Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:45 AM

Chapter 1553

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Half an hour later, the police came here.

After giving a general account, Zhao Wanqing said, "Comrade police, you can keep this set of tea set. Get some experts to test it, so that we don't think we're blackmailing them. "

The chief policeman nodded and said, "OK."

After seeing the police put away the whole set of tea sets, Zhao Wanqing said: "you put down the court summons, I will try to contact my husband. As for whether it can be done, I don't know. "

The middle-aged woman glared at her fiercely and said, "Mr. Xiao can't run. We will certainly bring him back."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile? It's too much for me. Guys, if there's nothing else, you can go. "

After the crowd left, Zhao Wanqing said, "it's really annoying that these people should come to our house to flaunt their power."

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile, "don't worry. When the sea of clouds comes back, we'll clean them up. "

Chen Xiuzhu said, "Wanqing, do you know what this boy is doing abroad?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "tourism."

The story of the tea cup soon spread throughout Yanjing city. Zhao Wanqing told the police in great detail that it was because the staff wanted to be aggressive and patted the table that the teacup was broken. Everyone laughed directly.

The efficiency of the police station is very fast. It has been verified that afternoon that this set of tea set is worth at least 5 million yuan. If one is broken, the price will drop sharply. At most, it will be worth 2 million yuan. That is to say, middle-aged women should pay at least 3 million yuan, much more than Zhao Wanqing said.

The woman fainted when she heard the news.

And things spread all over the Internet.

"It's just normal for these staff to act domineering. They even dare to go to the house of empress yunhuangqing to show their authority. It's right to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot. "

"I can only say that the emperor is too extravagant to entertain guests with a set of tea sets worth five million yuan."

"Luxury? I don't think so. How much money does yunhuangqing have? Trillions of dollars. A set of tea sets, let alone five million, is only a drop in the ocean for two people

"There's no point in talking about it upstairs. It is said that the emperor of cloud fled to America last night. His mobile phone has been turned off. The court can't find anyone at all. "

"Is it that emperor Yun knew that he was doomed and went out? If so, it's all over. "

"The subpoena has arrived in Qinghou's hand. That is to say, within a week, Emperor Yun must appear in court for trial, otherwise, the court will send someone to take him back by force. Oh, I hope the emperor will be OK. "

In a bar, Wang Yangqiu, Qu maoxun and others got together. The original team of six or seven people has suddenly increased to 189. It can be seen that there are many people dealing with the Xiao family.

Wang Yangqiu was a little tipsy, and his eyes were a little confused. He said triumphantly, "what I said is right. As expected, Xiao Yunhai turned off the phone and didn't even answer his wife's phone. It's useless just to delay time

Qu maoxun's eyes flashed and hesitated: "does Xiao Yunhai want to use this time to do something?"

Wang Yangqiu ha ha a smile, disdain said: "can do what? I want to clean myself up, unless I go back to time. Kaifeng, what happened to Zhang Yaqin today? Run to Xiao Yunhai's home and show off your strength. Isn't it a death seeking? Even if Xiao Yunhai goes in, his property will not disappear, not to mention the Xiao family

Li Kaifeng sighed: "my aunt, I want to climb up to our family. This time, it may be to get angry with me, so I took myself into it. It doesn't matter. I've been given three million. "

Wang Yangqiu patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. Now the three million is drizzle. When Xiao Yunhai falls, we will unite to eat up his property in China. Ha ha, now we are not far away from success. Cheers, everyone. "


Yanjing City undercurrent surging, all large and small forces continued to surface, all aimed at the Xiao family.

When Xiao Yunhai left, it was no doubt that he was poor in skills and had to use escape to temporarily alleviate the danger of the Xiao family. The longer it can be delayed, the more powerful the Xiao family will be. In the end, the harm will certainly be much greater than before.

In order to perform the trick well, Xiao Chongyang sent many people to collect evidence to exonerate his nephew. Unfortunately, no trace was found. Even the yama has been cremated after inspection. Where can we find anything else.

As far away as New York, Xiao Yunhai found a film and television company. He had been working on the late stage of "Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance". He stayed for almost three days, and the African oil bidding meeting began.

Xiao Yunhai took Kristi and Gavin Dulles to a five-star hotel in a long version of the bulletproof Great Wall car.

Walking into the meeting room, Terence Bessie saw him at a glance.

Last time, Xiao Yunhai made a big loss of face for Terence Bessie by playing his tricks. At the meeting of the Bessie family, Xiao Yunhai made a cruel joke of his opponent. Fortunately, there was winnissa Bessie with him, otherwise he had to find a crack to drill in, and naturally he had a grudge against Xiao Yunhai."Well, isn't this Mr. Xiao? Can I hear that Huaxia is looking for you to go back to trial? "

Xiao Yunhai's murder case is becoming more and more influential, even ordinary people know it, let alone Terence.

As the richest man in the world who controls trillions of dollars of wealth, if Xiao Yunhai is really in prison, it will undoubtedly have a great impact on Wall Street. These sharks will not miss such a good opportunity. They will certainly attack in groups and divide the industry of Xiao Yunhai into food.

All the well-known oil tycoons from all over the world came to the bidding meeting, including state-owned companies from China, Arab countries and European countries, not to mention dozens of large private companies.

Terence Bessie deliberately turned up his voice, so all the people around him stopped talking and Qiqi set his eyes on Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "they look for them, I play mine, two irrelevant."

Terence Bessie laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao is in a good mood. If it was me, I didn't know what it was like. It's just that I don't understand. Even if you have photographed a lot of oil exploration and exploitation rights in many areas today, what can you do? If you go in, don't you make a wedding dress for others

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Bessie would like me to go in."

Terrence Bessie shook his head and said, "you are wrong. The whole wall street wants you in."


"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Terence Bessie's words, the crowd couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai didn't seem to hear their laughter and said, "I'm afraid I'll let you down."

Terence Bessie said with a smile, "I hope so."

When Xiao Yunhai was free before, no matter where he went, everyone would come to him to talk and exchange greetings. But now after the event, very few people have come.

Xiao Yunhai is rarely quiet. He sits there and talks with Kristi and Dulles.

"It's really a cold world." Xiao Yunhai sneered.

Christie said: "they all think that you may not escape the result of being in prison, so that they can ignore your existence. Mr. Xiao, the summons of Yanjing intermediate people's court has arrived. When are you going to return to China

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you want to ask me how sure I am to escape this robbery, right?"

Christie did not deny it and said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai tentatively asked, "Ms. Kristi, if I really went to prison, what would you do? Just leave me? "

Christie said, "No. I will try my best to assist Miss Zhao and stabilize your company. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a soft smile, "thank you. Don't worry. Everything in China is under my control. I just want to see how many people are against me and our Xiao family. You and Dulles can do whatever you want, regardless of these things. It's my secret, you two, don't pass it on

Christie and Gavin Dulles looked at each other and nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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