Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:49 AM

Chapter 1551

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At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhao Wanqing drove Xiao Yunhai to Yanjing airport.

If you want to go abroad, you need to apply to all countries along the way two hours in advance. Therefore, the news of Xiao Yunhai's going abroad can't be hidden at all, and it soon spread all over Yanjing.

"Mr. Wang and Lao Qu must not let Xiao Yunhai leave China. He is so powerful abroad that once he asks to change his nationality and becomes a foreigner, Huaxia will not be able to judge him. "

In a KTV, Li Kaifeng was in a hurry after learning about the situation.

Qu maoxun frowned and said, "why? Now the court did not send a subpoena to Xiao Yunhai. He is now a free man. We have no reason to stop him. "

Wang Yangqiu chuckled and said, "it seems that the Xiao family really has no mantra. The gathering of three generations of the old, middle-aged and young people even came up with such a method, which just shows that they are guilty. In this way, I'll call someone to see if I can stop Xiao Yunhai from taking off. No, it doesn't matter. As long as the court summons to come tomorrow, Xiao Yunhai must come back within a week. If he dares to change his nationality, the government will be the first to let him go. What's more, Mr. Xiao devoted his whole life to the country. How could he let his grandson do such a disgraceful thing. By the way, what reason did he fly there? "

Li Kai said: "to participate in the oil bidding meeting held by several African countries on Wall Street, oil giants including our Huaxia oil company have gone."

With a scornful smile, Wang Yangqiu said, "it's really a good reason. I'm going to call to see if I can stop him? "

At Yanjing International Airport, Xiao Yunhai got out of the car and gave Zhao Wanqing a long French kiss and said, "wife, I'm leaving. Take good care of myself and the children. I asked Lao Gao to send more bodyguards to you. Be careful. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "don't worry. You have to be safe outside. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "my trip is equivalent to a holiday. I'll turn off my cell phone and go around the United States after the oil bidding on Wall Street. Don't you envy me? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "OK, then you go to have a good time."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I'm in."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and watched Xiao Yunhai enter the airport. Then she turned and left.

Under the guidance of the staff, Xiao Yunhai came to his private plane and saw four or five people in air control department clothes negotiating with their pilots.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yunhai approached and asked.

"Mr. Xiao, they said that because of the weather, we can't leave Huaxia now."

"The weather?" Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "everyone, before we apply, we have checked the weather conditions in the areas along the way. It's all sunny. You tell me, where's the bad weather? "

A middle-aged man in the lead said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. We just follow the instructions of our superiors. Please cooperate with us."

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it, I won't embarrass you. I'll deal with it."

Take out the mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai calls uncle Xiao Chongyang directly.

"Uncle, the air traffic control bureau has blocked me from going abroad with weather problems out of thin air."

Xiao Chongyang said, "I'll deal with it."

Only five minutes later, the middle-aged man in the lead got the call.

"Yes, all right. I'll let you go."

"You may go, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and followed the pilot to the plane.

The news soon reached Wang Yangqiu's ears.

"Gone, Xiao Yunhai has left China." Wang Yangqiu is playing with the mobile phone in his hand, while he is full of the taste of playing.

Qu maoxun frowned and said, "so fast, aren't you looking for someone to stop you?"

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile, "the second Chief of a family has asked his secretary to give orders. Who do you think can stop him? Do you want me to call chief one? "

Li Kaifeng opened his mouth and said in surprise, "such a small thing has startled the second Chief Executive. Hehe, it seems that the Xiao family is really impatient this time. "

Qu Yangqiu showed a smart pearl in his hand and said: "I bet Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone will not turn on. When the court summons arrives tomorrow, the Xiao family will say that he can't be contacted. What about? Who dares to gamble with me to see if I'm right? "

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

Qu maoxun said with a smile: "Mr. Qu is clever and clever. We are not so stupid. We give you money in vain. Hehe, Xiao Yunhai is doomed this time. We finally have revenge. "

Qu Yangqiu said: "next, we should step up the pace of action. The more the Xiao family is like this, the more the vacillating families are leaning towards us. At that time, we will make a collective attack and have to tear a piece of meat from them

Wu family, Wu game method put down the phone, frown tight, the whole person nest in the sofa, into thinking.Seeing his appearance, Wang Siyu made a pot of tea for him and said, "what's the matter?"

After getting along with each other recently, the relationship between them has been very harmonious, and they are striving for a child.

"Answered a phone call, Lao Xiao just left Huaxia." Wu said softly.

Wang Siyu was stunned. Of course, she knew what happened to Xiao Yunhai, so she asked, "is it that the Xiao family has no way to deal with it?"

"It's difficult," Wu said. If the video is not made public, the Xiao family still has room for maneuver. But now the whole world knows that Lao Xiao killed people by mistake. I'm afraid it's not a simple thing to turn over the case. Quyangqiu's move is tough enough to hit the key point of Lao Xiao directly. "

Wang Siyu said: "I heard that many people in Yanjing are ready to fight against the Xiao family."

Wu's method of playing chess said: "they are a group of mobs, which is not enough to fear. The Xiao family has clearly expressed their meaning by doing so. They will protect old Xiao. If this time loses, the Xiao family's Yanjing first political family's throne will not be guaranteed. But I don't think it's that simple. "

"Oh?" Wang Siyu was surprised and asked, "in this case, do you think Mr. Xiao still has room to turn things around?"

Wu Yi Fa said: "others may die, but Lao Xiao may not. I know him so well. This man seems to be very funny, and his face is not serious, but he can do things cautiously and cautiously. He is not as good as a fox who has practiced for thousands of years. How could he capsize on this? Is it hard to get? The Xiao family wants to play a big game of chess. Lao Xiao's departure is just to lead to more potential threats and test how many people are against them. If so, Wang Yangqiu, Qu maoxun and their families will die. "

When analyzing problems, Wu's eyes are full of light of wisdom and conjectures are not far from ten.

Wang Siyu found that her husband, who had never agreed to marry, was so fierce that his favor for him suddenly soared. However, he was still a little unbelievable about his words and said, "No. If Mr. Xiao can turn the tables under such circumstances, is he still a man? "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "he can become the richest man in the world. Do you really think it's just relying on his group of people? I'm kidding. I tell you, although he doesn't seem to run his own company, he's in charge of everything. Don't try to make a fool of him. Otherwise, he would have been eaten by people without any bones left. Ha ha, I am more and more sure that Lao Xiao is fishing in the net. Wife, you Wang family will not also join in? I can tell you, come out as soon as possible, so as not to be ruined by the Xiao family. "

Wang Siyu shook his head and said, "my father and Mr. Xiao are talking about the high-speed rail. How can they break their faith and do this kind of robbery?"

"That's good," Wu said

Just then, Wu's mobile phone rang again. When you open it, it turns out to be Wang Yangqiu's number. As soon as his eyes turned, he knew what he wanted to do.

"Good guy, the Wang family even tried to persuade me to deal with Lao Xiao. It's really fierce."

Wu Yi Fa pressed the answer button and said, "Mr. Wang, what instructions do you have for calling so late?"

Wang Yangqiu laughed and said, "Mr. Wu is joking. How dare I have any instructions. Mr. Wu, Mr. Xiao has heard that he has left China, do you know? "

Wu's game method was stunned, and pretended that he didn't know: "is Lao Xiao gone? when? Why don't I know? "

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile: "half an hour ago. I don't know if Mr. Wu has any idea when he hears this matter? "

"He has gone abroad. What does it have to do with me?" Wu said

Wang Yangqiu said: "since general manager Wu has to pretend to be confused with me, I will tell you the truth. Xiao Yunhai is over. He will be sentenced to 10 years at least. He now owns the controlling right of stell business network and 49% shares of Yunyi shopping network. Don't you want to take it back? "

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, I can hear that. You want me to cooperate with you to deal with Lao Xiao. I'm sorry, I can't do this kind of thing to deal with friends. What's more, even if the old Xiao is finished, the shares will be automatically transferred to Zhao Wanqing. I still have no way. "

Wang Yangqiu said, "I can help you deal with Zhao Wanqing."

Wu Yifa said: "Mr. Wang, what happened to you and the Xiao family has nothing to do with my Wu's playing method. I will only help each other, so I'm sorry."

Wang Yangqiu sighed, "that's really a pity."

They did not agree with each other and soon hung up.

Wu Yifa snorted and sneered, "what a fool."

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