Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:03 AM

Chapter 1542

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Wearing a professional suit, Cao binglan came out of one of the cars and said, "I'm here to pick you up."

With a smile on his face, Qu maoxun said, "who should I be? It turns out to be sister LAN. "

Cao binglan said: "you are out of prison today. Of course, my elder sister will come. Let's go. I'll take you to a bath, get your hair cut, get rid of the mildew, and have a good meal. "

Qu maoxun was about to agree, when suddenly another motorcade came slowly, all in all luxury cars.

From the inside, a young man, with sunglasses, lit a cigarette after getting out of the car, and slowly walked past.

"Wang Yangqiu, why did he come? We don't seem to have much friendship with him Li Kaifeng said in surprise.

In the same circle, Qu maoxun and others could not have known Wang Yangqiu.

When Cao binglan saw him, a haze flashed in his eyes. She knew that this man had just suffered a great loss in Xiao Yunhai's hands and became a laughing stock in the circle of Yanjing city. It can be said that she hated Xiao Yunhai thoroughly.

And Qu maoxun and others were brought to prison by Xiao Yunhai, who also hated Xiao Yunhai.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Wang Yangqiu suddenly came here to draw allies and jointly deal with Xiao Yunhai.

Can Xiao Yunhai be so easy to deal with? As the richest man in the world, no one knows how big the energy is.

What's more, Xiao Yunhai has close cooperation with the government in many fields. The railway in the west, oil fields in Xinjiang, coal mines in the northeast and the high-speed railway under negotiation can give Xiao Yunhai the greatest protection.

Just because these ignorant officials want to fight against Xiao Yunhai, it's like an egg against a stone.

Even the family behind them can't help Xiao Yunhai, let alone them.

Just as Cao binglan's heart was turning, Wang Yangqiu came near, nodded to her first, then shook hands with Qu maoxun and others, and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I have already reserved a private room in a hotel for you. Please give me this face. How about going there together? "

Cao binglan said: "Mr. Wang, we have to have a first come, then come.". I'm all ready there. It's hard for me to let you have such a piece of Hu. "

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile: "sister LAN, look at what you said. I'll go directly with you. Would you please go?"

Qu maoxun said: "forget it, Mr. Wang, we are in charge of your kindness. Let's go with sister LAN. "

Cao binglan said happily, "great. Let's go. "

Before everyone got on the bus, Wang Yangqiu suddenly said, "who let you go to the prison, do you all forget?"

On hearing this, they stopped at the same time.

Qu maoxun's eyes were full of senleng's murderous motives. His face was ferocious, like a beast that ate people. He turned his head and asked, "what does Wang always mean?"

Wang Yangqiu said: "if you're ready to let it go, it's like I didn't come. If you want revenge, follow me. "

Li Kaifeng asked, "do you have a feud with Xiao Yunhai

Wang Yangqiu said coldly, "of course. You've only been in prison for seven or eight months, and I'm going to lose tens of billions every year because of him. Who do you think is more hostile? "

Qu maoxun said, "sister LAN, I'm sorry. We'll get together sometime

Cao binglan show eyebrows micro Cu, but also know that they can not change their decision, helpless said: "I just hope you don't too impulsive. Now Xiao Yunhai is a red man in front of the government. To be against him is to be against the government. You'd better think about it clearly. "

With that, Cao binglan looked at Wang Yangqiu deeply and left with the motorcade.

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, Qu maoxun and others sat in a box drinking with Wang Yangqiu.

Qu maoxun said: "Mr. Wang, what is the meaning of Lan Jie's last words? Is Xiao Yunhai strong now? "

Wang Yangqiu shook his head and said, "not very strong, but rather strong. Don't you still hold the shares of huaxiaster business network? I tell you, now the whole business network is in his hands. And he and the government... "

After Wang Yangqiu introduced Xiao Yunhai, Qu maoxun and others were silent.

Having such a close relationship with the government, it's just heaven's night talk if you want to revenge yourself.

Wang Yangqiu looked at the silent crowd and sneered: "what? Scared? "

Qu maoxun's face was neither happy nor sad. He was calm as water. He nodded and said, "yes, I'm afraid. According to you, Xiao Yunhai has become a partner with the government. We were not his opponent before, let alone now. Mr. Wang, although you are worth hundreds of billions, in Xiao Yunhai's eyes, you are just a child who blows and falls. We can't, you can't either. "

Wang Yangqiu didn't expect that Qu maoxun had changed so much after the prison disaster.

I just used a little provocation, but I didn't think that not only did not work, but also was beaten by him.

Looking at each other's deep-sea eyes, Wang Yangqiu's heart suddenly produced an unfathomable feeling."Qu Shao, we don't need to boost others' morale and destroy our own prestige. Xiao Yunhai is really not what we can deal with, but he also has a very strong enemy. For example, the Bessie family, with assets of $50 trillion. Because of the relationship between Yunqing oil and gas company and Yunqing network company, he offended two powerful heirs of the Bessie family. He he, Miss Bessie has always wanted to find him trouble, suffering from no chance. We can use them to give Xiao Yunhai a color to see. There is also Xiao Yunhai's Hanhai film and television media company, whose actors have several beauties no less than Zhao Wanqing. We can't make sure Xiao Yunhai, can't we play with them? "

Wang Yangqiu has a lecherous problem, every night there are no women not happy, do not know how many female stars play. Before because of Xiao Yunhai's relationship, has not been on Hanhai's female star.

Now that the hostile relationship has been confirmed, Wang Yangqiu will not be polite.

Qu maoxun had heard of Wang Yangqiu's lecherous name for a long time, and he was very disdainful of him in his heart. However, he said, "Mr. Qu, we have nothing now, we can only follow your lead. Let me know what you want from now on. As long as it is unfavorable to Xiao Yunhai, we will not refuse. "

Wang Yangqiu laughed and said, "Madam Qu is out of sight. With our strength, the family is definitely not good. But we work together and believe that sooner or later, Xiao Yunhai will be uprooted. Come on, cheers. "


Satisfied with food and drink, Qu maoxun and others left.

Wang Yangqiu's smile on Wang Yangqiu's face slowly closed as he watched the car go away.

Originally, he wanted to subdue the second generation of officials who hated Xiao Yunhai deeply. Later, he served as a pawn for him. However, after some contact, he found that these people were not easy to deal with.

In particular, Qu maoxun seems to be more profound than before.

However, he could see that although the other side was somewhat silent, when it came to Xiao Yunhai, the hatred in his eyes could not be concealed. Since we have the same goal, there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Yangqiu's face showed a funny smile and said in his heart, "Xiao Yunhai, let's wait and see."

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai, who was filming on the set, also got the news that they were released from prison.

"Qu maoxun, Li Kaidong, they have been released so early. It seems that it has not been a year. Lao Wu, aren't you on your honeymoon? How do you know that? "

Wu Yifa said: "I came back yesterday afternoon, and I heard the news today. What you can't imagine is that in addition to sister LAN, there is also Wang Dashao. And they all got into Wang Dashao's car and went to a hotel until 3 p.m. Obviously, they are planning what to do with us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it is estimated that he is planning to deal with me. You and Wang Dashao don't have any grudges. I ordered the TV station to do it when I put them in prison. It has nothing to do with you, so I am the first to bear the brunt. "

"Lao Xiao, you should be more careful in the future," Wu said

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry. They can't do anything about me. My main worry is that they will attack my friends and family. OK, Lao Wu, I know. "

After talking to Wu Qifa, Xiao Yunhai dials Gao Xiangfeng's mobile phone number directly.

"Lao Gao, do we have scouts in our security company?"

Gao Xiang said: "yes, and a lot. Mr. Xiao, what do you want to do

Today's Yunqing security company is well-known in China and even in Asia. There are more than 20000 registered personnel on the register. Every time a group is trained, it will be robbed by rich people and stars. Female bodyguards, in particular, are the most popular.

Last year, the company's income has exceeded one billion yuan, and Xiao Yunhai only took 500 million yuan. Gao Xiangfeng left all the rest to Gao Xiangfeng and asked him to distribute the money as welfare to everyone.

After all, what they do is pinning their heads on their waistbands. If they are not lucky, they will not be able to treat them unfairly.

Xiao Yunhai said: "at the beginning, I used to put more than 20 second generation officials and rich second generation into prison. Now some of them are out of prison. I am afraid that they will do harm to me and my friends. In this way, you can find me a few fierce scouts, and they will keep a close eye on their leaders in 24-hour shifts. One is Li Kaifeng, the other is Qu maoxun, and the other is Wang Yangqiu. I want to know where they are every day, no matter how they are tapped or filmed. It would be better if we could find a handle on them, do you understand? "

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, this is our major. We guarantee that they can't escape our sight 24 hours a day."

Xiao Yunhai said: "good, pay attention to safety." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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