Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:57 AM

Chapter 1546

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No one thought that the peerless Yama could not resist Xiao Yunhai's three fists.

Looking at the mighty Xiao Yunhai standing there, everyone can't help but shiver. This is the prestige of the world's first expert.

Zhao Wanqing came to him and looked at the fallen Yama and said, "my husband, is he not dead?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't die. I just hurt his hands and arms and broke five or six ribs. Are you the lobby manager here? "

The woman quickly nodded and said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "let someone take him to the hospital."

The woman agreed, a few security guards went over, carrying Yama to go out.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at Qu maoxun, Li Kaifeng and others, and said coldly, "it seems that the prison life of several months has no effect on you? Do you want to fight with me

Although Xiao Yunhai is powerful and unreasonable, Qu maoxun has no fear at all. A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes and said, "if it was you, what would you do?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "this assumption will never hold. Qu maoxun, you don't even know how to lose now, do you? "

Qu maoxun said, "of course I know. At the beginning, as the crown prince party, we thought that even if someone knew that we owned shares in coal mines, they would not risk offending more than 20 families against us. I never thought that Xiao Yunhai would really announce the world. Do you know how many people you have offended by doing so? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't know, and I don't want to know. When you stand in my position, you will find that there are not many enemies in the world that can affect you. Qu maoxun, for your own selfish desire, regardless of the safety of miners, how many people died and how many families were broken. Didn't you think about it when you were in prison? "

Qu maoxun showed a disdainful look and sneered: "put away your hypocrisy, there is no reporter here."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are really cold-blooded. I'd like to advise you that you were not my opponent before, even worse now. You'd better be honest with me, or I won't just go to jail. "

Wang Yangqiu said with a playful face: "Mr. Xiao, it's not appropriate for you to say this. Is this a threat to us? "

Xiao Yunhai said bluntly: "it is threatening you. I don't have time to play games with you guys right now. Who is in my way, I will kick it away mercilessly. Also, Wang Yangqiu, don't talk to me in this tone in the future. The best way to be a man is to have self-knowledge. In my eyes, you are nothing like them. I don't want to trouble you. It's just a matter of giving your father face. Don't give it to your mother. "

Wang Yangqiu heard, his face was angry green, curse: "Xiao Yunhai, you son of a bitch..."


before he finished his words, Wang Yangqiu was slapped by Xiao Yunhai.

Everyone, including Wang Yangqiu, was stupid.

This is the son of the Wang family, a top-notch family. Xiao Yunhai just scolds him. Unexpectedly, he dares to beat him.

All of a sudden, Wang Yangqiu's face was lost.

"It's too aggressive." Bai binglu's eyes are full of worship.

Xiao Yunhai in front of them, is a humorous person, as long as not in the work, he will always have countless jokes to amuse you.

But at the moment, Xiao Yunhai is powerful and domineering, like a high God, overlooking all living beings.

Such a man is a woman's ideal mate.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not in a good mood today. You'd better be careful

Wang Yangqiu can't believe what just happened. He covers his left face and says, "do you dare to hit me?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a trace of murder, and said, "how can you fight?"

Wang Yangqiu seems to feel Xiao Yunhai's undisguised killing intention. Suddenly, he shivers all over his body and plunges into the ice cellar.

If Xiao Yunhai had a gun in his hand, he believed that the other party would even shoot himself directly.

"Xiao Yunhai, I will never forget this slap. Let's wait and see."

Although Wang Yangqiu some exclaimed, but put down the cruel words in his mouth. For these childish brothers, they can't lose face if they lose anything.

It's a shame not to start. If you don't dare to keep your words, you don't have to mix up.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai is so unkind to Wang Yangqiu is that when he listens to the recording made by Gao Xiangfeng, the other party often says dirty words to Zhao Wanqing behind his back, which makes Xiao Yunhai very angry and can't get rid of his hatred with a slap.

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "Wang Yangqiu, don't worry, I will let you go bankrupt next year. Don't cry at that time

Wang Yangqiu took the lead in hating and said nothing.

Li Kaifeng, Qu maoxun and others quickly followed.

After they went downstairs, Huang Bo said, "third brother, you are so arrogant. After three fists, you killed a man weighing 240 Jin, and then he incited a prince party like Wang Yangqiu. God, my admiration for you is just like the flowing river and the Yellow RiverXiao Yunhai rolled his eyes, interrupted him directly and said, "you boy, don't flatter me here. Wife, shall we go to the hospital

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "no, I'm fine. Let's not be spoiled by those people. Let's go back and continue singing

Bai binglu said: "sister Wanqing, you'd better go to the hospital for examination. I just vomited blood. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "neck, I'm back with your sister-in-law. You're going to play with us for a while. This is... "

the middle-aged humanist who sent Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei out of box 4:" Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Wan Chuliang. "

Meng Xuewei's former boss, for this name, Xiao Yunhai still has some impression.

"It turned out to be Wan Zong. I'm sorry. We're going to the hospital. We'll talk about it later. "

Wan Chuliang nodded his head and said, "Mr. Xiao, go to work."

Meng Xuewei said with an uneasy face: "Mr. Xiao, it's my fault. If it wasn't for binglu and I who went to Wanzong to play for a while, such a thing would not have happened today. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Xue Wei, you don't have to blame yourself. Who can think of such a man here? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, it's a good thing that everyone is OK. You have a good time. We'll go first. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went straight to the hospital. After a check, there was no big obstacle, so he went home.

Out of such a thing, Huang Bo and they are not in the mood to play again. They all go back one after another.

On the bus, Wang Yangqiu's face was gloomy to the extreme, and his body exuded a strong smell of danger. Sitting in the back seat without saying a word.

Li Kaifeng drives while Qu maoxun sits in the co pilot's seat.

The three are going to the hospital to see Yama's injury.

No one in the car spoke, and the air seemed to solidify.

After a long time, Wang Yangqiu suddenly punched in the back seat and said in a low voice, "I want revenge, I must revenge."

Qu maoxun turned to Wang Yangqiu and said, "Mr. Wang, Xiao Yunhai is too powerful. In terms of financial resources, status and influence, we are far from him. If you want revenge, you have to think long-term. It's not a matter of a day. "

Wang Yangqiu's eyes flashed a trace of fierce and fierce color, and said: "we can't afford to wait. In a few years, Xiao Yunhai's power will be even greater, and the gap between us and him will be further. Besides, there's a good reason for that now. Didn't he just knock the hell out? What do you think it will do to sue him with this matter? "

Li Kai said: "Mr. Wang, didn't you hear Xiao Yunhai say? He just broke Yama's arm and a few ribs. It's no harm to Xiao Yunhai. "

Wang Yangqiu snorted and said, "what if Yama died suddenly? Will things affect Xiao Yunhai? "

Qu maoxun was shocked and said in disbelief, "Mr. Wang, do you want to frame Xiao Yunhai?"

Wang Yangqiu said: "Xiao Yunhai beat Yan Wang very miserably. Many people saw it clearly. Yes,

he said that Yama is OK, but who can prove it. If Yama is really dead, do you think Xiao Yunhai can say clearly

Qu maoxun said in a sharp voice: "absolutely not. When we were in prison, Yama took care of us many times. We can't do this to him. Mr. Wang, I hope that this matter will come to an end and will not be mentioned in the future. "

Wang Yangqiu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just talking. If you don't come to my house, I'll go to the hospital

Li Kaifeng nodded and said, "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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