Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:41 AM

Chapter 1556

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After completing the procedures, five people sat down on a gambling table. Xiao Yunhai also put an instruction manual on the rules of Soha in front of him.

A beauty brought coffee, Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "excuse me, is there any Chinese tea here? I'm not interested in this coffee."


A beauty immediately changed a cup of fragrant Longjing. Xiao Yunhai smelled it and nodded with satisfaction.

Those economists, lawyers and service personnel all stepped aside, each with a pile of chips. The red one was 100 million dollars, the blue one was one billion dollars, and the yellow one was ten billion dollars.

The game officially begins.

Because Xiao Yunhai is just an experience, so he didn't bet. Others threw 100 million US dollars into it as the bottom bet.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai is not ignorant of the rules. After reading the manual, the contents of it have been clearly recorded by him.

It's just that he needs to find a way to win, which means to experience it.

This experience, then experienced the entire ten games, Xiao Yunhai finally found the way to defeat the enemy, that is, the heartbeat.

If it is the God of gamblers, it is sure to be able to control their own psychological activities, to ensure that there will not be any flaws, but in front of the four obviously do not have this ability.

Like that abd, although there is no expression on his face, his heart beat twice faster when he steals a chicken. When the cards are big, the heartbeat is not very obvious.

And Terrence Bessie, probably because he was young, was very adventurous. On the contrary, when he gets a good card, his heart beats very fast. If he steals a chicken, it is much slower.

Joseph and ekelam also have their own problems.

They may have never dreamed that Xiao Yunhai should have such a skill.

"Mr. Xiao, you've all experienced ten. Can we officially start?" Terence Bessie, who has just won $12 billion, is in high spirits and says with a glance at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I think it's almost the same. I'll be on the court in this game

With that, he threw a chip into it.

All four people were shocked and threw 100 million chips on the table.

Xiao Yunhai's luck is very good, the first card is spades a, let him speak.

Xiao Yunhai took a look at the bottom card, and with a smile on his face, he said: "I didn't expect that the first chance is so good. Billion. "

Joseph took a sip of his cigar and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, it's really extraordinary. OK, I'll follow

Because only dealt two cards, everyone did not know what kind of cards they would have next, so no one gave up.

The third card, Xiao Yunhai only got a spade three, the other people's cards are not big, by aikailamu's heart ten talk, his card has two ten, so did not think about it, he threw in two billion dollars.

Abd and Terrence Bessie both took a bad hand and gave up.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and said with a wry smile, "this is to let me bet on the same flower. Well, I'll talk to you

Behind Joseph's face is a square 2 and a heart J, he looked at the cards, shook his head, gave up.

Only Xiao Yunhai and aikailamu are left on the field.

Seeing that the fourth card was spade 8, aikailamu said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, I advise you to give up."

Xiao Yunhai put the spade J on the table and said with a smile, "it seems that the same flower is bigger than your three 10's?"

Aikailamu's face changed and said, "is your card really a spade? Why don't I believe it? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you don't believe it, you can try it. Anyway, the last card is for you to talk."

Aikailamu's expression suddenly became dignified. He looked at Xiao Yunhai's face closely. Xiao Yunhai was not afraid at all, but looked at him in turn.

"Mr. Xiao really doesn't look like a first-time Soha player." Aikailamu tried.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm an actor. I'm good at controlling my emotions. Don't waste your time on me, Mr. ekelam. Please

Aikailamu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his momentum suddenly soared. He said, "let's compare whose luck is better. 20 billion, no, 30 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said with ease, "since you are so interested, how can I not accompany you. 30 billion dollars, no problem. Lose the money and go home to have a rest. "

The atmosphere of the game suddenly became extremely dignified, because the table had reached $69.5 billion.

Aikailamu opened the last card and said with great joy, "Mr. Xiao, your luck seems to be bad."

He opened the card face, suddenly is a 10, so that he has three 10.

Xiao Yunhai opened his own card, said: "my luck is not bad, spade Q."

Ignoring AI kailamu's ugly expression, Xiao Yunhai said: "ha ha, if you want to see my bottom card, it's not a simple thing. I SohaHis heart beat is not based on AI's heart.

AI Kaila Multon fell into a dilemma. He suspected that Xiao Yunhai was not the same flower at all. If so, he would win. But in case of the same flower, I would lose nearly 100 billion dollars to him.

AI kailamu was a little difficult to make a decision. After a long time, he leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and said, "I don't follow."

The other three looked at him in surprise and admired his final decision. It's hard to stop the car for someone else.

"In this game, Mr. Xiao Yunhai won."

He Guan said while pushing the chips to Xiao Yunhai.

Aikailamu asked, "Mr. Xiao, can you tell me if you are the same flower?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "your choice is very correct. If it's not for the same flower, I'm not looking for death. "

Ekera Morton breathed a long sigh of relief.

In just one game, Xiao Yunhai won a full $69.4 billion.

It's no wonder that everyone likes gambling. It's too fast to get money.

Terence Bessie clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Mr. Shaw, you can be a master."

Although aikailamu lost money, he showed great grace and said, "Mr. Bessie is right. Mr. Xiao is learning too fast. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's just luck. Ha ha, no wonder everyone said that gambling is psychological warfare. I think the knowledge in it is really great. "

In the second game, Xiao Yunhai's luck was not so good. He gave up after throwing down $2.1 billion. AI Kaila mu, who lost the last game, became the final winner, winning $143.2 billion. Most of the money was given to Terrence Bessie and abd, who made the last move with him.

Joseph seems to be very calm in playing cards. For such a long time, Xiao Yunhai has never seen him take risks.

In the next few games, Xiao Yunhai won a game, got only a few billion dollars and lost more than 10 billion.

I can't help it. If you want to see how your cards are, you need at least three cards. However, in the first round, you have to throw in a lot of money. 10 billion is not much compared with other people.

At this moment, the opportunity finally came.

Xiao Yunhai's face is a pair of K, Terence Bessie is a and 7 hearts, abd is a pair of Q, the other two people look at the card is not good, straight away.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my luck is really out of control. It's not said, 50 billion dollars. "

Abd looked serious and said, "I'm with you."

Terence Bessie thought about it and said, "I'm with you."

The fourth card, Xiao Yunhai only got an 8, Terence Bessie is a peach 5, abd got a 7.

Xiao Yunhai is the biggest one, and he talks again.

Xiao Yunhai frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "this is the only way to win or lose. I Soha

He immediately counted Xiao Yunhai's chips and said, "Mr. Xiao's chips are 112.3 billion US dollars. Mr Bessie and Mr Abdel need to buy chips if they want to follow

Abd bit his lip and, after a struggle on his face, said, "I'll follow you."

Terence Bessie said, "I'll follow you too."

Each of them exchanged 100 billion dollars in chips, and the game continued.

Dutch officer will be the last card out, Xiao Yunhai get the third K.

Terence is a heart 3, if the card is a heart, then it constitutes the same flower.

Abd also won another 7, forming a pair of 7 and Q.

According to the rules of the game, three plus a pair are larger than the same flower, and four are larger than the two.

Therefore, all three have the hope of winning and the possibility of losing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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