Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:59 AM

Chapter 1545

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At this time, a woman in her thirties, dressed in black professional clothes, appeared in front of the public with a group of security guards.

"Distinguished guests, you Ah, Miss Zhao, what's the matter with you? "

The woman was startled to see Zhao Wanqing's appearance.

Who is Zhao Wanqing? It's the wife of Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world, and the daughter-in-law of Xiao family, the first family in Yanjing. It's said that master Xiao likes this granddaughter-in-law very much.

These two identities, take out any one at will, are not Dihao KTV can offend.

Lin Lu angrily said: "we came here to play, but we met this man who wanted to drag us to drink and hurt sister Wanqing. What are you going to do with KTV? "

To be able to achieve the position of the manager of the lobby, naturally, he is a man of all sides.

Hearing that Zhao Wanqing was injured by the big man, the woman was shocked.

She knew that once she could not handle it well, even if the background of Dihao KTV was hard, she would die.

So she didn't even think about it, so she winked at the security captain.

The captain of the security team came to the yama with two guards and said, "Sir, please come with us."

The king of hell rolled his eyes and said scornfully, "you shameless things know how to climb a dragon and attach Phoenix. Hearing the other party's high status, he wanted to beat me up and vent his anger on me. Hum, I don't know if I want to be the enemy of Yama even though I don't know my virtue. "

With that, Yama's steel arm caught the captain's collar like lightning and lifted him up directly. The two security guards in the back were shocked and were about to hit him with sticks in their hands. They were kicked five meters away by the king of hell.

It's so powerful.

There was an incredible look in the eyes of all the people, and there was a trace of fear in their hearts.

Only Zhao Wanqing's face was calm and there was no movement at all.

Although the Kung Fu of this great Han Dynasty is very powerful, it is still far behind Xiao Yunhai.

"Boy, you dare to fight me. You are very brave. Believe it or not, I will kill you now. "

The security captain's neck was restrained and he was hard to breathe. In less than a minute, his face turned crimson.

"Hell, let him go. You just came out. If you kill people, you have to go in. " Qu maoxun said from box two.

There are also seven or eight second generation officials, including Li Kaifeng and Wang Yangqiu.

Yan Wang was stunned. He just didn't mean to frighten the security guard.

Female lobby manager even busy way: "take him to the hospital quickly."

Several security guards rushed over and left with the captain on his back.

When the manager of the lobby saw that the man who had hurt Zhao Wanqing was Wang Yangqiu, the prince's Party member, his head suddenly became big.

She did not dare to offend either of the two parties. It was indeed difficult to deal with it.

Wang Yangqiu was a starving ghost in her lust. She glanced greedily at all the beautiful women, big and small. Finally, she put her eyes on Zhao Wanqing and said, "it's such a coincidence that Miss Zhao is playing here too. Would you like to go in and have a drink

Zhao Wanqing said coldly: "originally this called the king of hell dare to be so unscrupulous, behind is you to support him."

Qu maoxun also saw that Zhao Wanqing seemed to be injured, and said: "Miss Zhao, I'm sorry, my elder brother just finished his sentence this afternoon. I don't know you. I apologize to you on his behalf. It's all a misunderstanding. Please don't worry about it. "

"Lao Qu, there is no need to apologize. What's the big deal. Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. If they want to fight with me, they must always be careful of their own lives. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and did not speak.

It was not that she was afraid, but because she saw her husband Xiao Yunhai, Huang Bo and Bai Huijie.

"Elder martial brother, come quickly. Sister Wanqing was injured by this man." Lin Lu yelled.

Xiao Yunhai is surprised, the whole person like a gust of wind general, came to Zhao Wanqing in front of.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yunhai holds Zhao Wanqing's hand and asks.

Zhao Wanqing said: "this man forced me to go in to accompany the wine."

"What?" When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he was suddenly furious. His boundless momentum was like a gushing volcano. His eyes were even colder than the ice and snow on the South Pole.

All the people who have been swept by him are like falling into an ice cellar, and they dare not breathe. Even Qu maoxun and Wang Yangqiu's eyes flashed a trace of fear.

Is this the power of the richest man in the world? It's scary.

Xiao Yunhai, like a sword, looked at the king of hell and said, "who gave you so much courage to let my wife drink with you?"

The king of Yan felt a strong danger from Xiao Yunhai. The powerful momentum made him feel like a giant prehistoric beast, ferocious and domineering, choosing people to eat.

"You rich people are hypocritical. I'm just throwing a punch. Do I need to make such a fuss? "

"Yes. Mr. Xiao, he doesn't know Miss Zhao's identity. " Wang Yangqiu echoed the way casually.Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "OK. Since you hurt my wife with Kung Fu, I don't need money and power to bully you. If you give her one punch, I'll give you three. After three punches, whether you are injured or not, I will not care about it again

Hearing this, Yama was immediately happy and said, "OK. Three for three. You're strong, but I don't believe I can't even take your three punches. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at him coldly, turned his head and said to Zhao Wanqing, "you go back to the back."

Zhao Wanqing took his arm and said with a worried face: "husband, you must be careful, and don't beat him to death."

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

Yan Wang in the opposite side didn't expect that Zhao Wanqing would say so. She almost didn't get angry on the spot.

Wang Yangqiu said softly: "Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world, and he is also known as the best Kung Fu Master in the world. You should be careful."

With that, they retreated to one side.

Hearing Wang Yangqiu's words, the king of Yan did feel the power of Xiao Yunhai. He did not dare to be careless. He took a horse step and said, "come on. Let me experience the demeanor of the world's first kung fu master. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't say a word. He stamped his right foot. The whole building seemed to shake three times, which made people scream.

Xiao Yunhai, with the power of stamping, was like an arrow from the string. In a flash, he came to the king of Yan, and the drill fist of the Xingyi five element boxing was blasted out.

The air vibrates and the momentum is enormous.

Yan Wang didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai's speed would be so fast and his fists would be so fierce that it was impossible to hide. As soon as he bit his steel teeth, his bones crackled and his Qi and blood surged. All of a sudden, all of them rushed into his right hand.

Originally, his fist was not small. When he set it down, his fist widened a big circle, as if it turned into a big hammer, and suddenly hammered at Xiao Yunhai's drilling fist.


The two fists collided with each other and made a huge noise. Then there was a sound of bone fracture.

Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu has reached the point where there is no one before and after him. The strength of Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu can be said to be far away from the past and the present.

After more than 20 years of tempering, Yan Wang's iron fist can hit 1200 Jin with each blow. Compared with Xiao Yunhai, it's still a hundred thousand miles short. The bone of his right hand is smashed by Xiao Yunhai.

Yama's face changed wildly, and the sharp pain from the bones of his hand made him cry out and then retreated.

But only three steps back, Xiao Yunhai's second punch has arrived.

Yama stretched out his left arm, from bottom to top, trying to hold Xiao Yunhai's arm.

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "I can't help myself."



The two arms collided, first with a dull sound, then again with a bone fracture.

When they looked, they saw that the left arm of Yama was broken by Xiao Yunhai, revealing the dense white bone, which made everyone startled.

Lin Lu, Bai binglu, Meng Xuewei and others quickly covered their eyes and did not dare to look again.

Although such scenes often appear in movies, they are really frightening in reality.

After Xiao Yunhai's second punch, before waiting for Yama's reaction, the third fist of his left hand exploded out, using the smash fist, which hit the king of hell's chest.

Along with the crack of his ribs, the man of more than 240 Jin of Yama just threw it backward and flew five meters away. He hit the wall heavily and then fell down slowly.

Yan Yunhai was stunned three times.

Xiao Yunhai deeply hated him for hurting Zhao Wanqing, and seeing that this man was not a good man, he was hard on him. Even if the arm can recover, don't try to do it again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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