yan hit Wang Tao on the back of his head and said, "don't feel sorry here. We are in big trouble now."

Wang Tao nodded and said, "yes. There are people on both sides that we can't afford to offend. I don't know what to do. Aunt, you have always been resourceful. What do you think should be done about it? "

He Yan said with a wry smile: "what can we do if two immortals fight? Looking at Mr. Xiao's appearance, he may have noticed the problem, but he didn't make it clear. We can't do one trick or we'll die ugly. Forget it. When Minister Zhou comes back from the meeting, I will report to him. I don't think it's easy for him to clean up

Just when the two men were sad, Zheng Liangcai sent Xiao Yunhai out.

Before getting on the bus, Zheng Liangcai suddenly asked, "Mr. Xiao, are your father and mother in good health?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "everything is very good. Minister Zheng knows my parents? "

Zheng Liangcai showed a look of recollection and said: "we have been in Huaqing University for four years. Can we not know each other? Oh

Oh, I was your mother's suitor

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. In that case, I still need to take care of your shouts, Zheng Shu. "

Zheng Liangcai waved his hand and said, "I dare not be your uncle, the richest man in the world."

Looking around, Zheng Liangcai said softly, "I'll tell you one thing. Wang Yangqiu is the most powerful social networking site on the Internet. Don't let's go. Go back and tell your parents that when I have time, I will organize a class meeting. At that time, they must come. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem. Goodbye, uncle Zheng. "

Back to the dream special effects image company, Xiao Yunhai asked people to take a material again and directly handed it to Wang Tao of the audit department.

"Wang Yangqiu? Longquan social network? He's the one who's got in the way Xiao Yunhai said softly.

Wang Yangqiu is a very famous childe brother in Yanjing. His father was the fourth leader of the last term. Compared with the Xiao family, Wang Yangqiu's influence is not as good as that of the Xiao family, but the gap is not big.

This guy is very talented. When he was 21 years old, he and several classmates founded the most famous Longquan social network in China.

The homepage of Xiao Yunhai and other stars is a project in this website, with 630 million members, and tens of billions of advertising expenses a year.

In addition to other aspects of income, it is properly over 100 billion. Although there are other similar websites, they do not pose any threat to him.

In addition, China's famous Youshi network is also his industry.

Before the birth of Yunyi shopping network, he was the boss of the network company, and no one could surpass him.

Xiao Yunhai met him at the government work conference after 1949. With a pair of glasses, he spoke slowly and was very low-key. He felt like a snake lurking in the dark and would fly out and bite people at any time.

If possible, Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to compete with such people. It's not that he is afraid of him, but that he is troublesome. But there is no way. Yunqing social networking site is related to Xiao Yunhai's future network layout and must be fully launched in China. Otherwise, nothing can be done.

What he didn't expect was that he had not started yet, and the other party had already made a move. This shows that Wang Yangqiu is very powerful in the network department, otherwise he would not even know that he applied for the website.

However, this Wang Yangqiu seems to be a bit of a small family. He knows that this method can't make any impact on himself, but he still needs to use it, which shows that he is not broad-minded and lacks confidence in himself.

No wonder Wang Yangqiu.

Xiao Yunhai also does not think, with his huge wealth of several trillion dollars, who can not be afraid.

In the office of Zhou Bingfang, director of the network department, he Yan stood respectfully in front of a middle-aged man with great momentum, and said the matter of Xiao Yunhai coming here.

"Minister, with Mr. Xiao's identity and background, not to mention that he is the son of the Xiao family, even if not, we can't resist it."

Zhou Bingfang nodded and said, "I know. Our network department is too small for two gods to fight. Wang Yangqiu just wants to give Xiao Yunhai a little color to see through us. What he does is a bit of a small family. He doesn't think about it. Who is Xiao Yunhai? That is a person who can talk and laugh with the No. 1 chief. It is said that he still has his personal number in his mobile phone, which is comparable to the president of a small country. We can't do it in front of him, nor can Wang Yangqiu. "

"What shall we do?" He Yan asked

Zhou Bingfang said: "business is business, no one should be partial."

He Yan said, "OK, I get it."After he Yan left, Zhou Bingfang's eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan character.

For Xiao Yunhai, he is not worried, because the other party is a person who abides by the rules and never bullies others. He is broad-minded and has a good reputation in the capital.

But that Wang Yangqiu is not that kind of thing. He is meticulous and narrow-minded. He can't even tolerate a needle. He doesn't believe anyone except himself. Even those who started business with him left one by one.

Ability is there, but compared with Xiao Yunhai, the heart is not as good as Xiao Yunhai.

Although Xiao Yunhai was not more than six years old, he entered the business world much earlier than Xiao Yunhai.

Pick up the mobile phone, find Wang Yangqiu's number, Zhou Bingfang dials in the past, the phone is connected quickly.

"Mr. Wang, I have something to report to you."

Wang Yangqiu didn't like to be called Wang Shao. He felt that it was the name of the second generation ancestor, which was not suitable for him who had made great achievements by relying on his own ability. Therefore, everyone called him Mr. Wang.

At the other end of the phone, Wang Yangqiu, who was slightly pale, said with a smile: "Minister Zhou, look at what you said. I can't afford to report. You say, I'll listen. "

Wang Yangqiu, 34 years old, is 1.7 meters tall. He is not very handsome. He wears a pair of gray glasses, which gives people a feeling of negative measurement. I like to hunt for beauty. I have had three girlfriends at one time.

Even if he married Zhan's daughter, he was still stubborn.

Zhou Bingfang said: "Mr. Wang, an hour ago, Mr. Xiao personally came to the network department and asked us to approve his application for the social networking website as soon as possible. Although we did not see this reason to block back, but he sent a person to send an application. The information in it is very complete, which is 100% in line with the regulations. We have no way to stop it, so I'm just calling you to say something about it. "

Wang Yangqiu's eyes flashed a little sinister and said, "Minister Zhou, you mean to pass him, right?"

Zhou Bingfang said with a bitter smile, "do you think I can stop it? He is the richest man in the world, and my uncle is my immediate superior. How dare I fight against him. Mr. Wang, I'm sorry. "

Wang Yangqiu laughed and said, "it doesn't matter. Xiao Yunhai is not an ordinary person. I just warned him with this method, and I didn't really think I could stop him. Mr. Zhou, thank you for helping me delay for such a long time. You can do business next. "

Zhou Bingfang agreed and hung up.

Wang Yangqiu's eyes were cold and he was playing with his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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