Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:44 AM

Chapter 1554

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The auction started soon, first in Congo.

The host will play a pair of electronic areas on the big screen, which draws a lot of blocks, are likely to exist in oil.

As for whether there is, it depends on the luck of the winner.

When Xiao Yunhai went to school in the previous life, he learned about which African countries are rich in oil. Countries like Nigeria, Algeria and Libya are countries with extremely rich oil reserves. But he couldn't figure out the exact location. However, Xiao Yunhai knows that the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa and the Mediterranean coast of North Africa are important oil areas. Even if there are other places, the output will not be too large.

Soon, it was the Gulf of Guinea coastal area. It is divided into more than 30 blocks, and the price of each block is very high, with a base price of $2 billion.

According to the agreement, even if the oil companies find oil here, they will give 30% of the profits to the local countries. So, two billion dollars is already very expensive.

But there is no way. The Gulf of Guinea is known as the Persian Gulf of Africa. Naturally, the competition is the most intense.

Xiao Yunhai wants to win more than 30 plates, which is undoubtedly a dream. As a result, he focused on six blocks in Nigeria, according to previous life memories.

"Three billion dollars." In the face of Nigeria's first block, Xiao Yunhai directly raised the price by one billion yuan, which made many rich people retreat.

The highest price in front of us is only 3.3 billion US dollars, which is very high.

No one knows whether there is oil in it. If there is no oil or the output is low, it will be all over.

"Three and a half billion dollars." Terence Bessie raised the sign with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai turned to look at him and said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Bessie is very optimistic about this place?"

Terrence Bessie shook his head and said, "no, I don't think much of it, but Mr. Shaw. How long has Yunqing oil and gas company been established? You have discovered a super large oil and gas field and a huge gas field in China. Your luck has given me great trust in you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not a fairy. If I don't choose the right one, I'm sorry for you. Four billion dollars. "

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai and Terence Bessie seem to be fighting each other, other companies have given up the bidding and watched the excitement.

It's too expensive to buy an area for four billion dollars.

Naturally, the host would not miss this opportunity and said in a sensational tone: "Mr. Xiao is really a big hand, raising the price to 4 billion. How much will Mr. Bessie bid? Is it higher than him? "

Terence Bessie raised the sign and said, "five billion."

"Five billion. Oh, my God. My ears are right. Mr Bessie added another billion, to five billion, a record. I don't know if Mr. Xiao will let this record...

"six billion." Xiao Yunhai raised the sign and said calmly.

Nigeria is full of oil. In the past, it ranked first in Africa, not to mention 6 billion. Even if it is 10 billion, Xiao Yunhai will take them.

"Well, Mr. Xiao is offering six billion dollars."

Terence Bessie seemed to think for a moment, raised the sign, and said, "six hundred and one billion dollars."

Waiting for the host to speak, Xiao Yunhai said: "6.2 billion."

"6.3 billion."

"6.4 billion."

"6.5 billion."

When Xiao Yunhai reached 7.2 billion yuan, Terence Bessie's face showed a winning smile and said, "if we buy a block with 7.2 billion US dollars, we don't know whether there is oil or not. Mr. Xiao is really rich indeed."

Xiao Yunhai said: "is 7.2 billion dollars a lot? I don't think so. If I find oil down there, it won't be $7.2 billion. "

Terence Bessie said, "I hope you succeed."

In the next five regions, under the deliberate agitation of Terence Bessie, Xiao Yunhai won more than 6 billion US dollars, and the largest one even spent 12.5 billion US dollars.

Xiao Yunhai's wayward, even Christie can't see down, quietly asked: "Mr. Xiao, are we paying too much?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "this is where you go. I think it's very cheap for such a large area to win $63 billion. Don't worry, Christie. The old man's map is clearly marked. If an oil field is found in one of these blocks, the money can be earned back in less than a year. "

Christie nodded, no more persuasion.

In the later bidding, Xiao Yunhai won eight blocks from Libya and Algeria, and together with the other six, Xiao spent a total of $96.3 billion.

"Is Kung Fu Xiao crazy?"

"I think so. We have bought 14 areas of exploration and development rights for us $96.3 billion. If there is nothing, he will not cry. ""Is he breaking the pot. When you know you're going to die, you're going to mess. "

"Terrence Bessie is cruel. If it wasn't for him, Kung Fu Xiao would have cost about $60 billion. But now we have spent more than 30 billion dollars, which is really a big loss. "

The rich looked at Xiao Yunhai as if he were a fool.

Xiao Yunhai has a cold hum in his heart. After the discovery of oil fields in these areas, you can't cry if you want.

Terence Bessie walked up to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry to have cost you more than 30 billion dollars. No way. Our company is also interested in your 14 areas. "

Terence Bessie won 15 regions this time. The price is not high, which is less than half of Xiao Yunhai's.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I once had people investigate and think that there is likely to be oil in these areas. Maybe because of them, the reserves of our Yunqing oil and gas company will exceed that of you

In the past, Africa's five countries, Nigeria, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Angola, accounted for 85% of Africa's total oil production. If Egypt and Angola were still here, Xiao Yunhai would have spent another 50 billion yuan on it.

Terence Bessie laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw, even if your company can surpass us, you may not be able to see it. When you return to China for trial, I will certainly attend. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "then you'd better apply to the Yanjing intermediate people's court now. If it's later, you won't have a seat."

Just then Gavin Dulles's phone rang.

"What? Oil exploration? Great. I will report to Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and asked, "what's the matter?"

Gavin Dulles said excitedly, "the exploration team we sent to Venezuela said that we found oil and the quality was very good."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. You see, Mr. Bessie, our company's oil reserves have increased again. "

Terrence Bessie snorted, "tens of millions of barrels of oil is of little use. Mr. Xiao, after lunch, we are going to have a little play. I don't know if you're interested? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "good. I'm fine anyway

Terrence Bessie said, "then wait for my call."

After Terence Bessie left, Christie looked worried and said, "Mr. Xiao, you..."

Xiao Yunhai showed a confident look and said, "you can go back after you have completed the procedures. Don't worry. I know it in my mind. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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