Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:50 AM

Chapter 1550

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In Wang Yangqiu's villa, Wang Yangqiu, Li Kaifeng, Qu maoxun and many young people are talking, laughing and drinking together.

Li Kaifeng laughed and said: "now, Xiao Yunhai is completely finished. Did you hear that the No.2 chief gave the weekly director of the network department a severe reprimand and even made a rude remark. It seems that the Xiao family is a little impatient. "

Wang Yangqiu said triumphantly, "can they not be anxious? If it wasn't for that video, the Xiao family would definitely go to the No. 1 chief executive directly and suppress the whole thing. Xiao Yunhai's wealth is not something that can't be done by Xiao Yunhai. But because of this video, let the whole China, no, now the whole world knows the fact of Xiao Yunhai's murder. Everyone's eyes are staring at it. Ha ha, what else can the Xiao family do. This time, Xiao Yunhai can't bear to go. "

Meng Xiaoqi, who had been on the scene last night, said: "at that time, I thought there would be something wrong with Yama. Because Xiao Yunhai was so cruel that he flew five meters and hit the wall. God, if it was me, it would be over on the spot. "

Qu maoxun said: "the second leader sent someone to find out why we and Yama could come out early? It seems that they want to hold on to this matter, in order to pull out a few backing. It can be seen from this that they are ready to protect Xiao Yunhai. "

Li Kaifeng said with a smile: "Lao Qu, if it was us, we would certainly die as well. You know, Xiao Yunhai can hold more than ten trillion Chinese dollars in his hands. However, if the Xiao family really takes this matter as an article, it is really a troublesome matter. "

Yan Wang is a member of the Qu family, Li family and several other families. Through various relations, he has been reduced from ten years to eight years. This is against the rules.

According to the law, there is no commutation unless you make a significant contribution in prison.

They are all in line with the procedures, but Yama can not.

Qu maoxun bit his teeth and said, "it doesn't matter. As long as we can crack down on the Xiao family, we can afford this loss. When the time comes, the Xiao family will be attacked by wolves because of this involvement. I don't know how many seats are available. In the future, find an opportunity to make up for those who died. "

Wang Yangqiu raised his thumb and said, "it's still Qu Shao's heroic spirit. Come on, brothers, let's drink to the final victory


Before the matter was finished, Qu maoxun and Wang Yangqiu had already drunk the celebration wine.

At the same time, Xiao Leshan, Xiao Chongyang and his son, Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Yunhai sat together at a table of eight immortals.

There were vegetables on the table, and they were steaming hot, but no one ate except Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Leshan saw the appearance of his hungry ghost reincarnation, and said with a smile, "the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry. It seems that you have a plan in mind. Now the whole Yanjing is brewing a political storm, the source is you. All right, everybody's sitting here. Let's talk about it. What's behind it

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of wine and said, "before I say this, I'd like to ask, what is the extent of this incident? How can I feel more serious than I thought? "

Xiao Chongyang said: "it's really serious. Our Xiao family has always been known as the first political family in China, with prominent status, but at the same time, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us, waiting for us to make mistakes. This time, your murder is obviously calculated. They posted it online and made it public, leaving us no room for maneuver. You are the richest man in the world and an international superstar. Your words and deeds will affect the whole world. In order to maintain the dignity of the law, the court will handle it impartially. Otherwise, our government will not be able to account to the world. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "if you lose this lawsuit, most of the power of our Xiao family will be divided up by them, and it may even affect the re-election of my father and second uncle."

Since he became the vice governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Province, Xiao Yuanyang has become more and more calm. His momentum is growing day by day, and he has the style of leadership.

Xiao Leshan was very happy about his change. He once told Xiao Yunhai that it would be good for Xiao Yuanyang to be the provincial leader. Unexpectedly, he would have such potential. After several years of experience, he might be able to get to the central government.

"What if I win?" Xiao asked

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "then I am not far away from the governor."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "elder brother, I thought you had changed your temperament as a vice governor. It turns out that there is still no change in your bones."

Xiao Yuanyang said: "it must be different at home from outside. Yunhai, originally I was quite worried about you, but I was relieved to see your appearance. Come on, what is the evidence that you didn't kill that guy? "

Xiao Yunhai took out a memory from his pocket and said, "with him. Wife, you close the door and pass the contents to my laptop. I'll tell you, it's really exciting. These guys are more than the bulls in the movies. I want to find them to make movies now. "

Xiao Yuanyang's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "cloud sea, who are these guys in your mouth?"Xiao Yunhai said, "don't you just listen to it? By the way, there is also a video. Someone did spider man once

Zhao Wanqing according to Xiao Yunhai said, the memory of things downloaded to the computer, open it. It took 20 minutes to hear the recording and watch the video.

The family was completely relieved.

Xiao Chongyang said with a sneer: "these little guys are so bold that they can even kill people and put them on the table. It's a pity that chess is one move short. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "it seems that I have become governor. Yunhai, how did you get these things? Is it amazing? "

People are also very curious, waiting for his answer.

Xiao Yunhai put a mouthful of beef into his mouth, chewing, and saying, "when I was filming in Hengdian, I received a phone call from Wu Yifa, saying that Qu maoxun and Li Kaifeng had come out of prison, and they had come together with Wang Yangqiu. Damn, I have such a big feud with them, can I not keep a hand? "

"So I had people staring at them 24 hours a day, and I put tiny bugs in their phones. In this way, although I am in Hengdian, I know exactly what they say and do every day. "

"Ha ha, last night, after I learned that they were going to kill me and put the blame on me, I sent someone to do spider man ahead of time. I put a micro camera in it, and after the Luohan finished, I would take it back. I wanted to send them to prison when they sued me. Who ever thought it would be so serious. "

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "Yunhai, if you are in the war time, you must be the best spy chief. Careful and prepared for the rainy days. It's bad luck for these little guys to meet you. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "no wonder you can make a movie like Infernal Affairs. I am convinced of you now."

Chen Xiuzhu said: "you don't know to tell us in advance, which will make us worry about it. What's the next step? Waiting for them to sue us? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is beyond my ability. The next thing is to be done by uncle."

Xiao Chongyang thought about it for a while and said, "Yunhai, before the Court issues a summons to you, you will go abroad this evening. I'd like to take this opportunity to see how many people are against our Xiao family. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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