Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:53 AM

Chapter 1548

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Xiao Yunhai knew that this evening was a sleepless night, so he didn't go to the bedroom to have a rest. Instead, he played world of Warcraft in his study.

This game has been popular for more than ten years in the past life, and its sales volume is still among the top ten in the world. In this similar world, it also has an unparalleled potential.

It's just that the competition here is too fierce. The global market share of world of Warcraft has dropped from 60% to 70% of today's in more than a year. However, the rest is the iron powder of world of Warcraft, with a daily profit of about 100 million US dollars.

Stern's "the world" is even worse, with only 12 percent left.

At first, world of Warcraft and Tianxia were suppressed by Star Wars of Japan paradise company. As a result, the potential was not good. Some players fled one after another, which was not as good as world, only reaching 8%.

Compared with those star fans, gamers are more fond of the new and tired of the old. Now the most popular one is Xianyue game company's "divine world", accounting for 38% of the world.

Originally, man Wenbin was just hanging out in China. When he saw the popularity of Shenjie, he asked Xiao Yunhai to help him. He paid for the storm and installed servers around the world, which made a mess.

When Xiao Yunhai is on the phone, he often jokes with man Wenbin, saying that he should not be trained as an enemy.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai is not without backhand, that is, the battle of the king, which has been made now.

Allen always felt that the time had come, and he called Xiao Yunhai many times. Xiao Yunhai refused to put the war of the king on the market.

First, the market share of world of Warcraft is very stable, and the war of the king will definitely threaten it and reduce its profits.

Second, "battle of the king" is a mobile game, can be put in the mobile phone to play. After WiFi is successful, Xiao Yunhai is ready to let it log in to the mobile phone and computer at the same time.

Once it's done, its success can be expected. At that time, twitter app, games and WiFi will change the pattern of the world.

So Xiao Yunhai is not worried at all.

When playing games, time flies.

Unconsciously, it is 3:30 in the morning. Xiao Yunhai is also a little sleepy. Suddenly, the mobile phone next to the computer rings, which is from Gao Xiangfeng.

Xiao Yunhai pressed the answer button and said, "Lao Gao, have you got the result?"

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "yes. That Luohan is very powerful. The method of entering was the same as ours. He climbed directly up the 13th floor without disturbing anyone. When he got to the ward, he saw the king of Yan. Without saying a word, he hit him directly on the chest with a gentle force. He took three palms. This guy may be a recidivist. After finishing, he turned around carefully to make sure there was no problem. Then he left the window quietly again

Xiao Yunhai asked, "are they all photographed?"

Gao Xiang said: "of course. We put a micro camera directly on top of Yama's head. Luohan didn't expect such a thing. So what he did was clearly photographed by us. The picture is very clear, just like a movie. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "hard brothers. Lao Gao, you told the brothers not to relax and keep an eye on the three of them. I think Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun will definitely go to Wang Yangqiu for a big and hypocritical fight when the king of hell dies, and then the three will conspire to frame me up. With their recording, it's all over. "

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "OK. Mr. Xiao, I'll pass it on to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said.

as like as two peas in the wind, Xiao Yunhai opened the video two minutes later. Everything was exactly the same as that of Gao Xiang Feng. Unfortunately, the only regret was that Luo Han was covered with face and could not see clearly what he looked like.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai needs Wang Yangqiu to admit that he can be cured 100% of his crime.

However, these things will not happen until the daytime. Xiao Yunhai took a hot bath and slept in another bedroom.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun angrily arrived at Wang Yangqiu's office.

"Wang Yangqiu, what you did." Qu maoxun's acting skills are very good, tone, action, expression are very in place, will just lose a friend's performance incisively and vividly, enough to become the golden cup award best actor.

Li Kaifeng, who is next to him, is also in a tacit understanding, showing his sadness.

Wang Yangqiu seemed to have known for a long time that they would come. There was no accident on his face. He said, "wait a minute."

When he got up and closed the door of the office, Wang Yangqiu said, "what do you want me for?"

Li Kai said: "Wang Yangqiu, don't pretend to be confused by understanding. I ask you, did you send someone to kill Yama

"The king of hell is dead? Good. " Wang Yangqiu said triumphantly, "it's really me. There's no way. He won't die. How to deal with Xiao Yunhai. "

Qu maoxun snorted and said, "take care of Xiao Yunhai, as for the life of a friend?"Wang Yangqiu disdains to say: "two don't act here. I sent people to the prison to check, you and Yama's friendship is very general, Li Shao even was slapped a lot by him. Such a person, you will fight with me for him, cheat the ghost. You are just trying to stay out of the way. "

"But I want to tell you that our common enemy is Xiao Yunhai. He is so powerful that on weekdays, in addition to filming in the company, or else he is a houseboy at home, he hardly attends banquets. Yesterday's opportunity can be described as once in a blue moon. If you don't grasp it firmly, you want to kill him and dream. "

"If you're still playing with me, I'll give up if I've finished 80 percent of the game. There's no way. The Xiao family is very powerful. Once Xiao Yunhai is put into the business, the whole Xiao family will try its best to attack our Qu family. If you don't help, we can't afford it. "

After a few words, Qu maoxun and Li Kaifeng were speechless. They sat there and said nothing.

After a while, Wang Yangqiu said with a smile: "Li Shao, Qu Shao, the opportunity is rare. The Xiao family, known as the first family in China, was originally only in the military and political circles. Now Xiao Yunhai has made up the only short board and even become the strongest link. It's a taboo for too many people. Usually, nothing. Once Xiao Yunhai has an accident, do you think there will be less people who attack secretly and openly? What is missing now is a leader. Didn't Xiao Yunhai get more than 20 of you in last time? This time, more than 20 families of us united to deal with Xiao Yunhai with lightning speed. At that time, even if the Xiao family is more powerful, it will be unable to return to heaven. "

Qu maoxun thought it over and said to Li Kai, "Lao Li, what's your opinion?"

Li Kaifeng flashed a trace of hatred in his eyes and said, "I agree with Mr. Wang that the opportunity is rare."

Qu maoxun nodded and said, "Mr. Wang, we have done this. But the biggest question is whether the government will come forward to protect him. You know, Xiao Yunhai is too close to the government now. Unless... "

" unless the government has to try, right? " Wang Yangqiu laughed, patted Qu maoxun on the shoulder and said, "brother, don't worry, I'm ready. The video of Xiao Yunhai's fight with Yama has been taken from the hotel. At that time, I will put the video online. At that time, Yan Wang was beaten by Xiao Yunhai. We also saw it. Do you think the netizens can see the real injury of Yama? Definitely not. "

Li Kaifeng excitedly said: "then we will pass the news that Yama died in the hospital to the reporter. At that time, the government will have to comply with public opinion. Is that right? "

Wang Yangqiu was right and said, "ring. Several of them are good friends of Yama. As soon as the news spreads, you will go to the court and Sue Xiao Yunhai for intentional homicide. Then it will be perfect. "

Qu maoxun nodded and said, "OK, that's it. Kaifeng, it should not be too late. We will go to the hospital now to handle the funeral for Yama. Let people contact other brothers' families secretly. I believe everyone will like it very much. At that time, even if it is Mr. Xiao himself, don't try to pass the test easily. "

Li Kaifeng said happily: "Xiao Yunhai, known as the emperor of clouds, has always been arrogant and despotic. I can't wait to see him as a prisoner. "

The three decided to be sure, and they quickly went to their own business.

Half an hour later, all their recordings were sent to Xiao Yunhai's computer.

"It's really self inflicted. You can't live." Xiao Yunhai sighed. At the same time, he was glad that he had an extra heart. Otherwise, he didn't know how to die.

Save the recording and video, Xiao Yunhai went to dream special effects company to start the post production of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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