Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:06 AM

Chapter 1540

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After talking on the phone, Wang Yangqiu said, "did you hear me? Two hundred million dollars, one year of patent rights. "

"It's too expensive. "

" yes. How can a small website like ours afford to pay? "

"Mr. Wang, can't you tell her the price for us?"

Wang Yangqiu shook his head and said, "it's useless. If you want to stay out of business, you can only pay 200 million dollars a year in royalties. Xiao Yunhai is forced to do this. I am sure I want to buy it. You can think about it when you go back. "

"What else? I bought it. "

"I bought it, too."

Seven or eight of the more than 20 people are going to buy it. The others may not be able to afford so much money. They are silent and look ugly.

In the afternoon of the same day, Wang Yangqiu asked the staff to release the news that the website was suspended for two days for function upgrading.

Xiao Yunhai, who is shooting the MV, also heard about it. He admires Wang Yangqiu's efficiency, but he doesn't take it as one thing in his heart.

Now the membership of Yunqing social network is about to exceed 300 million. Once Longquan is closed for two days, the number of members will certainly increase by a large margin.

And even if everyone's functions are similar, Xiao Yunhai is confident that he has done them.

Because Xiao Yunhai did not consider adding those annoying advertisements to the website, the clean and tidy page will surely attract countless members to stay.

Xiao Yunhai's guess is not wrong. In the next two days, Yunqing social networking site ushered in a huge outbreak period. Its members successfully broke through the 500 million mark, and the number of active users reached 120 million every day.

Wang Yangqiu's Longquan social network has been seriously traumatized, but the dead camel is bigger than the horse. After the website is upgraded, the number of active users still reaches 80 million every day, but the number one throne has been handed over to others.

As for the other social networking sites, they all fell down completely.

Seeing that things have become irreversible, the owners who originally planned to buy the right to use technology patents have changed their minds and intend to do other businesses.

In this way, the entire Chinese social networking site has become the world of Xiao Yunhai and Wang Yangqiu.

Wang Yangqiu, who was originally the only one in the family, is now playing with two dragons and losing a lot of income. Naturally, Wang Yangqiu hates Xiao Yunhai very much.

Next, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took a week to shoot all the MV, and the rest just needs to be handed over to Teana.

After resting at home for a few days, Xiao Yunhai felt a little unbearable.

With the current progress of Zhuxian, it will take at least four months to complete it.

Such a long time is enough for Xiao Yunhai to make a film.

Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Wanqing about his idea. Zhao Wanqing said, "I know you can't be free. Come on, what do you want to make? It's better to kill before the twelfth lunar month, and we can't delay the wedding of Zhang Yuan and ling'er. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry. If I really want to shoot it, I'll make a comedy that can make people laugh, and then put it on the new year's day to show it, so that fans all over the country can have a good time. At my speed, one month at most, and I'll get it done. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "that's good. But I'm not going to play. During this time, I will take care of the children at home. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. The heroine of this story that I think of is just a vase. As long as she is beautiful, her acting skills are not important at all. She is really not suitable for you

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "husband, what's the name of your movie?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Tang Bohu points to autumn fragrance."

Yes, Xiao Yunhai is going to bring one of the most classic comedies of previous generations to this world.

When I first saw this movie, Xiao Yunhai had a stomachache with a direct smile. Later, the major TV stations played it many times a year. Every time he watched it, Xiao Yunhai still couldn't help laughing.

If Xiao Yunhai shot it, I believe the box office will be in a mess.

In just one day, Xiao Yunhai finished the script.

After Zhao Wanqing saw it, her stomach was aching with laughter.

"Husband, you are so talented." Zhao Wanqing wiped her tears and said.

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "wife, how are you? Are you not satisfied? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes, my husband, I really do. Once this film is released, I don't know how many people's glasses will fall off. As in Charlotte's troubles, the experts will surely curse you, and the audience will love you. Ha ha, that's funny. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, do you have the desire to act?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing quickly waved her hand and said, "no, not at all. There's no serious person in here. I don't play. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "whatever you want."

The next day, Xiao Yunhai came to Hanhai film and television investment company and told Wan Guanghui that he was going to shoot a comedy film.

Wan Guanghui said happily, "great. Once this matter spreads to the outside world, it will certainly set off another storm. "Xiao Yunhai said: "the film I made will only be shown in China, and it will be extended to Southeast Asia at most. It is mainly to amuse everyone during the Spring Festival. Mr. Wan, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. "

Wan Guanghui asked, "how big is the investment? What actors are needed? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the investment is less than 100 million without considering the actors' remuneration. I play the leading role, the heroine doesn't need to be good at acting, as long as it is beautiful. And some special actors "

the main reason why Xingye's film is warmly welcomed by the actors in the entertainment industry is that the characters in it are not only the leading role, but also the luster of the supporting role is sometimes even greater than that of the leading role.

Take "Tang Bohu order autumn fragrance" for example, such as flowers, pomegranate sister is a look can remember the supporting role.

The news that Xiao Yunhai is going to shoot a new film soon spread in the interior of Hanhai. Huang Bo, who is idle and has nothing to do, immediately looks for him.

"Third brother, what's the situation? You're going to make a movie? What theme? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the comedy" Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance "will be killed within a month

Huang Bo's eyes lit up and said, "is there a suitable role for Huijie and me?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "yes, yes. It's just that this play needs to play the role with extreme grandiose acting skills. Although it's not the same with you, it's OK to play a supporting role. As for Huijie, if she doesn't mind being said to be a vase, she can play the heroine directly. "

Bai Huijie's acting skills are almost at the bottom of Hanhai's actors, but her appearance is very beautiful and she can play Qiuxiang.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Bo said, "third brother, Huijie has a schedule recently, so let her play the heroine. I can play a supporting role, but I hope to be your deputy director

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and then asked, "neck, do you really intend to take the road of director?"

Last time in the shooting of "Zhu Xian", Huang Bo was his deputy director. In addition to some small problems at the beginning, he did well in the later part.

In Xiao Yunhai's eyes, he is already a very good deputy director.

Huang Bo nodded and said, "yes. I'm writing a script. After my honeymoon with Huijie next year, I'll start making plans. Now is the time to accumulate experience. Third brother, you only need a month to finish this play. It's just for me to prepare it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK. I'll give you the task now. This is the screenplay. You go back and have a good look at it. Then you can find someone to set up a crew. All the preparatory work is up to you. I won't interfere. Three days before shooting, I'll check to see if you missed something. Dare you take it? "

Huang Bo raised his head and said, "what dare you. Third brother, you can rest assured that I will do them all well. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said:" very good. Then go to work. You let Huijie read the script. If it doesn't feel interesting, she can skip it. To tell you the truth, the heroine Qiuxiang is a vase in the play, and there is no room for her acting skills. "

Huang Bo said with a wry smile: "that's why I let her play. Well, Huijie is not a material for acting, but she has the talent to be a host. Unfortunately, her temperament is too strong, and she has to go all the way to the dark, which is really depressing. Third brother, she's your fan. When filming, you can help me persuade her, OK

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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