Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:02 AM

Chapter 1543

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After a few days, Gao Xiangfeng called.

"Mr. Xiao, we've got it. We have installed small eavesdropping chips on their mobile phones, so they can't escape our eavesdropping wherever they go. "

Xiao Yunhai listened and said happily, "Lao Gao, you really have two sons. How can you do it?"

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "they've been hanging out in nightclubs every night recently. We took advantage of their carelessness to get their mobile phones in secret, and then finished the work in five minutes. As long as their mobile phones stay with us, we can know where they are every day, and the danger will be minimized. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "great. Attention, must monitor 24 hours, as soon as there is a problem, immediately inform me. "

Gao Xiangfeng promised and hung up the phone.

The shooting progress of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is getting faster and faster. At the beginning, because of the actors' laughter, they didn't grasp the temperament of the film, so it was a little slow.

Now that we are familiar with the way of acting, we know what we can do to get close to the style of the film, so the speed will be raised.

Xiao Yunhai has a lot of parts. He is too busy to take pictures, so he gives Huang Bo the task of shooting.

Huang Bo's performance is very good. More than 90% of the shooting effect meets the requirements of Xiao Yunhai. Occasionally, some problems appear, which are quickly corrected by Xiao Yunhai.

Seeing that in another week, "Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance" is about to be killed, Xiao Yunhai has received a great deal of good news.

A huge natural gas field has been found in the northeast of Sichuan Province. According to preliminary estimation, the recoverable reserves have reached 460 billion cubic meters,

Xiao Yunhai was very happy. He directly called Kristi and asked her to lead her team to negotiate with the government.

This world also has the west to east gas transmission project, only need to build a pipeline to the main line, then the natural gas will be continuously transported to the eastern region, and wealth will naturally flow to Xiao Yunhai's pocket.

Because of the general framework, Xiao Yunhai won the huge gas field with more than 100 billion US dollars in just one day.

Tian weiqi, general manager of Huaxia oil company, called Xiao Yunhai, hoping that the two companies could develop together. Xiao Yunhai refused without hesitation.

Oil and Xiao Yunhai are subject to them for various reasons, so they have to compromise with them.

But natural gas has nothing to do with them. Give them ten courage and dare not make trouble for Xiao Yunhai.

In just one year, Xiao Yunhai's exploration team discovered a super large oil and gas field, a huge natural gas field, which was a great blow to Huaxia oil company.

Xiao Chongyang, Xiao Yunhai's uncle, was not only happy for Xiao Yunhai, but also furious for the oil company's non competition. Personally called Tian Weiqi to the office, he severely reprimanded.

Xiao Chongyang has always been gentle and gentle, rarely angry, but this time he is really hard to accept.

His nephew easily found tens of billions of dollars worth of oil and gas with more than 1000 people, while Huaxia oil company has a 20000 person exploration team, which has searched in the western region for several years, but has not found any fart. This is unreasonable.

Xiao Chongyang has not removed Tian Weiqi's post, which is good enough.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, it was very cold on November 24, but the hearts of the fans were warm.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's latest album "cool" will meet with fans in the national audio store today. Tianlai records company is very confident about this super luxury album composed of 15 classic songs, and has let the factory produce 60 million copies.

Although it has not been sold yet, the factory is still running at full capacity in 24 hours. It will depend on the situation when it reaches 100 million copies.

Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's albums didn't disappoint Tianlai records. On the first day, they sold more than 23 million copies. On the second day, they continued to cut down 29.2 million copies, nearly breaking through 30 million.

It wasn't until the third day that sales fell, with only 14 million copies.

But even so, the record of 66 million copies in three days still broke all records of Huaxia records, and no one could compete with it.

There is no way, a king of heaven, a queen, singing is the classic in the classic, as long as the fans who like to listen to the music can not withstand this temptation.

Once the record was released, all the streets and alleys of China were full of their songs.

When they learned that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's records would be on sale on November 24, they adjusted the release dates one after another.

There is only one third line singer in America who seems to want to gain popularity through confrontation with them. He makes a lot of remarks in front of the media, saying that other singers have no courage and are not afraid of any challenges.

Don't say, it really made him achieve his goal, his popularity increased sharply, and his fans reached more than one million.On the first day, it was a miracle that 120000 records were sold.

It's a pity that the quality of his songs is too poor, and his reputation is even worse. He finally yelled at him by his accumulated fans, and all of them ran away, leaving only three or two kittens.

The singer has also become a laughing stock for Chinese fans.

A week later, "cool" album sales reached 88 million, if not for the lack of production capacity, it is estimated that it would break through 100 million.

Fans who didn't buy records came to the homepage of Teana records company and scolded them. They said that if there was no diamond diamond, they would not take porcelain work. Even the supply of albums after emperor yunhuang's reign can't be guaranteed. It's unreasonable.

Li Tianlai is not only not angry at the scolding of the fans, but is very happy. This fully shows that the two albums still have a lot of sales space.

Another two days later, the sales volume of Liangliang exceeded 100 million. Coincidentally, Xiao Yunhai's Tang Bohu ordered the fragrance of autumn was also killed at noon that day.

"Husband, when will you be back?" Zhao Wanqing asked on the phone.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm drinking Shiqing wine. I expect to be home in the evening. What's the matter? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "didn't our album sales exceed 100 million? Binglu, they want to celebrate together in the evening

Xiao Yunhai said: "good. In this way, eating is not enough. When we go back, it is estimated that it will be nine o'clock. It is too late. We will solve it on the plane ourselves. You go to order a reliable KTV, you finish your meal, go there to play for a while, we kill directly from the airport. How about it? "

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "OK. We'll get back to you. "

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai held a simple youth killing conference, and then took Huang Bo, Bai Huijie and others to Yanjing.

By the time we arrived at Yanjing airport, it was already 8:30 p.m.

The one who came to pick up the plane was Kai Shuwen, who took Xiao Yunhai, Huang Bo and Bai Huijie to the destination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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