Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:12 AM

Chapter 1536

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The approval speed of the network department was very fast. In the afternoon, the information was sent up and the reply was given in the afternoon the next day.

Xiao Yunhai immediately let people connect Yunqing social network to the Internet, and officially met with netizens.

As a world-class star, Xiao Yunhai has a natural advantage in propaganda.

He posted on the home page of Longquan social networking site that he was going to visit Yunqing social networking site, with a link to the website.

His fans saw this and began to talk about it.

"Yunqing social network? When did emperor Yun make such a thing? "

"It's the first time I've heard that it should have just been built."

"No matter when it was built. As the brain powder of the cloud emperor, since he left, I must follow the past. "

"Yes. I'm going to see what Yunqing looks like. Maybe it will give me a big surprise. "

Since Xiao Yunhai released information less than an hour ago, hundreds of thousands of fans have followed him to become a member of Yunqing social network.

Yunqing social networking site is used by Xiao Yunhai to gather popularity and serve the next step. Therefore, the page is very clean, without any small advertisements and so on.

After members register, they will have their own space. Xiao Yunhai uses a super large server. The space for each member reaches 50g. They can put some pictures, videos, materials and so on. They can be used as a huge storage device. This alone is 50 times larger than the 1g of Longquan. If you need a bigger one, you'll have to pay for it.

In addition, add friends, chat, comment, etc. all the services of Longquan website are available on Yunqing website. Longquan does not have the same functions as voice and video chat. It is more convenient to operate.

The whole is the super evolution version of Longquan social network.

Those fans who came to Yunqing social networking site fell in love with it as soon as they came in.

Xiao Yunhai opened the video chat mode on his public platform, and his avatar suddenly appeared in his own space, causing a scream of fans.

"Hey, brothers and sisters, I can finally communicate with you without typing. Let me introduce our website first. It was born out of the popular twitter social networking site in Europe and America. It has so many functions that I haven't learned it all. Often used is voice chat and video chat, there is not like typing netizens can use voice input method, but the premise is that your Putonghua is very good. In order to give you a space to store things, I spent several billion dollars to buy several super large servers. Each person's space has reached a terrifying 50g. You can put down dozens of movies, ox fork. If you want 500g or 5000g, you can buy it with money. "

"Tell you secretly, this website will completely change our life in the near future, and take you into the real network era. At that time, we will be able to do a lot of things with it. I can't tell you the details. If you find it easy to use, please find some friends and relatives to come over. Thank you for your attention. "

After Xiao Yunhai finished his speech, he closed the video window, but the impact was very big.

Netizens are very excited when they see that Yunqing social networking site is so excellent.

In the past, remote video only appeared in the hands of big companies. Now ordinary people can use it freely. It's amazing.

In fact, the technology was developed and patented before David Stern's accident.

At that time, stern had informed them to use remote video, voice, etc. on the website, and everyone had done it. But they didn't expect that he would not be there before stell ordered him. Now it's all cheap, Xiao Yunhai.

Longquan headquarters, Wang Yangqiu entered Xiao Yunhai's home page, opened a link to Yunqing's social networking site, and applied for an account himself.

"50g mailbox, video function, voice function Good, good Xiao Yunhai. "

The more Wang Yangqiu looked, the worse his face became. At last, he became blue with anger, and a bad premonition went straight to his heart.

He knew that it would not take long for Yunqing social network to completely replace his own Longquan social network, which was a devastating blow to him.

Wang Yangqiu picked up his mobile phone and played Wu's game in the past.

"Mr. Wu, what are you busy with?" Wang Yangqiu said with a smile.

"Of course, it's a honeymoon," Wu said

Wang Yangqiu said: "look at my brain, I almost forgot you married the first beauty of Yanjing."

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, what's the matter with you? Just say it. "

Wang Yangqiu said: "today, Mr. Xiao's Yunqing social networking site has just been built. I'd like to talk to him about cooperation. It's just that I don't have his contact information and I don't have a middleman, so I want to ask you for help

Wu's method of playing chess, after thinking for a while, said, "Mr. Wang, you can go directly to Cao Menglan. I'm abroad now and I can't go back. "Wang Yangqiu nodded and said, "thank you. I'll call sister LAN right now. "

Soon, Wang Yangqiu contacted Cao Menglan. The relationship between the two families was very good. Cao Menglan couldn't get rid of it, so he agreed.

Cao Menglan said something to Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai had no objection. He wanted to see what Wang Dashao wanted to do.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to the hotel and entered box one.

Cao Menglan and Wang Yangqiu have arrived and are talking there.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Wang Yangqiu had a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Xiao, we have met again."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "Hello, Mr. Wang. In the past, when you attended the government work conference, you came and went in a hurry, and you didn't have the opportunity to communicate. Today, you can have a good talk. "

Xu thought snake, Xiao Yunhai practice is also superb.

After a few polite words, the service staff will serve the food and wine.

See Wang Yangqiu has not been leading to the business, Xiao Yunhai is not worried, accompany him and Cao Menglan have a word without a chat.

As soon as he was about to finish his meal, Wang Yangqiu said: "Mr. Xiao, you set up Yunqing social networking website today. It's an eye opener for me. I didn't expect that you even studied the two major functions of video and voice. It's really amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's not me that is powerful, but the group of people from STEL network company who are powerful. It was done when Mr. David Stern didn't die. It's a pity that something happened before the release. I happened to be very optimistic about his twitter social network, so I bought it. Mr. Wang, is that why you asked sister LAN to let me over? "

Wang Yangqiu nodded and said, "yes. Speaking of it, we are still competitors. My Longquan social network has been developing very well. This time, as soon as your cloud clear appears, within a few hours, the membership has soared to tens of millions. This has put a lot of pressure on us in Longquan. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Wang, what do you want? I'm not going to turn it off. "

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile: "how can it be? Mr. Xiao, I want to buy your video and voice patent rights. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, shook his head and said: "Mr. Wang, you Longquan has become the preferred website for people to communicate over the years. If we want to break the game, the biggest weapon is them. So I'm sorry, I can't do it. "

Wang Yangqiu frowned and forced Xiao Yunhai to say: "Mr. Xiao, you are a technology monopoly and have violated the anti-monopoly law of China."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't think this is a monopoly. It's just like your Longquan has been developing for half a year before it can sell its remote information technology patents. Although the subsequent social networking sites continue to appear, but the first opportunity has been lost, there is no way to compete with you. I can learn from you. "

Wang Yangqiu said: "Mr. Xiao, today is different from the past. Huaxia now has more than 20 social networking sites. Once we unite and sue you to the court, I'm afraid you will lose in a few days. Eating on one's own has never been a good result. You are already the richest man in the world, holding trillions of dollars of wealth. Why not make everyone unhappy for a small website

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, there is really no need to negotiate this matter. Once again, I will never share it with you. If you want to sue, do as you please. I'm full, and if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai nods to Cao Menglan and then leaves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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