Published at 11th of May 2022 05:16:00 AM

Chapter 1544

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In the No.1 box of imperial KTV, Zhao Wanqing, Bai binglu, Huang Meiling, Lin Lu and Meng Xuewei sit on the sofa, eating fruits and chatting.

On the stage, Zhang Guoyang and Li Shangming are singing Infernal Affairs. Neither of them is a singer, but the singing is very tasteful.

At the end of the song, five beauties gave two men warm applause.

Zhang Guoyang said with a smile, "I'm afraid that joining Hanhai is the most correct thing I've ever done in my life. Not to mention anything else, just on eye care, our five beauties are not comparable to other company's female stars. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'm a mother of two children. Don't count me in. Brother Zhang, fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, you and brother Li can be alone, and our four beauties are also alone. In the future, we must work harder, and maybe we can bring back the beauty. "

Zhang Guoyang waved his hand and said with a bitter smile, "forget it. If I were in my 20s, I would have launched an attack. But now that I'm thirty-six or forty years old, I'm ashamed to go after them. "

"Ha ha ha."

All the girls laughed.

Zhao Wanqing said, "whose turn is it next? Is it time for ice dew? So far, I haven't heard you sing. Come on, beauty. "

Bai binglu quickly declined and said, "I really don't have five tones. Sister Wanqing, don't be hard on me. "

Meng Xuewei said with a smile: "I also have five tones. Otherwise, binglu, let's sing a song together

Since joining Hanhai, Meng Xuewei has fallen in love with it. Not only do you have a lot of resources, you can choose any role you want to play, and the relationship between colleagues is also very good.

On weekdays, her brothers and sisters match each other. She doesn't need to do any disguise or compete with each other. She doesn't have to drink with those rich people who have small bellies. Meng Xuewei only feels relaxed and free that she has never had since she joined the entertainment industry.

Zhang Guoyang clapped his hands and said, "great. When two great beauties show their singing voice, Lao Li and I will drink with your songs. We must have dried a bottle of beer when you finish singing. How about Lao Li

Li Shangming said, "no problem."

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "great. Xuewei, binglu, what are you waiting for? "

Lin Lu also coaxed: "that is, sing quickly."

Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei speak in good voices, but when they sing, they are not flattered.

The two people's tunes, one in the South and the other in the north, failed to find the tune from the beginning to the end. Zhao Wanqing and others laughed happily.

Finally, Bai binglu's face turned red and said angrily, "I'll tell you, I can't sing. I'll make a fool of myself."

Meng Xuewei is more bold and unconstrained than she is, and says: "it doesn't matter. Isn't I with you? Let them have a good laugh here. I'll go to the bathroom first. "

White ice dew way: "snow Wei elder sister, I accompany you to go."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you want to have a bodyguard for you. This is KTV. There are too many idle people waiting for you to be caught by the lecherons. "

Meng Xuewei kicked her big long legs and said, "if there are sex wolves, I will let them know why the flowers are so red."

The crowd laughed again.

In the box, Lin Lu and Huang Meiling sang a song respectively, and they were applauded.

Zhao Wanqing looked at the time and said, "it's ten minutes. Why hasn't binglu and Xuewei come back?"

Lin Lu said with a smile, "I happened to go to the bathroom to see if they were in it."

Zhao Wanqing said, "let's go together."

Zhao Wanlu and Lin did not come to the bathroom.

Both of them had cell phones in the box, and they couldn't be reached by phone.

Now, where can I go.

Zhao Wanqing and Lin lulai turned around for two times, but did not find them.

Passing by box 2, the door was suddenly opened, and a man with tattoos on his body and a strong back came out drunk.

Although it's winter and it's cold outside, the man is only wearing a black vest with a long scar on his chest, which shows that he is not a good man.

Zhao Wanqing and Lin Lu were startled by his sudden appearance.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing and Lin Lu, the man's eyes lit up and his mouth watered directly. He said, "my grandmother, I've been in prison for ten years, and I've just come out and met two beautiful women. Is this a gift from God? Hey, beauty, come in and have a drink with me. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown, coldly looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, we don't know you."

With that, Zhao Wanqing took Lin Lu to the box.

The man laughed and grabbed Lin Lu's arm.

Lin Lu ate pain, ah, called out.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I tell you, drinking with me is for your face. At that time, my Yama was in the northern boundary, and there was no one who didn't know me. " The man clapped himself on the chest.Zhao Wanqing was a little angry. She put her right hand gently on his wrist and hit him in the joint.

The man named Yan Wang didn't expect that Zhao Wanqing, such a beautiful woman, could do Kung Fu. As soon as her wrist hurt, she released Lin Lu's hand.

Zhao Wanqing took advantage of this opportunity to drag Lin Lu behind him and said, "a hero doesn't mention his bravery. You said it was in the past. What's the use of talking about it now? "

With a flash in his eyes, the king looked at the red dot on his wrist and said, "I never thought I was a kung fu master. Ha ha, my luck is good. The more such a woman is, the more delicious it will be in bed. "

After Yan Wang finished, he hit Zhao Wanqing with a fist. The fist was roaring and the strength was so huge that it seemed that the air was shaking.

This Yama once played an invincible hand in underground boxing. Later, he became his own boss and organized many underground boxing rings around China to make huge profits.

It's a pity that paper can never cover fire.

A rich man, who had lost nothing and held a grudge against him, reported to the government his more than 20 farms all over the country. Overnight, Yama was reduced from a 10 billion millionaire to a prisoner and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In prison, he had nothing to worry about. He practiced Kung Fu day and night in the prison. He was so powerful.

Although Zhao Wanqing has developed a strong sense of strength, he knows that he is not his opponent at all just by looking at the power of the other party.

But Lin Lu is right behind her. If she dodges, she will inevitably implicate Lin Lu.

However, Zhao Wanqing had no choice but to put on a frame of eight trigrams fist, and then put his palms together to fight with the other side.

All of a sudden, she felt an overwhelming force coming from her opponent's fist. Zhao Wanqing's face turned red. She was beaten backward for several steps, and a stream of blood flowed out of her mouth. This is still Yama did not use all his strength, otherwise, Zhao Wanqing's arm would not want.

Seeing the bloodstain on Zhao Wanqing's mouth, Lin Lu was shocked and said, "how dare you be. Do you know who she is? "

"I only know that she is a beautiful woman," he said with a smile

Lin Lu yelled, "you're dead. Security, security, get out of here. "

Zhang Guoyang, Li Shangming and Huang Meiling in box 1 heard Lin Lu's voice and ran out.

"Who are you? What do you do? "

Zhang Guoyang and Li Shangming saw Lin Lu holding Zhao Wanqing in confrontation with a man with a bald head of 1.9 meters. They ran up and protected them behind.

"Ah..." Huang Meiling ran to Zhao Wanqing several steps. Seeing her pale face and bloodstains on her mouth, she couldn't help crying out and said, "sister Wanqing, are you hurt?"

Zhao Wanqing picked up a paper towel, wiped it, and said, "it's OK."

The king of hell looked at Zhang Guoyang with disdain and said, "with you, you also want to fight with me. It's beyond your ability."

Li Shangming knew some Kung Fu. He knew that he was not a good person when he looked at each other. He said, "what kind of society is it now? Do you think the one with the big fist is the best? "

at this time, it seemed that a voice was heard in box 2. A young man came out and saw Zhao Wanqing. He was surprised and said," I didn't expect Miss Zhao to come to Emperor Hao too. Brother Yama, let me introduce you. This is Miss Zhao Wanqing, the wife of Mr. Xiao, the richest man in the world. She is also a top international star. "

This man, Meng Xiaoqi, is the son of the head of Logistics Department of Yanjing military region. He has a very good relationship with Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun. This time I came to Dihao with them.

But Yan Wang is a powerful person that Li Kaifeng and others know in prison. He is the only one who can not be bullied by those prisoners.

In prison, no matter you are a prince party or a tycoon, even if you are under the care of prison guards, there are countless ways for prisoners to find trouble with you.

The king of Yan also protected them because he knew that they were all famous Prince party in China, and that he was going to go out soon. It can be said that he took what he needed.

Although he had just come out of prison, he didn't know the situation outside, but when he heard the word "the richest man in the world", he knew that he couldn't afford it. He scolded in his heart: "such a beautiful woman, married to an old man of 60 or 70 years old, is just a natural thing."

He didn't know that the richest man in the world was Xiao Yunhai, who was often in the mouth of Li Kaifeng and others. Therefore, he thought that Mr. Xiao in Meng Xiaoqi's mouth was an old man.

"What's wrong with you, sister Wanqing?" Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei come out from a box opposite the restroom. Seeing Zhao Wanqing's pale face, they exclaim in unison.

There was also a middle-aged man behind him. It seemed that he was sending two people away, and he also followed him.

Lin Lu said, "where have you been? Sister Wanqing and I came out to look for you. Who knows we met such a person. Wan Qing was also injured by him. "

Meng Xuewei said with remorse: "I met Wan Zong and went to sit with binglu for a while. I thought I didn't tell you for a long time. Sorry, Wanqing. "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "it doesn't matter."Seeing two more peerless beauties appeared, King Yan said, "if you don't come out for a few years, how come there are so many beautiful girls in Yanjing?"

Lin Lu didn't have the slightest fear of Yama and said, "don't think you are very powerful. I advise you to make an apology and ask for my sister Wanqing's forgiveness. Otherwise, my elder martial brother is here, and I will make you suffer. "

Yan Wang snorted coldly and said, "I really want to meet him if you say so." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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