Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:52 AM

Chapter 1549

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Xiao Yunhai's murder case soon spread all over China. In particular, the video that was sent out by Wang Yangqiu was in a mess. The number of hits in less than a day exceeded 100 million.

"Damn it, Emperor Yun is in great trouble. This time, he accidentally killed people. Once you go to court, even if it is negligent homicide, it must be sentenced to at least 10 years. "

"Looking at that video, it seems that the emperor of cloud has really put too much weight on his hand, and even beat a guy of 240 Jin away. It's not easy to pass this time. "

"My God, Emperor Yun won't really be sentenced? Don't do that. What should I do without his music and movies? "

"I heard that the friend of the dead took the emperor to court that afternoon. There were several plaintiffs alone."

"The forensic medicine went to the hospital, I don't know what the results will be?"

"God bless, don't let the cloud emperor have an accident."

In the space forum of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, there are netizens' messages everywhere, which are frightening.

"Husband, the hell is dead. Now it is said that you killed him all over the Internet. What can I do now? " Zhao Wanqing said with a look of panic.

Xiao Yunhai put down his work and glanced at the two editors next to him. Then he gave Zhao Wanqing a wink and said with a smile, "wife, soldiers are here to cover up the water. Don't worry about them. Hey, what's the matter? Just make a phone call? There's no need to come in person. I'll go back to dinner tonight, and you'll make me a braised beef

Zhao Wanqing also knew that this was not a place to talk. She nodded and said, "well, you can go home early. Also, your cell phone is off. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know, I closed it on purpose. More than ten phone calls in the afternoon. I'm so bored. "

The two editors have also heard about Xiao Yunhai's affairs, and they admire him when they see him still sitting on the Diaoyutai.

After Zhao Wanqing went back, she saw her parents in law, Xiao Yunling and Zhang Yuan all sitting in the living room, looking anxious.

"Wanqing, have you found the sea of clouds? What did he say? " Chen Wanzhu's face was not very good-looking, so she asked in a hurry.

Zhao Wanqing said, "he said he would come back for dinner in the evening and let me make him braised beef."

Xiao Yunling suddenly got up and exclaimed, "this is burning eyebrows. How can elder brother have leisure to think about eating. I'm really worried. "

"When there is a big event, you should be calm and sit down for me." Xiao Changfeng reprimanded him, thought for a moment, and said: "the ability, wisdom and skill of the cloud sea are the best to reach today. Since he said so, it shows that he has already made a plan. We should not worry too much. "

Chen Xiuzhu said, "how can I not worry? Last night, Yunhai beat the thug named Yama into a coma. As a result, he died in the morning. I really can't think of any other way for Yunhai to round up this matter. Even for negligent homicide, it will be at least ten years in prison. "

With that, Chen Xiuzhu's tears fell down.

Zhao Wanqing suddenly remembered that Xiao Yunhai was mysteriously busy in his study last night, so he comforted him: "Mom, don't worry. Look at the appearance of the sea of clouds, he seems to have predicted the things of today."

Chen Xiuzhu was stunned and said, "really? You're not lying to me, are you? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "after coming back yesterday, Yunhai did not go to the bedroom, but stayed in the study all night. At three o'clock in the morning, I can see the light in him. "

Chen Xiuzhu said angrily: "what's the situation of this bastard? He didn't say it. My cell phone is still off. I'm really pissed off. "

At this time, Xiao Changfeng's mobile phone rang, and it was Xiao Leshan who called.

"Changfeng, what's the uproar of the cloud killing on the Internet? I called Yunhai and turned off the machine. "

Xiao Changfeng said: "Dad, Yunhai turned off his mobile phone and I couldn't reach him. Wan Qing just went to the fantasy special effects image company. Yunhai is in the late stage of making a movie, so it seems that she doesn't take it as a matter. "

Xiao Leshan stopped, as if he had guessed something and said, "I know. Changfeng, I tell you, Yunhai is very troublesome. Unless there is 100% conclusive evidence to prove that Yunhai has nothing to do with the death of the dead, otherwise, I am afraid even our Xiao family will not be able to protect him this time. Ah, we xiaojiashu are very popular. Now many families have joined together. It seems that they want to attack us through this matter. Once there is a problem with the sea of clouds, the whole Xiao family will be eaten by them together. "

Xiao Changfeng said quickly, "Dad, what should we do?"

Xiao Leshan said: "I just talked to your elder brother on the phone. He will spare time to come to the courtyard this evening. Ocean has already arrived here by plane. Come here, too. Don't worry. Since Yunhai is such an attitude, it shows that he should be Zhizhu. Although the boy is young, his mind is more cunning than us old foxes. I believe he must have a second hand. Then, let's make a good sum up. "

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "I know, Dad. Tonight, we'll go over together. "Hang up the phone, Chen Xiuzhu asked: "Changfeng, what does the old man say?"

Xiao Changfeng said: "he asked us to go there in the evening, and big brother and ocean will also arrive."

Chen Xiuzhu was surprised and said: "this matter actually involves big brother? How could it be so serious? "

Xiao Changfeng didn't hide it, and said: "listen to the old man, many of the Xiao family's political enemies have united together, and want to severely attack our Xiao family through the cloud sea incident. Maybe there will be a political earthquake in the whole of China, and the sea of clouds is the central point. "

Zhao Wanqing's face changed, and her heart, which had been put down a little, was raised again.

Political struggle is often extremely cruel, and those who lose will die without a place to die. Although the Xiao family has an old man and Xiao Chongyang, the power of the other side seems to be even greater. Whether they can withstand it or not is not the same thing.

If Yunhai can't prove his innocence, it's over.

In the office of No.2 chief executive, Xiao Chongyang stares at Zhou Bingfang, director of the network department. The huge momentum makes Zhou Bingfang shudder like a cold cicada, and his back is covered with cold sweat.

After a long time, Xiao Chongyang said, "Minister Zhou, how does your network department do things? A violent video appeared on the Internet. Do you think so? "

Zhou Bingfang swallowed his saliva and said, "chief, we have done emergency treatment, and the video has been deleted."

Xiao Chongyang knocked on the table and said angrily: "the number of hits has reached hundreds of millions, and you just delete it. What's the use. Zhou Bingfang, if you don't want to be the minister, you can tell me directly that we can choose another talented person. Don't stand in the manger and do nothing. "

Can let the gentle Xiao Chongyang say such words, obviously that video has already stabbed his bottom line.

Zhou Bingfang's political wisdom is naturally very high if he can fulfill the post of director of the network department.

He had already noticed that the whole Yanjing is now full of panic. On the surface, it looks calm. In fact, the waves are surging inside. Once it is launched, it must be a surprise.

The Xiao family is the first family in China. At this time, they will face the joint attack of at least 20 families. Unless they give up Xiao Yunhai directly, the Xiao family will be in big trouble this time.

"It seems that the Xiao family is ready to protect Xiao Yunhai."

Zhou Bingfang listened to Xiao Chongyang's admonition, but his brain was running fast.

Five minutes later, Zhou Bing was released.

Xiao Chongyang leaned back on the chair, frowned and thought for a long time. Then he picked up the phone and said, "Xiao Zhao, you can check it for me. According to the calculation of time, the Qu family and the Li family should still have several months to get out of prison. How could they be so early? And the dead person in that video seems to have been sentenced to 10 years. Why did he get out of prison after eight years? Give me the inside corners

"Yes. Chief, I'll do it right away. "

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chongyang came to the window with his hands on his back and poured flowers. He sighed, "it's really the rain coming, and the wind is all over the building. It's up to the little guy to weather the storm. I hope you don't let me down. "

The atmosphere of the whole capital became extremely tense, even the air seemed to solidify up, suffocating people could not breathe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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