Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:07 AM

Chapter 1539

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Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are shooting MV, just finished one, the mobile phone will ring.

Taking the mobile phone from Sima Qian's hand, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Guanghe said something and said, "Mr. Xiao, they have said that if you don't come, they will kneel at the door of our company. It's really ugly. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "there is really no bottom line. Forget it. It's time to tell them the truth. Anyway, even if they know, it's too late. You tell them to wait, and I'll be right there. "

Zhang Guanghe said, "good."

He told the director to shoot Zhao Wanqing's part first, while he drove to the dreamlike special effects image company by car.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai got out of the car. The reporters quickly pointed the camera at him and snapped it. The flash lights almost took the people's eyes away.

"Mr. Xiao, you are very kind. Give us a way to live." The crowd cried out in unison.

Xiao Yunhai went to the front, took the microphone from Zhang Guanghe's hand, and said with a wry smile: "everyone, I really can't help you with your request. Let's break up. "

"Mr. Xiao, as long as you are willing to sell us the patent rights of video and voice technologies."

"Yes. Mr. Xiao, please. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "these days, I have been busy recording songs, and I really don't pay much attention to your affairs. So you sued me for patent? I now clearly tell you that these two patents have nothing to do with me. You've got the wrong person. "

"How could it be? Mr. Xiao, if you don't agree, please speak up. There's no need to prevaricate us Said a boss.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm telling the truth. You should go to stern networks to buy the rights to use the patents, not me. Because I'm not the patent owner, it's a mistake for you to come to me. "

"Mr. Xiao, are you lying to us? With your relationship with stell networks, how could they possibly let you use these two patents? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can I explain it to you? Let's put it this way, I didn't involve STEL networks, but I bought it from my employees, who were responsible for the development of these two technologies. As you should know, more than 9600 engineers and technicians from STEL have joined my Yunqing network company, and the technology patents developed by them in the past are owned by stell, and they only have the right to use them. So I spent a lot of money to buy the right to use all the patents from them. I don't have the right to sell your company to you unless I buy it all. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai is telling the truth.

Before returning to China, in order to thoroughly solve the problem of the thousands of patents of STEL network company, Xiao Yunhai, after consultation with three responsible persons, spent two billion dollars to buy the right to use all the patents.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai can use the patent of STEL network company at will, in case these people leave themselves, the research out of things will have to pay stell expensive patent fees.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone was silent.

No one thought it would be the result.

"Mr. Xiao, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "this is a trade secret. Why should I say it? If you didn't use this method to force me, I would still not tell you. I'm sorry, I'm recording an album MV, so I can't have the whole show waiting for me. By the way, if you are suing me for this matter, please withdraw the indictment. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left in a hurry.

A farce ended like this.

Now coke broke the media.

They used the fastest speed to send the first-hand information to their respective headquarters.

Soon, all the major news websites on the network reported the event, and the video was also sent up.

"Ha ha, I'm so happy. These people don't even know who the target is, but they take a group of actors to perform in front of the building of yunhuang company. It's so funny. "

"I just want to ask if these people have brains? And kneel down to the emperor. God, if you kneel down, there will be a good show. "

"Disgraceful. He tried to force the emperor to hand over his technical patent, but he was beaten in the face. If it was me, I would have lost it. "

"The cloud emperor is too bad. Would it have been over if I had said no earlier? "

"Why tell them so early? If it's me, I won't say it. Who sent them to sue me. "

"Yes. The emperor is worried that the influence is not good, otherwise let them play in front of the building for a few days, and finally the truth comes out more humiliating. "

In the office of president of Longquan social networking website, Wang Yangqiu smashed his beloved cup to the ground. His face was white and blue for a while, and his chest was fluctuating. His fierce eyes turned red, and he was ferocious and terrifying as a beast.

"Xiao Yunhai, you fuckin 'play with me."Wang Yangqiu is smoked by Xiao Yun's seven holes, which is a big disgrace this time.

Although he didn't make trouble because of his identity, Wang Yangqiu was the initiator of the incident.

With such a big oolong, Wang Yangqiu may become a laughing stock for those young masters and young ladies in Yanjing circle.

Wang Yangqiu thinks more and more gas, is a burst of Pingpang sound, the office suddenly changed a mess.

Ten minutes later, the owners of the company all came back with a look of disgrace.

Wang Yangqiu took everyone to the conference room and said, "everybody, this is the end of the matter. It's useless for us to be angry. The key now is to contact Ms. Bessie of stell networks as soon as possible and get the patent right as soon as possible. "

"Do you want us to go to New York?"

Wang Yangqiu shook his head and said, "once and for all, too much effort is wasted. I know one of the shareholders of stell networks. Let him contact me. "

Five minutes later, Wang Yangqiu's mobile phone rang.

"Are you Mr. Wang? I'm winnissa Bessie, President of stell networks

Wang Yangqiu's face was happy and said, "Hello, Miss Bessie. I'm wang Yangqiu, the general manager of Longquan social network

Vanessa Bessie said, "I just heard about your difficulties. There is no problem with video and voice technology patents. I will immediately send technicians from huaxiastel business network to upgrade the website for you. But you need to pay me 200 million dollars a year in royalties. "

"200 million dollars? Miss Bessie, you may not know the income of our small website. It doesn't have to be 200 million dollars a year. The price is too high. " Wang Yangqiu said.

Vanessa Bessie said: "Mr. Wang, your Longquan social networking site can bring you more than 30 billion dollars of income every year, which can be found by checking. Two hundred million dollars is just a trifle to you. As for other websites, let them live and die. Because these people do not pose any threat to Kung Fu Xiao. "

Wang Yangqiu immediately felt the power of this Miss Bessie. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "OK, I agree. Miss Bessie, time is money now. I hope you send someone to upgrade my website now. "

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "no problem. Mr. Wang, I know that your background in China is similar to that of Kung Fu Xiao. We have common enemies, and we hope to have opportunities for cooperation in the future. "

Wang Yangqiu said: "there will be." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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