Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:04 AM

Chapter 1541

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After Huang Bo left, Xiao Yunhai began to look for other actors. Hua Taishi, bawangye, Taishi's wife and Wu Zhuangyuan were soon found.

It's very troublesome for Ruhua and sister pomegranate to play. Finally, through the artists Protection Association, Xiao Yunhai found a man named Wu Sike who was similar to Ruhua in his previous life, and decided him. Sister pomegranate, Xiao Yunhai went directly to her old partner, Zhao ya, who was full of comedy talent.

Time flies. It has been ten days since Xiao Yunhai decided to shoot Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance.

Everything is ready, Xiao Yunhai flies to Hengdian film and television city.

This film does not use many scenes, which can be found in the movie city, so it is relatively easy.

Huang Bo, the deputy director, took people to the film and television city a week ago and has been making preparations.

Xiao Yunhai checked it and found that it was very good. The costumes, props, set layout and so on are all done very carefully, although there are still some small mistakes, but these are not serious.

On November 6, Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance in Hengdian.

Xiao Yunhai didn't invite any media reporter, but his new film release attracted wide attention from the media in the industry, and more than 200 reporters attended.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, why did you suddenly shoot this film which is said to be a comedy? It makes you feel like you're reversing? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "in recent years, all the films I made are official dramas. Science fiction movies, crime movies, action movies, kung fu movies and the latest Xianxia movies all make me feel a little tired, so I want to make a hilarious comedy to relax

"How long are you going to shoot this film? How much investment? When will it be on? "

"The shooting cycle is not long, it should take less than a month to complete. The investment is not big. It may not be as high as my pay. The release time was set for years ago. Chinese new year, what a happy day. It should be a good choice to go to the cinema to see a comedy that can make people laugh

"Mr. Xiao, why didn't Miss Zhao play the leading role this time? Is there something wrong with your relationship? "

Xiao Yunhai was speechless for a while and said: "Mr. reporter, can your guess be reliable. If I don't ask my wife to make a movie, I'm in a crisis. What's the fallacy. She had to take care of the children at home, so she didn't play

"Mr. Xiao, what route did Tang Bohu take? What's the difference from the previous "Charlotte troubles", "if you are the one" and the crazy series

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the female reporter who asked the question and said: "it's still the reliable question of this beauty. This movie is different from all the comedy movies I've made before, and it may look very pompous. After my wife read the script, tears of laughter came out, and my evaluation was that after it was released, the film review would be as polarized as Charlotte's worry. Fans may think it's very good, but media critics will think it's bad. Therefore, I hope that when the time comes, those film critics' teachers can be merciful and don't scold too hard

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that Miss Bai Huijie, who plays the leading role, is Mr. Huang Bo's fiancee, and her acting skills are not excellent in Hanhai film and television investment company. Did you choose her because of Mr. Huang Bo?"

As soon as the reporter's words came out, the air at the scene became tense.

Bai Huijie's face appeared a trace of pale, and Huang Bo nearby quickly took her hand and gave her a reassuring look.

Xiao Yunhai said with a serious look: "when did you hear that I choose actors depends on the relationship, what international jokes do you make. For me, whether the temperament of an actor is consistent with the role, and whether the acting skill meets all the needs of the role is the only criterion for me to choose an actor. If not, don't say Huijie, my wife Wanqing doesn't want to get any role. I hope you don't ask such questions in the future, because I think it's an insult to me, to my actors and to my crew.

"Then Huang Bo has not been an associate director before. Why did you promote him suddenly? "

" ability. He has the ability to do a good job as an associate director. And I want to correct your words. Neck has been an associate director for me in my "Zhuxian" crew, and he has performed very well. Compared with "Zhu Xian", our "Tang Bohu points Qiuxiang" is much simpler. It's normal to find him. Ha ha, how do I feel that you are like taking gun medicine today, and your questions are very angry. Did I offend you? "

" No The reporters all laughed.

"Miss Bai, how do you feel to be the heroine in Mr. Xiao's play?"

Bai Huijie said: "it's very stressful. I'm afraid I'll screw up, so I've been working on scripts these days. "

"Miss Bai, do you think you won the role by your strength?"

Before Bai Huijie spoke, Huang Bo couldn't stand it and said, "I said you're finished. My third brother has already answered. Why are you still asking. At the beginning of shooting the master of the first generation, my third sister-in-law practiced Bagua Quan for half a year before she won the role of Gong er. Do you think he'll give Huijie a break? ""Mr. Huang, why do you want to be an assistant director? Will you join the director in the future? "

"Of course," Huang said. I am an assistant director to learn and accumulate experience. Next year I will make a self-made and self-directed film, hoping to get the approval and support of fans by then. "

The whole conference lasted for an hour. It was early to see. Xiao Yunhai took the crew to the scene and began shooting the first play.

"Tangbohu point autumn fragrance" is not trouble shooting. Huang Bo has done a very full preparation work, the only headache for Xiao Yunhai is the actor's smile field problem.

Such a play does not need to have how good acting skills, as long as the performance is exaggerated, bold enough, enough funny, and in line with the temperament of the film. But the problem is that lines are too funny, and the actors' performance tension is too big, and they can't laugh at the scene.

This thing will infect, once laugh, it will never end, let Xiao Yunhai very speechless.

Fortunately, we didn't waste too much time, otherwise Xiao Yunhai should cry.

Just in xiaoyunhai in the film, Yanjing suburb prison gate, park more than 10 Luxury SUVs, all are the Great Wall brand high-end cars, like a long dragon in a row, it is spectacular.

After a long time, five young people came out of prison under the escort of prison guards. It was qumaoxun and others who were sent to prison by xiaoyunhai.

The five have the strongest family power. In order to get out of prison as soon as possible, they are arranged to do various public welfare activities. So they come out in less than a year. The 20 cars are here to meet them.

After more than half a year of prison career, qumaoxun and others seem to be more stable and their eyes are more gloomy and cold.

"Song Shao, Li Shao, you finally come out." A middle-aged man walked up and said respectfully.

"Who are you sent?" asked qumaoxun, frowning slightly

What happened to them was that their political family was too low-key to arrange such a big battle?

Not even their parents? It's just to take into account the impact. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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