Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:47 AM

Chapter 1552

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After a comfortable sleep, Xiao Yunhai's plane landed steadily at the New York International Airport.

It was 11:00 p.m. New York time, and Kristi came to pick up the plane.

On the bus, Kristi asked with a worried face: "Mr. Xiao, the whole wall street is telling you that you are fighting with people in China. If you miss and kill people, you are likely to face prison. Is this true?"

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy, waved his hand, and said, "Miss Kristi, don't mind these rumors, let alone believe them. We haven't finished our grand plan yet. How could I be in trouble. I did encounter some troubles in China, but they were just clowns who could be killed by waving their hands. Yes? Has it all spread to Wall Street? "

Christie said, nodding, "it's not just Wall Street, it's all American.". The stock price of our company fell in response to the call, and the most serious one is Yunqing oil and gas company. Because of the natural gas field in China, the market value of our company has exceeded US $1.5 trillion. In just one day, it has dropped to US $1.2 billion, a huge drop. A lot of investors have taken advantage of this time to sell their own stocks

Yunqing oil and gas company still has 8% of its shares circulating in the outside market. Recently, under the management of Xiao Yunhai, the share price has soared, which makes the investors happy. Now I hear that Xiao Yunhai is going to die, and the share price is plummeting again, so they are all afraid.

Xiao Yunhai said: "then we will take advantage of this opportunity to collect all the shares of the company."

Christie said, "I've got people do that. Is it really all right, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you see I have done things that I am not sure about several times. Don't worry. I can't do anything with those people in China. I expect that in a few hours, the Chinese court will send me a summons. I've shut down my computer. Don't tell anyone else that I'm here. These days, I will be hiding in the headquarters to do the post production of my new film, and I will not appear in public until the oil bidding meeting starts. "

Kristi saw that Xiao Yunhai had a plan in mind. Her worry was completely put down and said, "OK."

At 10 a.m. Yanjing time, four staff members of the Yanjing intermediate people's court came to Xiao Yunhai's home and met Zhao Wanqing.

"Miss Zhao, I am Cen Jiang, vice president of Yanjing intermediate people's court. Is Mr. Xiao in

Zhao Wanqing said, "my husband went to America last night."

CEN Jiang said: "Miss Zhao, can you help us contact?"

"Of course." Zhao Wanqing promised, took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yunhai in the past. The reply from the opposite side was naturally turned off.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I'm sorry, he's shutting down now."

A middle-aged woman sitting next to Cen river said, "Miss Zhao, I hope you can understand. This is the summons of our court. Mr. Xiao must go to the court for inquiry according to the prescribed events. Running away won't solve the problem. "

Zhao Wanqing lowered her face and said, "what is running away? Tell me what you mean. My husband has no crime, and the law has the final say. Who are you? The word "escape" was used directly. Are you at this level in the courts? I hope you can give me an apology, otherwise please go out, we do not welcome you

The middle-aged woman said, "it's not a question of welcome or not. I represent the Yanjing intermediate people's court. You must cooperate with us in finding Mr. Xiao. "

Zhao Wanqing looked angry and said, "if the Yanjing intermediate people's court has confirmed my husband's guilt, then it is not you, but the public security organs. I'm sorry, I can't get in touch with my husband for the time being. Please go back. "

When the middle-aged woman patted the table, she said angrily, "Miss Zhao, is this your answer?"

She slammed the porcelain cup on the floor. Maybe it was a blue and white cup.

Zhao Wanqing glanced at the cup and said coldly, "I have said that if you can't contact me, you can't contact me. If you think I have a problem, you can take me away. Also, you just broke this cup, a total of six, and the teapot is a set, worth three million. Even if I give you a 10% discount, it will cost 2.7 million. Now you have broken one, and the whole set of tea sets has become incomplete and its value has plummeted. Now please give me 2.7 million, take this tea set and get out of here. "

A police officer who just picked up the cup to drink tea was shocked by Zhao Wanqing's words and put it down carefully.

Other people are also ignorant, they actually use millions of tea sets, the world's richest man is too rich.

The middle-aged woman is Qu maoxun's distant relative, and her husband is also a civil servant. How can she have so much money? She said: "you are nonsense. If you serve the guests with a set of three million tea sets, you cheat the ghost. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "my husband loves to drink tea, which is known all over the world. He has six sets of tea cups, which is the cheapest one. If you don't believe it, you can find an expert to check it out. "

The middle-aged woman swallowed her saliva and yelled in terror: "you are blackmail. You deliberately give us such expensive cups to pit us."

Zhao Wanqing snorted, "first of all, I always use them to greet guests. It's been two years, and I haven't even had a bumpy time. Secondly, we don't care about the three million yuan. If the guests are accidentally damaged, we will not claim compensation from them. But just now this cup was shaken off by you in order to show prestige in front of me. You must pay for it. 2.7 million, no less. Otherwise, I'll call the police. "The middle-aged woman's face turned pale after a brush. She knew she was in big trouble.

CEN Jiang said to him, "Miss Zhao, don't be angry. Just all misunderstandings, she is a quick temper, speak without brain, this just said some excessive words. You've got a lot of adults, so don't take her for granted. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "you are the people of the court. How dare I fight against you. In the face of Mr. Cen, we can only pay two million. If not, you can write an IOU and go back to raise money. By the way, isn't Qu maoxun rich? You are so anxious to find my husband just to please them. You can go and ask them for money to pay off the debt. "

The middle-aged woman at this time where there is still a little momentum, heart full of regret, what do you do this first bird.

Let her beg for mercy, but she couldn't pull down that face again. She sat there for a while and didn't know what to do.

CEN Jiang said with a bitter smile: "Miss Zhao, we are all civil servants, let alone two million, is one million, want to take out are very difficult."

When he was angry, he sent a summons to his staff, and the result was that he broke the cup. If this thing spread to the outside, then his face really has no place to put.

Zhao Wanqing said, "what does Mr. Cen mean? Our family is rich, if it is a friend, let alone three million cups, it is 30 million, 300 million does not matter. But this lady is not only not my friend, but also came to my home to say that my husband had run away. Zhao Wanqing's heart was not so broad as this. If you don't want me to call the police, you can write down an IOU and give me two million yuan in a week, and the matter will be over. "

The middle-aged woman's eyes shot a grim light and said, "why should I write you an IOU? Who knows if this cup is worth the money?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this is simple. I'll call and ask some experts to verify it, isn't it? "

The middle-aged woman said, "that's all your people. Why should I believe it?"

Zhao Wanqing said coldly: "you let the police find someone to verify it, believe that they invited people, you should believe."

Zhao Wanqing took out her mobile phone and called the police station directly.

"Hello. I'm Zhao Wanqing. People from the court came to my house to send a summons to my husband, and a staff member made a fuss and broke one of my valuable tea cups. She didn't want to pay for it because she didn't think it was worth it. I had to ask you to deal with it. "

"I live in the suburb of Yanjing..."

after reporting to the police, Zhao Wanqing said, "the police will be here in a moment, please wait a moment."

At this time, Xiao Changfeng and Chen Xiuzhu picked up the children from school and returned home.

"Why, why is this cup broken?" Xiao Changfeng saw the broken porcelain pieces below and said in surprise.

Zhao Wanqing said it again, and Chen Xiuzhu snorted, "it's the first time I've ever met a subpoena like this."

Xiao Changfeng's face was not good-looking, and said: "I know my elder brother is the second Chief of Huaxia. You all have this attitude. If you go to the ordinary people's home, it's good. I bought this tea set from a businessman two years ago. It cost 3.6 million. Now it is estimated that it has risen to 5 million. If you don't believe it, let the experts identify it. "

The middle-aged woman's face was so hard to see that she clenched her lips without saying a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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